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Those persons who are materially

engrossed, being blind to the knowledge of ultimate truth, have

many subject matters for hearing in human society, O Emperor.PURPORTIn the revealed scriptures there are

two nomenclatures for the householder's life. One is grhastha,

and the other is grhamedhi. The grhasthas are those who live

together with wife and children but live transcendentally for realizing the

ultimate truth. The grhamedhis, however, are those who live only for

the benefit of the family members, extended or centralized, and thus

are envious of others. The word medhi indicates jealousy of others. The

grhamedhis, being interested in family affairs only, are certainly envious

of others. Therefore, one grhamedhi is not on good terms with another

grhamedhi, and in the extended form, one community, society or nation is

not on good terms with another counterpart of selfish interest. In

the age of Kali, all the householders

are jealous of one another because

they are blind to the knowledge of ultimate truth. They have many

subject matters for hearing--political, scientific, social, economic and so

on--but due to a poor fund of knowledge, they set aside the

question of the ultimate miseries of life, namely miseries of birth, death, old

age and disease. Factually, the human life is meant for making an

ultimate solution to birth, death, old age and disease, but the grhamedhis,

being illusioned by the material nature, forget everything about

self-realization. The ultimate solution to the problems of life is to go

back home, back to Godhead, and thus, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita (8.16),

the miseries of material existence-- birth, death, old age and

disease--are removed.

The process of going back home, back

to Godhead, is to hear about the Supreme Lord and His name, form,

attributes, pastimes, paraphernalia and variegatedness. Foolish people do

not know this. They want to hear

something about the name, form,

etc., of everything temporary, and they do not know how to utilize this

propensity of hearing for the ultimate good. Misguided as they are, they

also create some false literatures

about the name, form, attributes,

etc., of the ultimate truth. One should not, therefore, become a grhamedhi

simply to exist for envying others; one should become a real householder

in terms of the scriptural injunctions.


The lifetime of such an envious

householder is passed at night either in sleeping or in sex indulgence,

and in the daytime either in making money or maintaining family members.

PURPORT The present human civilization is

primarily based on the principles of sleeping and sex indulgence at night

and earning money in the day and spending the same for family

maintenance. Such a form of human civilization is condemned by the

Bhagavata school. Because human life is a combination

of matter and spirit soul, the

whole process of Vedic knowledge is

directed at liberating the spirit soul from the contamination of

matter. The knowledge concerning this is called atma-tattva. Those men who

are too materialistic are unaware of

this knowledge and are more inclined

to economic development for material enjoyment. Such materialistic men

are called karmis, or fruitive laborers, and they are allowed

regulated economic development or association of woman for sex

indulgence. Those who are above the karmis, that is, the jnanis, yogis and

devotees, are strictly prohibited from sex indulgence. The karmis are more or

less devoid of atma-tattva knowledge, and as such, their life is spent

without spiritual profit. The human life is not meant for hard labor for

economic development, nor is it meant for sex indulgence like that of the dogs

and hogs. It is specially meant for making a solution to the problems of

material life and the miseries thereof. So the karmis waste their

valuable human life by sleeping and sex indulgence at night, and by

laboring hard in the daytime to accumulate wealth, and after doing

so, they try to improve the standard of materialistic life. The

materialistic way of life is described herein in a nutshell, and how foolishly men

waste the boon of human life is described as follows.TEXT 4

Persons devoid of atma-tattva do not

inquire into the problems of life, being too attached to the

fallible soldiers like the body, children and wife. Although sufficiently

experienced, they still do not see their inevitable destruction.PURPORT

This material world is called the

world of death. Every living being, beginning from Brahma, whose

duration of life is some thousands of millions of years, down to the germs

who live for a few seconds only, is

struggling for existence. Therefore,

this life is a sort of fight with material nature, which imposes death

upon all. In the human form of life, a living being is competent enough

to come to an understanding of this

great struggle for existence, but

being too attached to family members, society, country, etc., he wants to

win over the invincible material nature by the aid of bodily

strength, children, wife, relatives, etc. Although he is sufficiently

experienced in the matter by dint of past experience and previous examples of

his deceased predecessors, he does not see that the so-called fighting

soldiers like the children, relatives, society members and

countrymen are all fallible in the great struggle. One should examine the

fact that his father or his father's

father has already died, and that he

himself is therefore also sure to die, and similarly, his children,

who are the would be fathers of their children, will also die in due

course. No one will survive in this struggle with material nature. The

history of human society definitely proves it, yet the foolish people

still suggest that in the future they will be able to live perpetually,

with the help of material science. This poor fund of knowledge exhibited by

human society is certainly misleading, and it is all due to

ignoring the constitution of the living

soul. This material world exists

only as a dream, due to our attachment to it. Otherwise, the living soul is

always different from the material nature. The great ocean of material

nature is tossing with the waves of

time, and the so-called living

conditions are something like foaming bubbles, which appear before us as

bodily self, wife, children, society, countrymen, etc. Due to a lack of

knowledge of self, we become victimized

by the force of ignorance and thus

spoil the valuable energy of human life in a vain search after

permanent living conditions, which are impossible in this material world. Our friends, relatives and so-called

wives and children are not only fallible, but also bewildered by the

outward glamor of material existence. As such, they cannot save

us. Still we think that we are safe within the orbit of family, society

or country. The whole materialistic advancement

of human civilization is like the decoration of a dead body. Everyone

is a dead body flapping only for a few days, and yet all the energy of

human life is being wasted in the decoration of this dead body.

Sukadeva Gosvami is pointing out the duty of the human being after showing the

actual position of bewildered human activities. Persons who are devoid

of the knowledge of atma-tattva are misguided, but those who are

devotees of the Lord and have perfect realization of transcendental knowledge



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