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The Vision of Oneness

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Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Srimad Bhagavatam 4.7.55 maitreya uvaca evam bhagavatadistah prajapati-patir harim arcitva kratuna svena devan ubhayato yajat SYNONYMS maitreyaḥ — Maitreya; uvaca — said; evam — thus; bhagavata — by the Supreme Personality of Godhead; adistah — having been

instructed; prajapati-patih — the head of all the Prajāpatis; harim — Hari; arcitva — after worshiping; kratuna — with the sacrificial ceremonies; svena — his own; devan — the demigods; ubhayatah — separately; ayajat — worshiped. TRANSLATION The sage Maitreya said: Thus Dakṣa, the head of all Prajapatis, having been nicely instructed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, worshiped Lord Visṇu. After worshiping Him by performing the prescribed sacrificial ceremonies, Daksa separately worshiped Lord Brahma and Lord Siva. PURPORT Lord Visnu should be offered everything, and His prasada should be distributed to all the demigods. This practice is still followed in the temple of Jagannatha at Puri. There are many temples of demigods around the

main temple of Jagannatha, and the prasada which is offered first to Jagannatha is distributed to all the demigods. The deity of Bhagalin is worshiped with the prasada of Visnu, and also, in the famous Lord Siva temple of Bhuvanesvara, the prasada of Lord Visnu or Lord Jagannatha is offered to the deity of Lord Siva. This is the Vaisnava principle. The Vaisnava does not deride even ordinary living entities, including the small ant; everyone is offered proper respect according to his position. The offering, however, is in relation to the center, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, or Visnu. The devotee who is highly elevated sees the relationship to Krsna in everything; he does not see anything as being independent of Krsna. That is his vision of oneness. ---------------------------- To join online weekly 'Science and Spirituality' Satsanga kindly visit podcast.com/Satsanga

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