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Lord Shiva’s well

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Lord Shiva’s well


Recently we visited a well dug by Lord Shiva in Chitradurga

district in Karnataka. This well was dug by Lord Shiva by his trishula (trident

weapon) when he was thirsty. The water of this well has a lot of healing

properties. However one particular day of the year, the people slaughter

animals there to make an offering to Lord Shiva. Due to this Lord Shiva becomes

displeased and the well dries up. This establishes the case for vegetarianism.


Moreover, another place nearby has the deity of one goddess.

This deity is nothing but a naturally oily stone. However, the goddess is very

merciful. Anyone who touches the hurting body part to the stone becomes healed.

I experienced some benefit for my knee pain. Thousands of people visit on

Tuesday. Apparently the goddess does not want any canopy or temple for herself.



Even Sri Brahmanya Tirtha (guru of Sri Vyasa Tirtha and

great grand guru of Sri Madhavendra Puri) did not want a temple over his

Samadhi. Sri Brahmanya Tirtha is the incarnation of Lord Suryadeva (Sun-god).

So how is it possible to cover the sun?


Recently one nice boy name Gaurahari Prabhu (age 10) has

joined our ashrama. He knows five languages including English. Apparently, he

is able to tell why a particular person became a devotee and what he was doing in

the past life. He told Sripada BV Sagara Maharaja that he was born in Nepal

in past life and used to wear Tulasi neck beads also. He told me that I was

also a devotee in past life. (The question is am I really a devotee even yet?)

Being a devotee is a very high position. Srila Gurudeva and all my god-brothers

are devotees. But I am not.


Lord Shiva appeared as Hanuman in Lord Rama’s pastimes.

Hanuman killed the son of Ravana named Aksa. He did this to prove that he can

even kill Ravana; because Aksa was as powerful as Ravana. Ravana ordered Hanuman’s

ears should be cut off. The demons tried their best but could not cut off his

ears. Then Ravana ordered that Hanuman’s tail should be covered by cloth and

ignited by putting oil on it. That time, he extended his tail so long that all

the cloth in Lanka was finished. Finally, Ravana ordered all the residents of

Lanka to strip and provide their own clothes for wrapping up around Hanuman’s

tail. That time seeing the pathetic condition of the Lanka residents (who were

all demons), Hanuman did not extend his tail any further.


Then Hanuman flew in the sky and ignited the whole Lanka.

The entire Lanka was set on fire. The question may now arise that all the sons

of Ravana and Ravana himself knew how to extinguish the fire by shooting the

parjanya-astra (the weapon that showers rain). However, they did not use it..

The reason they did not use any weapon was they knew that it was a special

Vaisnava fire; it could not have been extinguished by the ordinary water.


The fire is also of different types. Fire caused by

electricity needs a different type of extinguisher. Fire caused by chemicals

needs a different extinguisher. The fire on which we cook is also important..

The fire of cow dung patties is the best. Next comes the wood fire. The fire of

domestic gas is not so good, because it emits a lot of poisonous gases that

enter the food stuffs.


Lord Ramachandra extended the hand of friendship to Sugriva

and told him that he will kill Vali in order to protect him and recover wife.

However, Sugriva was skeptical whether Lord Rama was able to kill Vali.

Previously, Vali had tried to uproot 7 tala trees. However, those trees were

not ordinary trees; they were the demons who were performing austerities. Therefore

Vali could not even break a leaf of those trees. However Lord Ramachandra shot

one arrow and that arrow pierced through all those trees and went to the lower

planetary system to kill the demons there. Those seven trees were not in the

same order; nevertheless Lord Ramachandra’s arrow pierced them. This show that

Lord Ramachandra’s arrows are also conscious. They are not inanimate arrows as

in the material world. Later on, during His South Indian tour, Lord Sri

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu hugged the same trees and sent them to Vaikuntha.


The spiritual world is unlimited. The spiritual pastimes are

also unlimited. Lord Ramachandra took with Him 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

(10 to the power of 88) monkeys in the air plane from Sri

Lanka to Ayodhya. This was a spiritual

airplane and not a material airplane.


The four medicines brought by Bhakta Hanuman were used to

revive the dead monkeys. They worked as follows:



medicines brought the dead monkeys back to lifeSecond

medicines collected the dispersed body parts and assembled them together.Third

medicine removed the weapons from the bodies of the monkeys.Fourth

medicine healed the wounds.


It is believed that these medicines are still present in Sri



The question may come why Sitadevi who is always pure was

told to enter fire to prove her sanctity and chastity? The actual reason of her entering the fire

was that the fire himself had become contaminated by receiving the polluted and

tainted offerings of Ravana. Therefore, in order to purify him, Sitadevi

entered the fire.


Kumbhakarna, the brother of Ravana is very tall (about 8,00,000 miles in height). The

wall around Lanka was 100 miles tall. However when Kumbhakarna went out for war,

he very easily crossed this wall by just stepping over it.


Your servant,


Swami BV Vishnu Daivata


(Based on the discussions of Sripada BV Dandi Maharaja and

commentary of previous acharyas in Sri Madhva sampradaya)







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