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Krishna-Bhakti means 'Purest Bhakti-Yoga !!!

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Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Sree Krishna and His Bhaktas ,Now a days, the term "Bhakti-yoga" is confusing to the common man . Certain Spiritual teachers are preaching " You are God " . ( It means the "Teacher" is a realized soul but the follower is a novice . Therefore he must worship the "'Teacher" as God ) . Hearing this, the follower forgets everything else and starts human-worship . The incomparable master piece Bhagavad Gita, is universally known as the "Song of God" . It is Bhagavan Sree Krishna's "confidential advice" to His devotees . One who views Krishna as a mere human can not understand the book . In the case of Krishna-Bhakti , Gita serves as Krishna's literary incarnation which is self-revealing . Krishna-Bhakti Krishna-Bhakti signifies a blissful, selfless and overwhelming love of Bhagavan Sree Krishna as the beloved Father, Mother, Child, Friend , Master or whichever relationship or personal aspect of Bhagavan that finds appeal in the devotee's heart . The 'Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu' (written by Vaishnava Rishi , Rupa Gosvami ) gives the following as the nine primary activities of Krishna-Bhakti, with the instruction that by following all, or just one, of these activities perfectly the aspiring devotee can achieve pure love of Bhagavan Sree Krishna :Hearing about Krishna - singing & chanting HIS names (nama-japam), hearing stories from the Vedic scripture . Glorifying Krishna - describing HIS all-attractive features. Remembering Krishna - internal meditation on HIS form, activities, names or personality. Serving the lotus feet of Krishna - providing a form of physical service. Worshiping Krishna - Deity worship is a popular form of this . Offering prayers to Krishna - any form of prayer offered to please HIM . Serving Krishna - offering a service for HIS pleasure, such as preaching activity. Building a friendship with Krishna - having an internal, loving relationship with HIM . Surrendering everything unto Krishna - surrendering one's thoughts, actions and deeds to HIM . The scriptural source of these nine primary forms of Krishna- Bhakti is a verse in the Bhagavata Purana , spoken by Prahlada :" Hearing and chanting about the transcendental holy name, form, qualities, paraphernalia and pastimes of Bhagavan Viá¹£hṇu, remembering them, serving the lotus feet of Bhagavan , offering Bhagavan respectful worship with sixteen types of paraphernalia, offering prayers to Bhagavan , becoming His servant, considering Bhagavan one's best friend, and surrendering everything unto Him (in other words, serving Him with the body, mind and words) — these nine processes are accepted as pure devotional service . One who has dedicated his life to the service of Bhagavan through these nine methods should be understood to be the most learned person, for he has acquired complete knowledge ." These nine principles of devotional service are described as helping the devotee remain constantly in touch with Bhagavan . The processes of Nama-japam and internal meditation on the aspirant devotees's chosen Deity form ( Ishta-Deva) are especially important . Bhakti is a yoga path, in that its aim is a form of divine, loving union with the Supreme God Sree Krishna . The exact form of Sree Krishna , or type of union varies between the different schools, but the essence of each process is very similar.The Bhagavad GitaWhile it has an extensive list of philosophical and religious associations, the Bhagavad Gita is also seen as a cornerstone for Hindu Bhakti theism, especially within Vaishnavism . However, it has been interpreted by many as being a manual not limited just for devotees of Krishna . Whatever be the case, it is adamant, in Krishna's words, that love and innocent pure intention is the most powerful motive force in a devotee's spiritual life . It is a very succinct and comprehensive statement on the mindset of the Bhakta (loving devotee) of Sree Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Brahman :"Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, become My devotee, offer obeisances to Me and worship Me. Being completely absorbed in Me, surely you will come to Me". (Gita 9.34) . One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Brahman , only by devotional service . And when one is in full consciousness of Me by such devotion, he can enter into My eternal abode " . (Gita 18.55) . Srimad Narayaneeyam( Which has the stamp of approval by Sree Krishna) " The Supreme Brahman shines in front of our eyes , as the Krishna-Deity in Guruvayoor Temple . Since the rare object ( Brahman , Human birth , Bhakti-yoga and Bhagavatam) is available , the devotee seeks refuge in Bhagavan " . Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!SreeKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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Dear Rajeevji and other Krishna-bhaktas,

Radhe Krishna!


We cannot dispute the statement that " You are He " or " I am He " which are

true translations of " Tat-twam Asi " and " Aham Brahmasmi " . These are the

governing principles of Advaita Vedanta. But to get into a mindset where

the aspirant can understand the principle, he has to go through

" Dwaita " , worship Lord Krishna or his/her Ishta-deivatam as a separate

entity, develop and enhance Bhakti, at the same time performing

Karma-yoga to attain purity of mind. Unless the mind is pure and devoid

of desires for the fruits of action, this mindset cannot be achieved.

This is a hard and time-consuming process, and short-cuts will not work

in every case. so, to generalise to a beginner " You are God " or " I am

God " , does not make any sense.


First of all, the concept of " All Gods are One " , but are only the

manifestations of the " Nish-kala Brahman " , the Whole Indivisible

formless Supreme, should be imprinted in the minds of the aspirants. But

when we find that even the Mata-adhipathis, the heads of religious

institutions who are supposed to be " realised souls " , are fighting with

each other whether the Narasimha-murthy should have a " Y " sign or " U "

sign on His forehead and taking the matter to courts, how can the common

man get the concept of " Advaita " ?


One cannot profess to be a preceptor or a Guru unless he himself is

convinced of what he is preaching, and his thoughts, words and deeds are

on the same plane. If we find things to the contrary, that Guru should

be abandoned, and the aspirant should seek another Guru. Bhagavadgita

chanting and learning it by heart is okay, but if one does not practise

what is written in the Gita, what is the use?



K.V. Gopalakrishna.

webmaster, www.narayaneeyam.com





srikrishnadasa_rajeev wrote:


> Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Sree Krishna and His Bhaktas ,


> Now a days, the term " Bhakti-yoga " is confusing to the common man *.

> *Certain Spiritual teachers are preaching " You are God " *.* ( It

> means the " Teacher " is a realized soul but the follower is a novice

> *.* Therefore he must worship the " 'Teacher " as God ) *. *Hearing

> this, the follower forgets everything else and starts human-worship *. *


> The incomparable master piece *Bhagavad Gita, * is universally known

> as the " Song of God " *. *It is Bhagavan Sree Krishna's " confidential

> advice " to His devotees* . *One* *who views Krishna as a mere human

> can not understand the book *. *


> In the case of Krishna-Bhakti , Gita serves as Krishna's literary

> incarnation which is self-revealing *. *


> *_Krishna-Bhakti _*


> *__*Krishna-Bhakti signifies a blissful, selfless and overwhelming

> love of Bhagavan Sree Krishna as the beloved Father, Mother, Child,

> Friend , Master or whichever relationship or personal aspect of

> Bhagavan that finds appeal in the devotee's heart *. *


> The 'Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu' (written by Vaishnava Rishi , Rupa

> Gosvami ) gives the following as the nine primary activities of

> Krishna-Bhakti, with the instruction that by following all, or just

> one, of these activities perfectly the aspiring devotee can achieve

> pure love of Bhagavan Sree Krishna *:*


> 1. Hearing about Krishna - singing & chanting HIS names

> (nama-japam), hearing stories from the Vedic scripture *. *

> 2. Glorifying Krishna - describing HIS all-attractive features*. *

> 3. Remembering Krishna - internal meditation on HIS form,

> activities, names or personality*. *

> 4. Serving the lotus feet of Krishna - providing a form of physical

> service*. *

> 5. Worshiping Krishna - Deity <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deity>

> worship is a popular form of this *. *

> 6. Offering prayers to Krishna - any form of prayer offered to

> please HIM *. *

> 7. Serving Krishna - offering a service for HIS pleasure, such as

> preaching activity*. *

> 8. Building a friendship with Krishna - having an internal, loving

> relationship with HIM *. *

> 9. Surrendering everything unto Krishna* - *surrendering one's

> thoughts*, *actions and deeds to HIM* . *


> The scriptural source of these nine primary forms of Krishna- Bhakti

> is a verse in the Bhagavata Purana

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagavata_Purana> , spoken by Prahlada

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prahlada> *:*


> " Hearing and chanting about the transcendental holy name, form,

> qualities, paraphernalia and pastimes of Bhagavan Viṣhṇu,

> remembering them, serving the lotus feet of Bhagavan , offering

> Bhagavan respectful worship with sixteen types of paraphernalia,

> offering prayers to Bhagavan , becoming His servant, considering

> Bhagavan one's best friend, and surrendering everything unto Him (in

> other words, serving Him with the body, mind and words) — these nine

> processes are accepted as pure devotional service *. *One who has

> dedicated his life to the service of Bhagavan through these nine

> methods should be understood to be the most learned person, for he has

> acquired complete knowledge *.* "


> These nine principles of devotional service are described as helping

> the devotee remain constantly in touch with Bhagavan *. *The processes

> of Nama-japam and internal meditation on the aspirant devotees's

> chosen Deity form ( _*Ishta-Deva*

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishta_deva>_) are especially important

> *. *Bhakti is a yoga path, in that its aim is a form of divine, loving

> union with the Supreme God Sree Krishna *. *


> The exact form of Sree Krishna , or type of union varies between the

> different schools, but the essence of each process is very similar*.*


> *_The Bhagavad Gita_*


> While it has an extensive list of philosophical and religious

> associations, the Bhagavad Gita

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagavad_Gita> is also seen as a

> cornerstone for Hindu Bhakti theism, especially within Vaishnavism *.

> *However, it has been interpreted by many as being a manual not

> limited just for devotees of Krishna *. *Whatever be the case, it is

> adamant, in Krishna's words, that love and innocent pure intention is

> the most powerful motive force in a devotee's spiritual life *.* It is

> a very succinct and comprehensive statement on the mindset of the

> Bhakta (loving devotee) of Sree Krishna, the Supreme Personality of

> Brahman *:*


> * " *Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, become My devotee, offer

> obeisances to Me and worship Me*. *Being completely absorbed in Me,

> surely you will come to Me* " .** *(Gita 9.34) *. *


> One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Brahman

> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead> , only

> by devotional service *. *And when one is in full consciousness of Me

> by such devotion, he can enter into My eternal abode " *. *(Gita

> 18.55) *. *


> *_Srimad Narayaneeyam_*


> /( Which has the stamp of approval by Sree Krishna) /


> " The Supreme Brahman shines in front of our eyes , as the

> Krishna-Deity in Guruvayoor Temple *. *Since the rare object ( Brahman

> , Human birth , Bhakti-yoga and Bhagavatam) is available* , * the

> devotee seeks refuge in Bhagavan " * . *


> *Om** Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!*


> SreeKrishnaDasa Rajeev



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Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Sree Krishna and His Bhaktas ,

Brahmasree K.V. Gopalakrishnaji has rightly pointed out that "You are God" or "I am God " is the principle of Advaita .

Many Advaita-teachers consider "Deity worship" as inferior. According to them, the Deity worship of Dwaita philosophy, is just a preliminary step towards Brahman realization .

However, divine Advaita-Acharyas like Adi Sankara and Chandraseksharendra Saraswathi have always encouraged Deity worship . Unfortunately, their lesser followers are involving in self-destruction by discouraging Deity-worship .

There are many Advaita followers who claim themselves to be Krishna-devotees . They begin with the worship of Sree Krishna . After learning Bhagavad Geeta from an "Advaita angle" , they behave like "Brahma-Jnanis" . Thereafter, they refer to Krishna as just an enlightened version of the "Self" . They are ashamed to identify Krishna , as the Supreme Personality of Brahman . These pretenders" always quote the blasphemous commentaries of their "anti-Krishna Teachers " . Crooked politicians like Nehru and E.M.S have cleverly misused the mentioned Advaita-confusion to undermine Hindu religion .

To avoid such a situation , great Vaishnava-Acahryas like Ramanuja and Chaithanya Mahaprabhu have discouraged the "Advaita Path" . They were aware that any non-recognition of Krishna is spiritually suicidal to Krishna-Bhakti .

We have the recent examples of Poonthanam and Kurooramma . They always worshipped Bhagavan Krishna as "Ishta-Deva" . Even after attaining HIS grace , they continued Krishna-worship till last breath . They have never discarded Krishna, for "Brahman-realization" . On His part , Krishna the Bhakthavalsala mercifully blessed them with "pure Bhakti " , "Mukthi" and an eternal place in "Vaikuntam" .

Narayaneeyam says in Dasakam -1, Sloka 10 :

"O Supreme God ! O Destroyer of the demon Mura ! . Your supremacy is controlling all other Gods beginning with Siva . Your prowess predominates over the valour of all others . More over, Your glory is flawless and sung by even Sages who are detached . Goddess Maha-Lakshmi ( Deity of affluence) is always associated with Your body . You know everything and there is not a trace of attachment in You . Therefore O Krishna ! You are the fittest one for the title of Bhagavan " .

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

----------------------------- , "K.V Gopalakrishna" <gopalakrishna.kv wrote:>> Dear Rajeevji and other Krishna-bhaktas,> Radhe Krishna!> > We cannot dispute the statement that "You are He" or "I am He" which are > true translations of "Tat-twam Asi" and "Aham Brahmasmi". These are the > governing principles of Advaita Vedanta. But to get into a mindset where > the aspirant can understand the principle, he has to go through > "Dwaita", worship Lord Krishna or his/her Ishta-deivatam as a separate > entity, develop and enhance Bhakti, at the same time performing > Karma-yoga to attain purity of mind. Unless the mind is pure and devoid > of desires for the fruits of action, this mindset cannot be achieved. > This is a hard and time-consuming process, and short-cuts will not work > in every case. so, to generalise to a beginner "You are God" or "I am > God", does not make any sense.> > First of all, the concept of "All Gods are One", but are only the > manifestations of the "Nish-kala Brahman", the Whole Indivisible > formless Supreme, should be imprinted in the minds of the aspirants. But > when we find that even the Mata-adhipathis, the heads of religious > institutions who are supposed to be "realised souls", are fighting with > each other whether the Narasimha-murthy should have a "Y" sign or "U" > sign on His forehead and taking the matter to courts, how can the common > man get the concept of "Advaita"?> > One cannot profess to be a preceptor or a Guru unless he himself is > convinced of what he is preaching, and his thoughts, words and deeds are > on the same plane. If we find things to the contrary, that Guru should > be abandoned, and the aspirant should seek another Guru. Bhagavadgita > chanting and learning it by heart is okay, but if one does not practise > what is written in the Gita, what is the use?> > Regards> K.V. Gopalakrishna.> webmaster, www.narayaneeyam.com> > > > > srikrishnadasa_rajeev wrote:> >> > Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Sree Krishna and His Bhaktas ,> >> > Now a days, the term "Bhakti-yoga" is confusing to the common man *. > > *Certain Spiritual teachers are preaching " You are God " *.* ( It > > means the "Teacher" is a realized soul but the follower is a novice > > *.* Therefore he must worship the "'Teacher" as God ) *. *Hearing > > this, the follower forgets everything else and starts human-worship *. *> >> > The incomparable master piece *Bhagavad Gita, * is universally known > > as the "Song of God" *. *It is Bhagavan Sree Krishna's "confidential > > advice" to His devotees* . *One* *who views Krishna as a mere human > > can not understand the book *. *> >> > In the case of Krishna-Bhakti , Gita serves as Krishna's literary > > incarnation which is self-revealing *. *> >> > *_Krishna-Bhakti _*> >> > *__*Krishna-Bhakti signifies a blissful, selfless and overwhelming > > love of Bhagavan Sree Krishna as the beloved Father, Mother, Child, > > Friend , Master or whichever relationship or personal aspect of > > Bhagavan that finds appeal in the devotee's heart *. *> >> > The 'Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu' (written by Vaishnava Rishi , Rupa > > Gosvami ) gives the following as the nine primary activities of > > Krishna-Bhakti, with the instruction that by following all, or just > > one, of these activities perfectly the aspiring devotee can achieve > > pure love of Bhagavan Sree Krishna *:*> >> > 1. Hearing about Krishna - singing & chanting HIS names> > (nama-japam), hearing stories from the Vedic scripture *. *> > 2. Glorifying Krishna - describing HIS all-attractive features*. *> > 3. Remembering Krishna - internal meditation on HIS form,> > activities, names or personality*. *> > 4. Serving the lotus feet of Krishna - providing a form of physical> > service*. *> > 5. Worshiping Krishna - Deity <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deity>> > worship is a popular form of this *. *> > 6. Offering prayers to Krishna - any form of prayer offered to> > please HIM *. *> > 7. Serving Krishna - offering a service for HIS pleasure, such as> > preaching activity*. *> > 8. Building a friendship with Krishna - having an internal, loving> > relationship with HIM *. *> > 9. Surrendering everything unto Krishna* - *surrendering one's> > thoughts*, *actions and deeds to HIM* . *> >> > The scriptural source of these nine primary forms of Krishna- Bhakti > > is a verse in the Bhagavata Purana > > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagavata_Purana> , spoken by Prahlada > > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prahlada> *:*> >> > " Hearing and chanting about the transcendental holy name, form, > > qualities, paraphernalia and pastimes of Bhagavan Viá¹£hṇu, > > remembering them, serving the lotus feet of Bhagavan , offering > > Bhagavan respectful worship with sixteen types of paraphernalia, > > offering prayers to Bhagavan , becoming His servant, considering > > Bhagavan one's best friend, and surrendering everything unto Him (in > > other words, serving Him with the body, mind and words) — these nine > > processes are accepted as pure devotional service *. *One who has > > dedicated his life to the service of Bhagavan through these nine > > methods should be understood to be the most learned person, for he has > > acquired complete knowledge *.*"> >> > These nine principles of devotional service are described as helping > > the devotee remain constantly in touch with Bhagavan *. *The processes > > of Nama-japam and internal meditation on the aspirant devotees's > > chosen Deity form ( _*Ishta-Deva* > > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishta_deva>_) are especially important > > *. *Bhakti is a yoga path, in that its aim is a form of divine, loving > > union with the Supreme God Sree Krishna *. *> >> > The exact form of Sree Krishna , or type of union varies between the > > different schools, but the essence of each process is very similar*.*> >> > *_The Bhagavad Gita_*> >> > While it has an extensive list of philosophical and religious > > associations, the Bhagavad Gita > > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhagavad_Gita> is also seen as a > > cornerstone for Hindu Bhakti theism, especially within Vaishnavism *. > > *However, it has been interpreted by many as being a manual not > > limited just for devotees of Krishna *. *Whatever be the case, it is > > adamant, in Krishna's words, that love and innocent pure intention is > > the most powerful motive force in a devotee's spiritual life *.* It is > > a very succinct and comprehensive statement on the mindset of the > > Bhakta (loving devotee) of Sree Krishna, the Supreme Personality of > > Brahman *:*> >> > *"*Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, become My devotee, offer > > obeisances to Me and worship Me*. *Being completely absorbed in Me, > > surely you will come to Me*".** *(Gita 9.34) *. *> >> > One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Brahman > > <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead> , only > > by devotional service *. *And when one is in full consciousness of Me > > by such devotion, he can enter into My eternal abode " *. *(Gita > > 18.55) *. *> >> > *_Srimad Narayaneeyam_*> >> > /( Which has the stamp of approval by Sree Krishna) /> >> > " The Supreme Brahman shines in front of our eyes , as the > > Krishna-Deity in Guruvayoor Temple *. *Since the rare object ( Brahman > > , Human birth , Bhakti-yoga and Bhagavatam) is available* , * the > > devotee seeks refuge in Bhagavan " * . *> >> > *Om** Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!*> >> > SreeKrishnaDasa Rajeev> >> >>

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I would like to have Sri.Poonthanam and Sow. Kurooramma's life history in Tamil. Could you please send me the details where to buy in Chennai or Tamilnadu or in Kerala?Thank you. Cheers,Padmasani Sowmia srikrishnadasa_rajeev <srikrishnadasa_rajeev Sent: Thursday, June

19, 2008 11:19:47 PM Re: Krishna-Bhakti means 'Purest Bhakti-Yoga" !!!


Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Sree Krishna and His Bhaktas , Brahmasree K.V. Gopalakrishnaji has rightly pointed out that "You are God" or "I am God " is the principle of Advaita . Many Advaita-teachers consider "Deity worship" as inferior. According to them, the Deity worship of Dwaita philosophy, is just a preliminary step towards Brahman realization . However, divine Advaita-Acharyas like Adi Sankara and Chandraseksharendra Saraswathi have always encouraged Deity worship . Unfortunately, their lesser followers are involving in self-destruction by discouraging Deity-worship . There are many Advaita followers who claim themselves to be Krishna-devotees . They begin with the worship of Sree Krishna . After learning Bhagavad Geeta from an "Advaita angle" , they behave like "Brahma-Jnanis" . Thereafter, they refer to Krishna as just an enlightened version of the "Self" . They are ashamed to identify Krishna , as the Supreme Personality of Brahman . These pretenders" always quote the blasphemous commentaries of their "anti-Krishna Teachers " . Crooked politicians like Nehru and E.M.S have cleverly misused the mentioned Advaita-confusion to undermine Hindu religion . To avoid such a situation , great Vaishnava-Acahryas like Ramanuja and Chaithanya Mahaprabhu have discouraged the "Advaita Path" . They were aware that any non-recognition of Krishna is spiritually suicidal to Krishna-Bhakti . We have the recent examples of Poonthanam and Kurooramma . They always worshipped Bhagavan Krishna as "Ishta-Deva" . Even after attaining HIS grace , they continued Krishna-worship till last breath . They have never discarded Krishna , for "Brahman-realizatio n" . On His part , Krishna the Bhakthavalsala mercifully blessed them with "pure Bhakti " , "Mukthi" and an eternal place in "Vaikuntam" . Narayaneeyam says in Dasakam -1, Sloka 10 : "O Supreme God ! O Destroyer of the demon Mura ! . Your supremacy is controlling all other Gods beginning with Siva . Your prowess predominates over the valour of all others . More over, Your glory is flawless and sung by even Sages who are detached . Goddess Maha-Lakshmi ( Deity of affluence) is always associated with Your body . You know everything and there is not a trace of attachment in You . Therefore O Krishna ! You are the fittest one for the title of Bhagavan " . Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!! SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -----, "K.V Gopalakrishna" <gopalakrishna. kv wrote:>> Dear Rajeevji and other Krishna-bhaktas,> Radhe Krishna!> > We cannot dispute the statement that "You are He" or "I am He" which are > true translations of "Tat-twam Asi" and "Aham Brahmasmi". These are the > governing principles of Advaita Vedanta. But to get into a mindset where > the aspirant can understand the principle, he has to go through > "Dwaita", worship Lord Krishna or his/her Ishta-deivatam as a separate > entity, develop and enhance Bhakti, at the same time performing > Karma-yoga to attain purity of mind. Unless the mind is pure and devoid > of

desires for the fruits of action, this mindset cannot be achieved. > This is a hard and time-consuming process, and short-cuts will not work > in every case. so, to generalise to a beginner "You are God" or "I am > God", does not make any sense.> > First of all, the concept of "All Gods are One", but are only the > manifestations of the "Nish-kala Brahman", the Whole Indivisible > formless Supreme, should be imprinted in the minds of the aspirants. But > when we find that even the Mata-adhipathis, the heads of religious > institutions who are supposed to be "realised souls", are fighting with > each other whether the Narasimha-murthy should have a "Y" sign or "U" > sign on His forehead and taking the matter to courts, how can the common > man get the concept of "Advaita"?> > One cannot profess to be a preceptor or a Guru unless he himself is >

convinced of what he is preaching, and his thoughts, words and deeds are > on the same plane. If we find things to the contrary, that Guru should > be abandoned, and the aspirant should seek another Guru. Bhagavadgita > chanting and learning it by heart is okay, but if one does not practise > what is written in the Gita, what is the use?> > Regards> K.V. Gopalakrishna.> webmaster, www.narayaneeyam. com> > > > > srikrishnadasa_ rajeev wrote:> >> > Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Sree Krishna and His Bhaktas ,> >> > Now a days, the term "Bhakti-yoga" is confusing to the common man *. > > *Certain Spiritual teachers are preaching " You are God " *.* ( It > > means the "Teacher" is a realized soul but the follower is a novice > > *.* Therefore he must worship the "'Teacher" as God ) *. *Hearing

> > this, the follower forgets everything else and starts human-worship *. *> >> > The incomparable master piece *Bhagavad Gita, * is universally known > > as the "Song of God" *. *It is Bhagavan Sree Krishna's "confidential > > advice" to His devotees* . *One* *who views Krishna as a mere human > > can not understand the book *. *> >> > In the case of Krishna-Bhakti , Gita serves as Krishna's literary > > incarnation which is self-revealing *. *> >> > *_Krishna-Bhakti _*> >> > *__*Krishna- Bhakti signifies a blissful, selfless and overwhelming > > love of Bhagavan Sree Krishna as the beloved Father, Mother, Child, > > Friend , Master or whichever relationship or personal aspect of > > Bhagavan that finds appeal in the devotee's heart *. *> >> > The 'Bhakti-rasamrita- sindhu'

(written by Vaishnava Rishi , Rupa > > Gosvami ) gives the following as the nine primary activities of > > Krishna-Bhakti, with the instruction that by following all, or just > > one, of these activities perfectly the aspiring devotee can achieve > > pure love of Bhagavan Sree Krishna *:*> >> > 1. Hearing about Krishna - singing & chanting HIS names> > (nama-japam) , hearing stories from the Vedic scripture *. *> > 2. Glorifying Krishna - describing HIS all-attractive features*. *> > 3. Remembering Krishna - internal meditation on HIS form,> > activities, names or personality* . *> > 4. Serving the lotus feet of Krishna - providing a form of physical> > service*. *> > 5. Worshiping Krishna - Deity <http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Deity>> > worship is a popular form of this *. *> > 6. Offering

prayers to Krishna - any form of prayer offered to> > please HIM *. *> > 7. Serving Krishna - offering a service for HIS pleasure, such as> > preaching activity*. *> > 8. Building a friendship with Krishna - having an internal, loving> > relationship with HIM *. *> > 9. Surrendering everything unto Krishna* - *surrendering one's> > thoughts*, *actions and deeds to HIM* . *> >> > The scriptural source of these nine primary forms of Krishna- Bhakti > > is a verse in the Bhagavata Purana > > <http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Bhagavata_ Purana> , spoken by Prahlada > > <http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Prahlada> *:*> >> > " Hearing and chanting about the transcendental holy name, form, > > qualities, paraphernalia and pastimes of Bhagavan Viṣhṇu, > > remembering them, serving the

lotus feet of Bhagavan , offering > > Bhagavan respectful worship with sixteen types of paraphernalia, > > offering prayers to Bhagavan , becoming His servant, considering > > Bhagavan one's best friend, and surrendering everything unto Him (in > > other words, serving Him with the body, mind and words) — these nine > > processes are accepted as pure devotional service *. *One who has > > dedicated his life to the service of Bhagavan through these nine > > methods should be understood to be the most learned person, for he has > > acquired complete knowledge *.*"> >> > These nine principles of devotional service are described as helping > > the devotee remain constantly in touch with Bhagavan *. *The processes > > of Nama-japam and internal meditation on the aspirant devotees's > > chosen Deity form ( _*Ishta-Deva* >

> <http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Ishta_deva>_) are especially important > > *. *Bhakti is a yoga path, in that its aim is a form of divine, loving > > union with the Supreme God Sree Krishna *. *> >> > The exact form of Sree Krishna , or type of union varies between the > > different schools, but the essence of each process is very similar*.*> >> > *_The Bhagavad Gita_*> >> > While it has an extensive list of philosophical and religious > > associations, the Bhagavad Gita > > <http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Bhagavad_ Gita> is also seen as a > > cornerstone for Hindu Bhakti theism, especially within Vaishnavism *. > > *However, it has been interpreted by many as being a manual not > > limited just for devotees of Krishna *. *Whatever be the case, it is > > adamant, in Krishna's words, that

love and innocent pure intention is > > the most powerful motive force in a devotee's spiritual life *.* It is > > a very succinct and comprehensive statement on the mindset of the > > Bhakta (loving devotee) of Sree Krishna, the Supreme Personality of > > Brahman *:*> >> > *"*Engage your mind always in thinking of Me, become My devotee, offer > > obeisances to Me and worship Me*. *Being completely absorbed in Me, > > surely you will come to Me*".** *(Gita 9.34) *. *> >> > One can understand Me as I am, as the Supreme Personality of Brahman > > <http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Supreme_Personal ity_of_Godhead> , only > > by devotional service *. *And when one is in full consciousness of Me > > by such devotion, he can enter into My eternal abode " *. *(Gita > > 18.55) *. *> >> > *_Srimad

Narayaneeyam_ *> >> > /( Which has the stamp of approval by Sree Krishna) /> >> > " The Supreme Brahman shines in front of our eyes , as the > > Krishna-Deity in Guruvayoor Temple *. *Since the rare object ( Brahman > > , Human birth , Bhakti-yoga and Bhagavatam) is available* , * the > > devotee seeks refuge in Bhagavan " * . *> >> > *Om** Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!*> >> > SreeKrishnaDasa Rajeev> >> >>

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