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Krishna Kathamrita Bindu #170

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Our humble obeisances!Jaya Sri Sri Guru Gauranga!You will find attached to this text issue #170 of Sri Krishna KathamritaBindu.~*~*~*~*~*~*~IN THIS ISSUE~*~*~*~*~*~*~

* " High Class Not Mass " -- In this letter, His Divine Grace A. C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada instructs how to attract educated people toKrishna consciousness.* " Tolerance " -- Excerpts from the teachings of Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode on

this important quality.* " Gangadevi's Love for Lord Gauranga " -- A story from Srila Lochan DasThakur's " Caitanya Mangala " .* " Drink the Sweet Nectar of the King of Mantras " -- A song glorifying the

holy name by the medieval Gaudiya Vaishnava poet Jagadananda.* " Obeisances to the Gopis " -- A verse from Srila Rupa Goswami's " UjjvalaNilamani " .-------------------------COMING IN OUR NEXT ISSUE:

-------------------------Issue 171 of Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu will focus on the life andwritings of the medieval Gaudiya author, Srila Yadunandan Das.Vaishnava pada dhuli o kripa prarthi, Madhavananda Das, editor

==========================================READERS COMMENTS================The last issue was really nice. I particularly liked Srila Prabhupada'sarticle, " Reform is Better than Rejection "

-- Raghunandan Das, UKI very much appreciate your efforts to serve Hari, Guru and the Vaishnavas.As you say on your home page, krishna-katha is THE panacea.-- Narayan DasIt is really nice to read the Bindu Magazine. In particular I highly

recommend everyone in ISKCON to read KK Bindu #167. It is very educationalfor our Krishna consciousness. Issue 167 included a purport by Srila Viswanath Chakravarti Thakur whereinhe glorifies the family life of the Vrajavasis, the eternal associate of

Krishna. As seen in the light of SB 4.22.40, (as quoted by ViswanathChakravarti) grihastha devotees are much better than the non-devotee marriedcouples. Viswanath then glorifies Krishna's eternal associates, who although

in grihastha life, are 1,000 times better than other grihasthas.Through the Bindu magazine I still feel the presence of HH Gaura GovindaMaharaja who gave me some wonderful siksa. My prostrated pranams at thelotus feet of His Divine Grace Gour Govinda Maharaja who went everywhere and

flooded everyone with krishna-katha.-- Payonidhi Das======================We hope you will find Bindu a valuable tool for your bhajan and preaching.Please tell others about this free service, and, if possible, print out a

copy and post it on your community bulletin board.If you want to from this service just send an email tominimag and type " Un " in the subject line, and please

accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused. Each Bindu is an easilydigestible four pages long, and will be published in " PDF " format. To readthem you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or later installed on

your system. Adobe Acrobat Reader is free software. If you do not alreadyhave a copy, you can download it from:http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html

Look for the little blue hands at the end of each column. Click on one andit will take you to where the text continues.For the convenience of our readers that use screen reader software andhand-held devices to read Bindu, we use PDF " embedded tags " .

Please know that any letters to the editor may be published. If you wouldprefer your correspondence to not be, please inform us.Our readers should kindly note that occasionally we humbly present our own

realizations for the pleasure of Hari, guru, and the vaishnavas. Followingstandard journalistic style, Bindu's policy is simply to omit the author'sname on such articles.Invite the congregation to - it will help keep them connected! Sri

Krishna Kathamrita Bindu will always be free of politics and institutionalbashing or promotion. Just simply nectarean Krishna Katha! To download backissues of Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu or to find out more about Gopal Jiu

Publications, please visit our web site:www.gopaljiu.org " This chanting should go on. Instead of meetings, resolutions, dissolutions,revolutions and then no solutions, there should be chanting. "

- His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, from Lilamrita Vol.6p.182-- ChantHare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare II Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare II

--is the sublime method for reviving our Krsna consciousness. As living spiritual souls we are all originally Krsna conscious entities, but due to our asociation with matter since time immemorial, our consciousness is now poluted by material atmosphere. In this polluted concept of life, we are all trying to exploit the resources of material nature, but actually we are becoming more and more entangled in our complexities. This illusion is called Maya, or hard struggle for existence over the stringent laws of material nature. This illusory struggle against the material nature can at once be stopped by revival of our Krsna consciousness.

And Be Happy

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