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Handling lust.

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Fighting desire is like fighting with Krishna. Krishna is the source

of desire too. Kama is one of his eternal aspects which cannot be

challenged by mortals.

Even immortals do not challenge it, with a few exceptions like Lord

Siva, who challenged Kamadeva, and reduced him to ashes.However

Kamadeva did not perish, only assumed His original form

again.Foolish people supress desire and actually begin to fight the

very Lord whom they worship.


Krishna has said in the Gita that repression leads nowhere.So it is

better to accept and divert all our desires, lusty or otherwise,

towards Krishna, for He alone knows how to find a solution for that.


The reason for manifesting himself as Kamadeva was just to help

mankind fulfill their desires.Lord Siva, by destroying Kamadeva, only

supressed his lusty desire for sometime, not forever.


Eventually Lord Siva was overcome by lust for Mohini (who was Lord

Vishnu himself in the form of Mohini, to defeat the demon Bhasmasura).


The lusty desire of Siva was eventually fulfilled when Lord Vishnu

took the form of Mohini, and they had a divine child who was named

Lord Aiyappa! Lord Aiyappa is famous in South india, and is

worshipped by many followers in that region.


Some foolish souls think they can reach upto this level of Lord Siva!

Even in dreams this does not happen.Today in Kaliyuga we have many

pretending to be Siva and Krishna and many other divinities.


There are some people in manly forms who call themselves Saraswati

devi or Lakshmi Devi! Such unscrupulous men are misleading people! Beware! These

are the saints who have not conssumated their desires yet, and want to become

only rich and famous using the names of the Demigods and Demigodesses, and they

don't want to serve Krishna.I laugh while writing this,I was reading about a

Mahatma who claims to be Lakshmi! Imagine Lakshmi Devi taking a male human form?

Even the real Lakshmi Devi would laugh when she reads this!

Such is the state of Kaliyuga, imposters are in large numbers.

I only respect the saint who says he is a servant of the servant of Krishna, and

proves it by serving humanity. All other self-styled lords are immitating the

Lord and looking for followers.A real saint will not even seek a follower! A

real saint will always ask where is Krishna!Have you seen my Krishna! Please

tell me! Oh where is my Krishna!


Gita has reference to the uselessness of repressing desire, in

Chapter 3.(verses 33,34,35)


sadrsam cestate svasyah

prakrter jnanavan api

prakrtim yanti bhutani

nigrahah kim karisyati





Even a man of knowledge acts according to his own nature, for

everyone follows his nature. What can repression accomplish?



raga-dvesau vyavasthitau

tayor na vasam agacchet

tau hy asya paripanthinau




Attraction and repulsion for sense objects are felt by embodied

beings, but one should not fall under the control of senses and sense objects

because they are stumbling blocks on the path of self-realization.


sreyan sva-dharmo vigunah

para-dharmat svanusthitat

sva-dharme nidhanam sreyah

para-dharmo bhayavahah





It is far better to discharge one's prescribed duties, even though

they may be faultily, than another's duties. Destruction in the course of

performing one's own duty is better than engaging in another's duties, for to

follow another's path is dangerous.



This however should not be taken as a certificate to perform desire

fulfillment. There are regulated principles of sex life, promoted by the vedas.

Adherance to strict moral principles is recommended and

mandatory.Those principles must be followed. Brahmcharya is to be

observed when one is away from home, serving abroad, where one's family is not

present. No reason should be found to excuse oneself

from attempting to control the senses. Desire to Love Krishna should

become the final conssumation of all our hidden lusty propensities, and we must

not rush into relationships for the purpose of sexual

fulfillment, just because Krishna has said that repression is of no

use, We must instead ask Krishna, pray to krishna, for a solution, and surely we

will get a solution.Krishna has provided a solution. Serve Krishna! That is the

solution.Serve and see, everything else

automatically comes into place.


Srila Prabhupada says:-


The sense enjoyment spirit has been current a very long, long time,

owing to material association.

Therefore, in spite of regulated sense enjoyment, there is every

chance of falling down; therefore any attachment for regulated sense enjoyment

must also be avoided by all means. But action in the loving

service of Krsna detaches one from all kinds of sensory activities.

Therefore, no one should try to be detached from Krsna consciousness at any

stage of life. The whole purpose of detachment from all kinds of sense

attachment is ultimately to become situated on the platform of Krsna


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