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How to maintain calmness

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dhyayato visayan pumsah sangas tesupajayate sangat sanjayate kamah kamat krodho 'bhijayate


dhyayatah--while contemplating; visayan--sense objects; pumsah--of the person; sangah--attachment; tesu--in the sense objects; upajayate--develops;

sangat--attachment; sanjayate--develops; kamah--desire; kamat--from desire; krodhah--anger; abhijayate--becomes manifest.


While contemplating the objects of the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment lust develops, and from lust anger arises.


One who is not Krsna conscious is subjected to material desires while contemplating the objects of senses. The senses require real engagements, and if they are not engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, they will certainly seek engagement in the service of materialism. In the material world everyone, including Lord Siva and Lord Brahma--to say nothing of other demigods in the heavenly planets--is subjected to the influence of sense objects, and the only method to get out of this puzzle of material existence is to become Krsna conscious. Lord Siva was deep in meditation, but when Parvati agitated him for sense pleasure, he agreed to the proposal, and as a result Kartikeya was born. When Haridasa Thakura was a young devotee of the Lord, he was similarly allured by the incarnation of Maya-devi, but Haridasa easily passed the test because of his unalloyed devotion to Lord Krsna. As illustrated in the above-mentioned verse of Sri Yamunacarya, a sincere devotee of the Lord shuns all material sense enjoyment due to his higher taste for spiritual enjoyment in the association of the Lord. That is the secret of success. One who is not, therefore, in Krsna consciousness, however powerful he may be in controlling the senses by artificial repression, is sure ultimately to fail, for the slightest thought of sense pleasure will agitate him to gratify his desires.



krodhad bhavati sammohah sammohat smrti-vibhramah smrti-bhramsad buddhi-naso buddhi-nasat pranasyati


krodhat--from anger; bhavati--takes place; sammohah--perfect illusion; sammohat--from illusion; smrti--of memory; vibhramah--bewilderment; smrti-bhramsat--after bewilderment of memory;

buddhi-nasah--loss of intelligence; buddhi-nasat--and from loss of intelligence; pranasyati--falls down.


From anger, delusion arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered, intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost, one falls down again into the material pool.


By development of Krsna consciousness one can know that everything has its use in the service of the Lord. Those who are without knowledge of Krsna consciousness artificially try to avoid material objects, and as a result, although they desire liberation from material bondage, they do not attain to the perfect stage of renunciation. On the other hand, a person in Krsna consciousness knows how to use everything in the service of the Lord; therefore he does not become a victim of material consciousness. For example, for an impersonalist, the Lord, or the Absolute, being impersonal, cannot eat. Whereas an impersonalist tries to avoid good eatables, a devotee knows that Krsna is the supreme enjoyer and that He eats all that is offered to Him in devotion. So, after offering good eatables to the Lord, the devotee takes the remnants, called prasadam. Thus everything becomes spiritualized and there is no danger of a downfall. The devotee takes prasadam in Krsna consciousness, whereas the nondevotee rejects it as material. The impersonalist, therefore, cannot enjoy life due to his artificial renunciation; and for this reason, a slight agitation of the mind pulls him down again into the pool of material existence. It is said that such a soul, even though rising up to the point of liberation, falls down again due to his not having support in devotional service.



raga-dvesa-vimuktais tu visayan indriyais caran atma-vasyair vidheyatma prasadam adhigacchati


raga--attachment; dvesa--detachment; vimuktaih--by one who has been free from such things; tu--but; visayan--sense objects; indriyaih--by the senses; caran--acting; atma-vasyaih--one who has control over; vidheya-atma--one who follows regulated freedom; prasadam--the mercy of the Lord; adhigacchati--attains.


One who can control his senses by practicing the regulated principles of freedom can obtain the complete mercy of the Lord and thus become free from all attachment and aversion.


It is already explained that one may externally control the senses by some artificial process, but unless the senses are engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord, there is every chance of a fall. Although the person in full Krsna consciousness may apparently be on the sensual plane, because of his being Krsna conscious, he has no attachment to sensual activities. The Krsna conscious person is concerned only with the satisfaction of Krsna, and nothing else. Therefore he is transcendental to all attachment. If Krsna wants, the devotee can do anything which is ordinarily undesirable; and if Krsna does not want, he shall not do that which he would have ordinarily done for his own satisfaction. Therefore to act or not to act is within his control because he acts only under the direction of Krsna. This consciousness is the causeless mercy of the Lord, which the devotee can achieve in spite of his being attached to the sensual platform.



prasade sarva-duhkhanam hanir asyopajayate prasanna-cetaso hy asu buddhih paryavatisthate


prasade--on achievement of the causeless mercy of the Lord; sarva--of all; duhkhanam--material miseries; hanih--destruction; asya--his; upajayate--takes place; prasanna-cetasah--of the happy-minded; hi--certainly; asu--very soon; buddhih--intelligence; pari--sufficiently; avatisthate--established.


For one who is so situated in the Divine consciousness, the threefold miseries of material existence exist no longer; in such a happy state, one's intelligence soon becomes steady.



nasti buddhir ayuktasya na cayuktasya bhavana na cabhavayatah santir asantasya kutah sukham


na asti--there cannot be; buddhih--transcendental intelligence; ayuktasya--of one who is not connected (with Krsna consciousness); na--neither; ca--and; ayuktasya--of one devoid of Krsna consciousness; bhavana--mind fixed in happiness; na--neither; ca--and; abhavayatah--one who is not fixed; santih--peace; asantasya--of the unpeaceful; kutah--where is; sukham--happiness.


One who is not in transcendental consciousness can have neither a controlled mind nor steady intelligence, without which there is no possibility of peace. And how can there be any happiness without peace?


Unless one is in Krsna consciousness there is no possibility of peace. So it is confirmed in the Fifth Chapter (5.29) that when one understands that Krsna is the only enjoyer of all the good results of sacrifice and penance, and that He is the proprietor of all universal manifestations, that He is the real friend of all living entities, then only can one have real peace. Therefore, if one is not in Krsna consciousness, there cannot be a final goal for the mind. Disturbance is due to want of an ultimate goal, and when one is certain that Krsna is the enjoyer, proprietor and friend of everyone and everything, then one can, with a steady mind, bring about peace. Therefore, one who is engaged without a relationship with Krsna is certainly always in distress and is without peace, however much he may make a show of peace and spiritual advancement in life. Krsna consciousness is a self-manifested peaceful condition which can be achieved only in relationship with Krsna.



indriyanam hi caratam yan mano 'nuvidhiyate tad asya harati prajnam vayur navam ivambhasi


indriyanam--of the senses; hi--certainly; caratam--while herding over; yat--that; manah--mind; anuvidhiyate--becomes constantly engaged; tat--that; asya--his; harati--takes away; prajnam--intelligence; vayuh--wind; navam--a boat; iva--like; ambhasi--on the water.


As a boat on the water is swept away by a strong wind, even one of the senses on which the mind focuses can carry away a man's intelligence.


Unless all of the senses are engaged in the service of the Lord, even one of them engaged in sense gratification can deviate the devotee from the path of transcendental advancement. As mentioned in the life of Maharaja Ambarisa, all of the senses must be engaged in Krsna consciousness, for that is the correct technique for controlling the mind



tasmad yasya maha-baho nigrhitani sarvasah indriyanindriyarthebhyas tasya prajna pratisthita


tasmat--therefore; yasya--of one's; maha-baho--O mighty-armed one; nigrhitani--so curbed down; sarvasah--all around; indriyani--the senses; indriya-arthebhyah--for the sake of sense objects; tasya--his; prajna--intelligence; pratisthita--fixed.


Therefore, O mighty-armed, one whose senses are restrained from their objects is certainly of steady intelligence.


As enemies are curbed by superior force, similarly, the senses, can be curbed not by any human endeavor, but only by keeping them engaged in the service of the Lord. One who has understood this--that only by Krsna consciousness is one really established in intelligence and that one should practice this art under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master--is called sadhaka, or a suitable candidate for liberationEnjoy 5 GB of free, password-protected online storage. Get Windows Live SkyDrive.

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