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Fwd: God alone Exists

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Hare Krsna. I shall now declare unto you in full this knowledge both phenomenal and noumenal, by knowing which there shall remain nothing further to be known. GITA 7:2 O conqueror of wealth [Arjuna], there is no Truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread. GITA 7.7 God says in the Gita - "After knowing Me, nothing else remains to be known" - "Yaggyatvaa neha bhooyonyagyaatvyamavashishyate," "Because nothing else exists except Me. " Matah paratan naayatkinchitdasti dhananjaya." Through devotion, knowledge of God is attained and detachment from the world takes place, because when the existence of the world does not persist, then how will attachment to worldly objects persist ? As long as the spiritual aspirant sees the world, then God abides in the world and the world

abides in God. This body also is a part of this world, therefore God exists in this body, as well. God also exists in life-giving energy called Prana, in the mind, in the intellect, in the feeling of "I". God pervades equally in "I", "YouThis" and "That". The world changes, but God remains one and the same eternally. Body changes, mind changes, intellect changes, ego changes, but God always remains one and the same forever. The Supersoul is the original source of all senses, yet He is without senses. He is unattached, although He is the maintainer of all living beings. He transcends the modes of nature, and at the same time He is the master of all modes of material nature. GITA 13:15 "Got exist without and within all beings and constitutes the moving and the unmoving creation; because He is subtle; He is incomprehensible; He is near and also stands afar." In all the forms, God alone exists. God existed from time

immemorable; God shall exist infinitely. In present times, God alone exists in infinte forms as sentient and insentient, movable and immovable creatures and objects etc. If we are unable to recognize God, it is due to our own limitations.As long as we are unable to behold God in all forms, we must worship Him with mind, speech and body. We must not think ill of anybody by mind i.e. we must not wish ill of others, we must not speak harsh words with our tongue and we must not harm anyone with our body. Keep vigil at all times, so that no one is hurt with your mind, speech and body. If any mistake is committed then we should ask for forgiveness for our negligence. If devotion in this form continues, then "All is God" will be realized.

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