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Jnanappana to Improve Your Bhakti-Yoga ...( Part 10 of 12)

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Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Krishna and Vaishanavas ! ,


"Jnanappana " ( Song of Knowledge) is a divine hymn . Bhagavan Krishna inspired His Devotee-Poet Poonthanam to write it . It's draft copy was edited by Bhagavan Himself .

The following Sloka # 50 to 54 , explain the beauty of Bhagavan Krishna's grace , easily available to His Devotees :


If Salvation is Sun , wealth is mere Fire-ply .

Baby Krishna charms the Vaishnavas with His divine pastimes . There own Sons are nothing in comparison .

Krishna's Yoga-maya is enchanting . But worldly entertainments are boring .

Our real wealth is stored in Earth ( which is our real house) .

Krishna is our Father and Earth is our Mother . They are our true protectors .


( Sloka # 50 to 54 )

Sloka – 50

When we should really long for Salvation,why should we e madly pursue the gain of wealth ?

When the Sun shines brightly in the noon,why should we long for the Fire-fly ?

Note : The chase for wealth instead of salvation appears to be like a chase for the Fire- fly when there is Sun to give light .

Sloka – 51

When the little babe Krishna is playing in the mind,do we need other babies as our Sons ? ,We do have large bevy of Ffriends , O God ,for are there not Vishnu-devotees in this world !!! .

Note : Poet Poonthanam lost his baby Son tragically and does not have any body to depend on . He feels that when Bhagavan Sree Krishna is there as a divine Baby, where is the need for own Son. And when Vishnu-Devotees are there , where is the need for other Friends ! .

Sloka – 52

When we see the divine plays ( of Baby Krishna) ,all worldly plays are boring .

Note : Bhagavan Krihnna's Yoga- Maya is absolutely enchanting . When compared to it, the worldly the entertainments in this world is really boring .

Sloka – 53

All the wealth in this world,is in this house of Earth for us.

Note : All our wealth in this world is in this Earth which is our house .

Sloka – 54

Bhagavan Viswanatha is our Father,and the Mother of us all is this moving Earth .Thus we have both the Father and Mother ,

and these Parents would look after us for ever.

Note : Bhagavan Krishna is our Father and Earth is our Mother . These two Parents are our true protectors .

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!!


SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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