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People go to church and say,

" God, give us our daily bread. "



Actually, if He did not give it to

us, we would not be able to live.



That is a fact. The Vedas also say

that the one Supreme Personality



supplies all the necessities of

every other living creature. God is



supplying food for everyone. We

human beings have our economic problem,



but what economic problem is there

in societies other than human



society? The bird society has no

economic problem. The species of life,



and out of that, human society is

very, very small. So they have created



problems--what to eat, where to

sleep, how to mate, how to defend. These



are a problem to us, but the

majority of creatures--the aquatics, the



fish, the plants, the insects, the

birds, the beasts, and the many



millions upon millions of other

living creatures--do not have such a



problem. They are also living

creatures. Don't think that they are



different from us. It is not true that

we human beings are the only



living creatures and that all others

are dead. No. And who is providing



their food and shelter? It is God.

The plants and animals are not going



to the office. They are not going to

the university to get technological



education to earn money. So how are

they eating? God is supplying. The



elephant eats hundreds of pounds of

food. Who is supplying? Are you



making arrangements for the

elephant? There are millions of elephants.



Who is supplying?



So the process of acknowledging that

God is supplying is better



than thinking, " God is dead.

Why should we go to church and pray to God



for bread? " In the

Bhagavad-gita it is said, " Four kinds of people come



to Krsna: the distressed, those who

are in need of money, the wise, and



the inquisitive. " One who is

inquisitive, one who is wise, one who is



distressed, and one who is in need

of money--these four classes of men



approach God. " My dear God, I

am very hungry. Give me my daily bread. "



That's nice. Those who approach God

in this way are recommended as



sukrtinah. Sukrti means

" pious. " They are pious. Although they are



asking for money, for food, they are

considered pious because they are



approaching God. And others are just

the opposite. They are duskrtinah,



impious. Krti means " very

meritorious, " but the word duskrti indicates



that their energy is being misused

to create havoc. Just like the man



who invented atomic weapons. He has

a brain, but it has been misused. He



has created something that is

dreadful. Create something that will



insure that man will no longer have

to die. What is the use of creating



something so that millions of people

will immediately die? They will die



today or tomorrow or after a hundred

years. So what have the scientists



done? Create something so that man

will not die immediately, so that



there will be no more disease, so

that there will be no more old age.



Then you will have done something.

But the duskrtinas never go to God.



They never try to understand God.

Therefore their energy is misdirected.



The gross materialists who ignore

their relationship with God are



described in the Bhagavad-gita as

mudhas. Mudha means " ass, " " donkey. "



Those who are working very, very

hard to earn money are compared to the



donkey. They will eat the same four

capatis [whole-wheat bread-patties]



daily, but they are unnecessarily

working to earn thousands of dollars.



And others are described as

naradhama. Naradhama means " the lowest of



mankind. " The human form of

life is meant for God realization. It is the



right of man to try to realize God.

One who understands Brahman, God, is



a brahmana, not others. So that is

the duty of this human form of life.



In every human society there is some

system that is called " religion "



and by which one may try to

understand God. It doesn't matter whether it



is the Christian religion, the

Muhammadan religion, or the Hindu



religion. It doesn't matter. The

system is to understand God and our



relationship with Him. That's all.

This is the duty of the human beings,



and if this duty is ignored in human

society, then it is animal society.



Animals have no power to understand

what is God and their relationship



with God. Their only interests are

eating, sleeping, mating, and



defending. If we are only concerned

with these things, then what are we?



We are animals. Therefore the

Bhagavad-gita says that those who ignore



this opportunity are the

" lowest of mankind. " They got births and yet



did not utilize it for God

realization but simply for the animal



propensities. Therefore they are

naradhama, the lowest of mankind. And



there are other persons who are very

proud of their knowledge. But what



is that knowledge? " There is no

God. I am God. " Their actual knowledge



has been taken away by maya. If they

are God, then how have they become



dog? There are so many arguments

against them, but they simply defy God.



Atheism. Because they have taken to

the process of atheism, their actual



knowledge is stolen away. Actual

knowledge means to know what is God and



our relationship with God. If one

does not know this, then it is to be



understood that his knowledge has

been taken away by maya.



So in this way, if we try to

understand our relationship with God,



there are ways and means. There are

books, and there is knowledge, so



why not take advantage of them?

Everyone should take advantage of this



knowledge. Try to understand that in

the Bhagavad-gita and other Vedic



literatures, everywhere, it is said

that God is great and that although



we are qualitatively one with God,

we are minute. The ocean and the



minute particle of water have the

same quality, but the quantity of salt



in the drop of water and the

quantity of salt in the ocean are



different. They are qualitatively

one but quantitatively different.



Similarly, God is all-powerful, and

we have some power. God creates



everything, and we can create a small

machine to fly, just like the



small machines with which children

play. But God can create millions of



planets flying in the air. That is

the qualification of God. You cannot



create any planets. Even if you can

create a planet, what is the benefit



of that? There are millions of

planets created by God. But you also have



the creative power. God has power,

and you have power. But His is so



great that yours cannot compare to

it. If you say, " I am God, " that is



foolishness. You can claim that you

are God, but what acts have you



performed so extraordinary that you

can claim that you are God? This is



ignorance. The knowledge of one who

thinks himself God has been taken



away by the spell of maya. So our

relationship is that God is great and



we are minute. In the Bhagavad-gita

Krsna clearly says, " All living



entities are My parts and parcels.

Qualitatively they are one with Me,



but quantitatively they are

different. " So we are simultaneously one



with and different from God. That is

our relationship. We are one



because we have the same qualities

as God. But if we study ourselves



minutely, we will find that although

we have some great qualities, God



has them all in greater quantities.









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