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Fwd: The Self is Engaged in God, Not the Mind

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Hare Krsna All are independent when it comes to giving up the inert, because the inert is of a different class. A spiritual aspirant engages his mind more and more, entirely in God. Mind is a part of nature and is of the same property as nature i.e. it is inert. Whereas God is consciousness. Therefore how can the mind engage in God ? Inert will only remain engaged in the inert, how will inert engage in consciousness ? In reality, it is the Self (swayam, atma) that is engaged in God, not the mind. It is man's nature that it engages in only that which the mind engages in. In engaging the mind in worldy matters, it becomes engaged in the world. When one engages the mind in God, then the mind does not engage, but the Self itself becomes engaged in God. When the mind is removed from worldly matters and engaged in God, mind disappears, it is wiped out. In Srimad Bhagavat God has said - "Vishayaan dhyaayatchrintam vishayeshu

vishajjateMaamnusmaratschitam mayyeva pravileeyate. " (Srimad Bhagavat 11:14:27) "By dwelling in the sense objects, mind becomes trapped in them, and by meditating and remembering Me, mind becomes immersed in Me, i.e. the mind becomes non-existent. " In fulfillment of desires there is future, but for the fulfillment of necessities there is no future period. This is because worldly objects are not present in every place and at all times ; but God is present at all times. Even if you are unable to experience this, simply close your eyes, blind foldedly believe that God is present every where - "Bahirantschr bhootaanaamcharan charmeva che." (Gita 13:15) "That Universal Soul is present inside out permeating in all beings, and is also present in the form of moving and non-moving beings as well." In this manner, in all places, at all times, in all things, in all beings, in all activities, in all states (dream, waking, sleep), under all circumstances,

if one sees God. then desires will be wiped out and the essential requirements in life will be met. The Supersoul is the original source of all senses, yet He is without senses. He is unattached, although He is the maintainer of all living beings. He transcends the modes of nature, and at the same time He is the master of all modes of material nature. GITA 13:15 The Supreme Lord, although the source of all the senses of the living entities, doesn't have material senses like they have. Actually, the individual souls have spiritual senses, but in conditioned life they are covered with the material elements, and therefore the sense activities are exhibited through matter. The Supreme Lord's senses are not so covered. His senses are transcendental and are

therefore called nirguna. Guna means the material modes, but His senses are without material covering. It should be understood that His senses are not exactly like ours. Although He is the source of all our sensual activities, He has His transcendental senses which are uncontaminated. This is very nicely explained in the Svetasvatara Upanisad in the verse: sarvatah pani-padam. The Supreme Personality of Godhead has no hands which are materially contaminated, but He has His hands and accepts whatever sacrifice is offered to Him. That is the distinction between the conditioned soul and the Supersoul. He has no material eyes, but He has eyes--otherwise how could He see? He sees everything, past, present and future. He lives within the heart of the living being, and He knows what we have done in the past, what we are doing now, and what is awaiting us in the future. This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita: He knows everything, but no one

knows Him. It is said that the Supreme Lord has no legs like us, but He can travel throughout space because He has spiritual legs. In other words, the Lord is not impersonal; He has His eyes, legs, hands and everything else, and because we are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord we also have these things. But His hands, legs, eyes and senses are not contaminated by material nature. Bhagavad-gita also confirms that when the Lord appears He appears as He is by His internal potency. He is not contaminated by the material energy because He is the Lord of material energy. In the Vedic literature we find that His whole embodiment is spiritual. He has His eternal form called sac-cid-ananda-vigraha. He is full of all opulence. He is the proprietor of all wealth and the owner of all energy. He is the most intelligent and is full of knowledge. These are some of the symptoms of the Supreme

Personality of Godhead. He is maintainer of all living entities and the witness of all activity. As far as we can understand from Vedic literature, the Supreme Lord is always transcendental. Although we do not see His head, face, hands, or legs, He has them, and when we are elevated to the transcendental situation then we can see the Lord's form. Due to materially contaminated senses, we cannot see His form. Therefore the impersonalists who are still materially affected cannot understand the Personality of Godhead.

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