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Imagine of you were present in those days when Lord Krishna was on

this earth! Imagine that you were all disciples of Krishna! Imagine

that you were eagerly waiting to hear what Krishna said to Arjuna in

the battlefield! Now, this was what everyone sought most of all,

because few had the ability to hear transcendentally. Ved Vyasa heard

it and wrote it down, as it was spoken.Sanjaya heard it and spoke it

out to Dhritrashtra.


If you were among the mystics you would have seen or heard the Gita.

As of today, in Kaliyuga, we are still hearing and reading it, thanks

to Srila Vyas Deva first of all who wrote it down, and thanks to

Srila Prabhupada who translated it in so many languages.


So we all must be eagerly waiting to hear from Srila prabhupada's

books what Lord Krishna spoke to Arjuna. We must always be

enthusiastic about the words of Krishna. We might read other

spiritual books, but remember the purest scriptures are Srimad

Bhagvad Gita and Srimad Bhagvatam.Except for the Upanishads and Vedas, most

other literature that followed came after the Gita was spoken.Only the

Upanishads and Vedas existed much before the Gita was spoken.


Nectar flows from the very name of the Lord! Make it a point to chant

at least 16 rounds everyday. Surely the nectar will start flowing

from the first utterance of the holy name of Krishna. Make sure your

mind does not wander to other subjects, as they steal from this

nectar to ensure their sustenance.Water the tree of Bhakti,do not let

shrubs and weeds grow in your mind. Be a pure reflection of Krishna's

words. Always quote from the Gita whenever you get a chance to do so,

in public, or at home.May the nectar keep flowing.


All glories to Srila Krishna Dvaipanya Vyasa Deva!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to devotees of Lord Sri Krishna!


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare!

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare!

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