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Love for Krsna, devotion for Krsna,

is within everyone's heart, but we have forgotten. So this Krsna consciousness movement is simply meant for awakening that dormant love, by giving

everyone the chance to hear about Krsna. This is the process. For instance, when you are sleeping,

I have to call you loudly. "Mr. Suchand- such! Such-and-such! Get up! You

have to tend to this business." No other senses will act when you are

sleeping. But the ear will act. Therefore in this age, when people are so fallen that

they will not listen to anything, if we chant this Hare Krsna maha-mantra they'll

be awakened to Krsna consciousness. This is practical. So if we are

actually anxious for peace and tranquillity in society, then we must be very

serious about understanding Krsna. That is my request. Don't take the Krsna

consciousness movement lightly. This movement can solve all the

problems of life, all the problems in the world. Social, political,

philosophical, religious, economic--everything can be solved by Krsna consciousness.

Therefore, we request those who are leaders--like His Excellency, who is present

here--to try to understand this Krsna consciousness movement. It is very

scientific and authorized. It is not a mental concoction or a sentimental

movement. It is a most scientific movement. So we are inviting all leaders from all

countries to try to understand. If you are sober, if you are actually

reasonable, you'll understand that this Krsna consciousness movement is the most

sublime movement for the welfare of the whole human society. Anyone may come--we are prepared to

discuss this subject matter. The ultimate goal of human life is to achieve

immortality. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti.

This is our mission, but we have

forgotten this. We are simply leading the life of cats and dogs, without any

knowledge that we can achieve that perfection of life where there will be no more

birth, no more death. We do not even understand that there is the possibility of

amrtatvam, immortality. But it is totally possible. Nobody wants to die.

Nobody wants to become an old man. Nobody wants to become diseased. This is our

natural inclination. Why? Because originally, in our spiritual form, there is no

birth, no death, no old age, no disease. So after moving through the

evolutionary process, up through the aquatics, plants, trees, birds, when at last we come

to this human form of body--then we should know what the goal of life is. The

goal of life is amrtatvam, to become immortal. Immortal you can become, simply by

becoming Krsna conscious. Krsna says it. It is a fact. We simply have to

understand. Janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah. If you try to

understand Krsna in truth, then tyaktva deham punar janma naiti: After giving up

this body, you won't have to accept any more material bodies. And as soon as you

don't accept any more material bodies, that

means you have become immortal. The

thing is, by nature we are immortal. And Krsna comes here to teach us this


mamaivamso jiva-lokejiva-bhutah sanatanah

manah-sasthanindriyaniprakrti-sthani karsati

"You are immortal by nature. As

spirit soul, you are part and parcel of Me. I am immortal, and so you are also

immortal. Unnecessarily, you are trying to be happy in this material world."

(Bhagavad-gita 15.7) You have already tried and tried to

find happiness in sensuous life, through so many bodies--as cats, as dogs, as demigods, as trees, as plants, as insects. So now that you have a human body,

with its higher intelligence, don't be captivated by sensuous life. Just

try to understand Krsna. That is the verdict of the Vedic literatures. Nayam deho

deha-bhajam nrloke kastan kaman arhate vidbhujam ye (Srimad-Bhagavatam 5.5.1): To

work very hard like dogs and hogs for sense gratification is not the

proper ambition of human life; human life is meant for a little austerity. Tapo

divyam putraka yena sattvam suddhyet: We have to purify our existence; that is the

mission of human life. Why should we purify our existence? Brahma-saukhyam tv

anantam: Because then we will get spiritual realization, the unlimited, endless

pleasure and happiness. That is real pleasure, real happiness:

ramante yogino 'nantesatyananda-cid-atman

iti rama-padenasauparam brahmabhidhiyate

"The mystics derive unlimited

transcendental pleasures from the Absolute Truth, and therefore the Supreme Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, is also known as Rama." [Padma

Purana] All the great saintly persons of

India have cultivated this spiritual knowledge so nicely and fully.

Formerly, people used to go to India to find out about spiritual life. Even Jesus

Christ went there. And yet we are not taking advantage of it. It is not that

these literatures and directions are meant only for the Indians or for the Hindus or

for the brahmanas. No. They are meant for everyone, because Krsna claims, aham

bija-pradah pita: "I am everyone's father." Therefore, He is very anxious to

make us peaceful and happy. Just as an ordinary father wants to see that his son is

well situated and happy, similarly Krsna wants to see every one of us well

situated and happy. Therefore He comes sometimes. This is the purpose of



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