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& #346;r & #299; & #346;anai & #347;cara-k & #7771;ta & #346;r & #299; Narasi & #7745;ha



Everyone is afraid of the malefic planet & #346;ani because generally he is

associated with extreme sorrow and suffering. However, & #346;anideva

himself has devised a way of solving this problem by obtaining the

blessings of Lord N & #7771;si & #7745;ha.


Shani made an agreement with the Lord that he would never trouble

those who recite his N & #7771;si & #7745;ha Stuti when they are facing troubles

related to dv & #257;da & #347;a-a & #7779; & #7789;ama-pañcama (a situation where

& #346;ani-k & #257;ta lasts

for 7 1/2 births)


If one recites with devotion & #346;ani's & #346;r & #299; N & #7771;si & #7745;ha

Stuti, especially on

& #346;aniv & #257;ra (Saturdays) and when & #346;ani graha comes to 12-8-5 Janma

R & #257; & #347;i or

10th AL, one will please the Lord who is the Supersoul of

Shanaishchara and the Lord will remove all obstacles and suffering and

bless His devotee.


sulabho bhakti yukt & #257;n & #257; & #7745; durdar & #347;o du & #7779; & #7789;a

cetas & #257; & #7745; |

ananya gatik & #257;n & #257;m ca prabhu bhaktaika-vatsala & #7717;

& #347;anai & #347;cara tatra n & #7771;si & #7745;ha-deva

cak & #257;r & #257;mala-citta-v & #7771;ti & #7717; |

pra & #7751;amya & #7779;a & #7779; & #7789; & #257; & #7749;gam a & #347;e & #347;a-loka

kir & #299;ta n & #299;r & #257;jita p & #257;da-padmam || 1 |


Lord N & #7771;si & #7745;hadeva is easily accessible to the devotees and punishes

those who are evil-minded. He is the saviour for those who are

helpless who desire to seek refuge in Him. When the demigods of

innumerable planets bow down to His lotus feet, the bright jewels from

their crowns are reflected on His toenails which gives the impression

that lamps are being waved in front of them.


Unto His lotus feet, & #346;anideva prostrated and prayed (in the court of

Brahm & #257;).


& #347;r & #299; & #347;anir-uv & #257;ca -


yat p & #257;da-pankaja-raja param & #257;dharena

sa & #7745;sevitam sakala kalma & #347;a r & #257; & #347; & #299;-n & #257; & #347;am |

kaly & #257; & #7751;a k & #257;rakam a & #347;e & #7779;anij & #257;nug & #257;nam |

sa tvam n & #7771;si & #7745;ha mayi dehi k & #7771;p & #257;-valokam ||2||


& #346;r & #299; & #346;ani said -


By the mercy of the dust of Your lotus feet which destroy a multitude

of sins, grant infinite auspiciousness to Your devotee who always

worships Your lotus feet with devotion. O Lord N & #7771;si & #7745;ha, please


upon me Your merciful side-long glance.


sarvatra cancalatay & #257; sthitay & #257;pi lak & #7779;my & #257; & #7717; |

brahm & #257;di-vandya-paday & #257; stiray & #257;nya sevi ||

p & #257;d & #257;ravinda-yugala & #7745; param & #257;-dharena |

sa tvam n & #7771;si & #7745;ha mayi dehi k & #7771;p & #257; valokam||3||


Your lotus feet are worshipped by Goddess Lak & #7779;m & #299;, even though She is

fickle by nature (cancala) and by Lord Brahm & #257; and Lord & #346;iva whose feet

are worthy of worship with devotion. O Lord N & #7771;si & #7745;ha, please bestow

upon me Your merciful side-long glance.


yad r & #363;pam & #257;gama- & #347;ira & #7717; pratip & #257;dhyam & #257;dhya |

& #257;dhy & #257;tmik & #257;di parit & #257;pa haram vicintyam ||

yog & #299; & #347;varair apathag & #257;khila do & #7779;a sa & #7749;ghai & #7717; |

sa tvam n & #7771;si & #7745;ha mayi dehi k & #7771;p & #257;-valokam ||4||


By contemplating or meditating upon Your appearance, which is

expounded in the Vedas extensively, the best of the saints are

liberated from the three-fold miseries and from all misfortunes. O

Lord N & #7771;si & #7745;ha, please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.


prahl & #257;da bhakta vacas & #257; harir & #257;vir & #257;sa |

stambhe hira & #7751;yaka & #347;ipu & #7745; ya udh & #257;rabh & #257;va & #7717; ||

urvau nidh & #257;ya udharam nakh & #257;rai dadh & #257;ra |

sa tvam n & #7771;si & #7745;ha mayi dehi k & #7771;p & #257;-valokam ||5||


By the word of His devotee named Prahl & #257;da, Lord Hari, who is generous

and kind, appeared from a pillar and by placing Hira & #7751;yaka & #347;ipu on His

thighs split open the his stomach with His nails. O Lord N & #7771;si & #7745;ha,

please bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.


yo naija bhakta & #7745; anal & #257;mbudhi bh & #363;dharogra |

& #347; & #7771; & #7751;ga-prap & #257;ta vi & #347;a dhamti sar & #299;supebhya & #7717; |

sarv & #257;tmaka & #7717; parama-k & #257;ru & #7751;iko rarak & #7779;a |

sa tvam n & #7771;si & #7745;ha mayi dehi k & #7771;p & #257;-valokam ||6||


You protected your own devotee Prahl & #257;da from a raging fire, the deep

ocean, from falling from a tall mountain peak, poison, a mad elephant

and the fangs of poisonous serpents. You are omnipresent and supremely

generous. O Lord N & #7771;si & #7745;ha, please bestow upon me Your merciful

side-long glance.


yannirvik & #257;ra para-r & #363;pa vicintanena |

yog & #299; & #347;var & #257; vi & #347;aya s & #257;gara v & #299;ta r & #257;g & #257; & #7717;


vi & #347;r & #257;mtim & #257;pura-vin & #257; & #347;a vat & #299; & #7745;

par & #257;khy & #257; & #7745; |

sa tvam n & #7771;si & #7745;ha mayi dehi k & #7771;p & #257;-valokam ||7||


By meditating upon He whose great form is devoid of imperfections, the

best of the saints attained liberation from the ocean of materialistic

attachments and obtained unmitigated salvation. O Lord N & #7771;si & #7745;ha,


bestow upon me Your merciful side-long glance.


yad r & #363;pam-ugra parimardana bh & #257;va & #347; & #257;li |

sa & #7745;cintanena sakal & #257;gha vin & #257; & #347;a k & #257;ri |

bh & #363;ta jvara graha samudbhava bh & #299;ti n & #257; & #347;am |

sa tvam n & #7771;si & #7745;ha mayi dehi k & #7771;p & #257;-valokam ||8||


By meditating upon He whose form is fearsome, all peace, happiness and

prosperity can be obtained, all sins can be obliterated, the fear

arising from evil spirits, fevers and unfavorable planetary positions

can be removed, O Lord N & #7771;si & #7745;ha, please bestow upon me Your merciful

side-long glance.


yasyottama & #7745; ya & #347;a um & #257;-patim padma-janma |

& #347;akr & #257;di daivata sabh & #257;su samasta-g & #299;tam ||

& #347;aktaiva sarva & #347;a-mala pra & #347;amaika dak & #7779;am |

sa tvam n & #7771;si & #7745;ha mayi dehi k & #7771;p & #257;-valokam ||9||


Your transcendental fame is sung gloriously in all the divine

assemblies of & #346;iva, Brahm & #257; and Indra etc. and whose power is steadfast

in wiping out all impurities, O Lord N & #7771;si & #7745;ha, please bestow upon me

Your merciful side-long glance.


evam & #347;rutv & #257; stuti & #7745; deva & #7717;

& #347;anin & #257; & #7745; kalpit & #257; & #7745; hari & #7717; |

uv & #257;ca brahma v & #7771;ndasta

& #347;ani & #7745; ta & #7745; bhakta-vatsala & #7717; ||10||


On listening to the heartfelt prayer composed by & #346;anideva in the

assembly of Lord Brahm & #257;, Lord Hari who is ever compassionate to His

devotees, spoke to & #346;anideva as follows.


& #347;r & #299; n & #7771;si & #7745;ha uv & #257;ca -


prasannoham & #347;ane tubhya & #7745; |

varam varaya & #347;obhana & #7745; ||

ya & #7745; v & #257;ñchasi tameva tvam |

sarva-loka hit & #257;vaham ||11||


& #346;r & #299; N & #7771;si & #7745;ha said –


O & #346;ani, I am pleased with your devotion. What ever you desire that

will benefit the world, ask for that kind of boon and I will grant it.


& #347;r & #299; & #347;anir uv & #257;ca -


n & #7771;si & #7745;ha tvam mayi k & #7771;p & #257;m

kuru deva day & #257;-nidhe |

mad v & #257;saras tava pr & #299;ti-

kara syat devat & #257;-pate ||12||

mat k & #7771;tam tvat param stotra & #7745;

& #347; & #7771; & #7751;vanti ca pa & #7789;anti ca |

sarv & #257;n k & #257;man p & #363;rayet & #257;s

te & #347; & #257;m tva & #7745; loka-bh & #257;vana & #7717; ||13||


& #346;r & #299; & #346;anideva replied –


O Lord N & #7771;si & #7745;ha, O reservoir of compassion, please be kind to me. O

Lord of all gods, let my week-day (Saturday) be Your favorite day. O

Purifier of all the worlds, may You fulfill the desires of all those

who listen to or read this great prayer to You composed by me. "


& #347;r & #299; n & #7771;si & #7745;ha uv & #257;ca -


tataiv & #257;stu & #347;aneham vai

rak & #7779;o-bhuvana sa & #7745;sthita & #7717; |

bhakta k & #257;m & #257;n p & #363;rayi & #347;ye

tva & #7745; mamaika vaca & #7717; & #347; & #7771; & #7751;u ||

tvat k & #7771;tam mat param stotram

ya & #7717; pa & #7789;ecch & #7771; & #7751;u y & #257;ccha ya & #7717; |

dv & #257;da & #347; & #257; & #7779; & #7789;ama janmast & #257;d

bhaya & #7745; m & #257;stu tasya vai ||14||


& #346;r & #299; N & #7771;si & #7745;ha said –


O & #346;ani, let it be so! By virtue of My being the universal protector

(rak & #7779;obhuvana), I fulfill the desires of all My devotees. Please

listen to My words -let there be no fear of the twelfth and eighth

birth positions (and implicitly any unfavorable birth positions) and

consequent troubles from you for any one who reads or listens to this

prayer to Me composed by you.


& #347;ani narahari & #7745; deva & #7745;


tateti pratyuv & #257;ca ha

tata & #7717; parama-sa & #7745;tu & #7779; & #7789;o

jayeti munayovadan ||15||


Then & #346;anideva replied to Lord Narahari that he would follow the Lord's

instructions. Then the joyful saints and sages present there (in

Brahma's assembly) responded with cries of, `jaya, jaya!' " .


& #347;r & #299; k & #7771; & #7779; & #7751;a uv & #257;ca -


itam & #347;anai & #347;carasy & #257;ta n & #7771;si & #7745;ha deva |

samv & #257;dam etat stavana & #7745; ca m & #257;nava & #7717; ||

& #347; & #7771; & #7751;oti ya & #7717; & #347;r & #257;vayate ca bhakty & #257;

sarv & #257;ny & #257;bh & #299; & #7779; & #7789; & #257;ni ca vindate dhruvam ||16||


& #346;r & #299; K & #7771; & #7779; & #7751;a told Dharmar & #257;ja, " Whoever listens to

or recites this

conversation between & #346;anideva and Lord N & #7771;si & #7745;ha in the form of


prayer of devotion will definitely have all desires fulfilled and will

always rejoice. "


iti & #347;r & #299; bhavi & #7779;yottara pur & #257; & #7751;e rak & #7779;obhuvana

mah & #257;tme & #347;r & #299;

& #347;anai & #347;cara k & #7771;ta & #347;r & #299; n & #7771;si & #7745;ha stuti

samp & #363;r & #7751;am


Thus ends the prayers offered to the universal protector & #346;r & #299;

N & #7771;si & #7745;ha

by the great soul & #346;ani.

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