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Krishna Never Desired Any Woman !!!!

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Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Krishna and Vaishanavas ! ,

Sree Krishna is the biggest mystery.Only His devotees know about Krishna's real nature .

Since , He has (16008) wives , Krishna is a womanizer to the foolish Atheists and Secularists .

Krishna, the Greatest "Brahmachari" ( Celibate)

Krishna has never ever desired a woman . All His (8) Queens, ( Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavathi, Kalindi, Mithravinda , Sathya , Bhadra and Lakshmana) , had been ardent devotees of Krishna . And they were determined to give up life , if failed to marry Him . `Bhakthavalsala' merely rewarded, by marrying them .

The fearsome `Narakasura' had kidnapped and imprisoned (16000) Princesses . When Krishna killed him and set them free , these unfortunate girls had no place to go . No honorable Man would accept them because for long they were in the custody of a Demon . They all fell at Krishna's feet begging Him to become Husband . moved by their "Saranaagathi", Bhagavan mercifully married them .

The Supreme Renounciant , Sri Krishna !

Krishna assumed (16008) different Forms to be with His each wife . As a dutiful husband, He fulfilled all their needs . But , personally, He was totally detached from all desires. As the embodiment of "Sat-Chit-Anandam" ( eternal bliss) , Bhagavan never required any such pleasures . Bhagavan merely blessed His Devotee-wives by fulfilling their wishes .

The Ultimate Proof

When `Aswathama' killed Uthara's ( wife of Abmimanyu) unborn baby , "Saptarshis" , the topmost ( 7) Rishis were present there . But none could restore the Child's life because only a totally sinless Person could do it . At last , Bhagavan Krishna came forward and bestowed life to the Child . The great Rishis hailed Sri Krishna as the "Purest Personality " in the entire Universe !!! .

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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