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At the time of death

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anta-kale ca mam eva

smaran muktva kalevaram

yah prayati sa mad-bhavam

yati nasty atra samsayah





And whoever, at the time of death, quits his body, remembering Me

alone, at once attains My nature. Of this there is no doubt. At the

time of death the soul faces the following options, depending upon

the method of disposal of the body.


Here are my observations regarding this sloka.



At the time of death the individual soul (jeevatma) faces the

following options, depending upon the method of disposal of the body.


1.To leave the body after it has been cremated in fire - As the heat

of the fire reaches the brain,the soul directly witnesses the

terminaion of all mental processes and then witnesses its own

engulfment in the fire.As the soul cannot be burnt or cut or dried or

reduced to liquid form, it assumes its own real form, and enters the

atmosphere created by th fire, and begins to ascend upwards into the

stratosphere.There it can choose where to head towards, choose

planets or other star systems.Such a cremation is usually the best

method for the soul which desires to leave earth and find other

planetary systems to live in.


2.To leave the body after it has been cremated in a coffin and

buried - In this case, as there is no sudden fire reaching the brain,

the soul stays within the brain for a longer period (a few hours till

brain death occurs) and during this period it goes through the memory

cells and witnesses all its past. As the brain death occurs the soul

looks for a way out.The way out could be through the tubes of the

blood vessels that surround the brain, and as it comes out of the

dead brain region, it exits through the ear, through the nose or

through the mouth.Finding itself free of the body, the soul can move

about in the ghostly, dimly lit world that usually surrounds the

coffin. As it begins to witness life on earth around its grave again,

it might be tempted to choose other life forms to be born in.This is

a dangerous situation, because till it takes rebirth it has to wander

on earth. Most of the people who are buried cannot reach heavenly

planets and higher systems on their own effort.They might be helped

by omnicient spirits (angels in christian terminology) and taken to

higher realms.Only omnicient spirits know the path towards heaven,and

by their mercy the departing soul can reach the heavens, but all by

itself a soul is forced into rebirth.


3.Consciously leaving a body which has been set into a Samadhi. This

is a rare occasion and available only to yogis, who can sit in

meditation and leave their body.They consciously terminate all the

bodily functions, and after having finally terminated the brain

processes,they leave usually through the region of the forehead, or

through the region of the fontanelle (top of the head). During the

time of birth a baby has a soft region at the top of the skull, this

is the fontanelle.As the skull grows harder this region closes.This

is the region from where the soul enters a body while taking birth.A

yogi leaves through this region forcefully, one might find a small

pinhole at the top of the skull. Sometimes even that is not

necessary, one can transcend the material layers by simply slipping

through the molecular spaces! Only spiritually advanced yogis can do

this, and those who have the knowledge of the size of their own souls

can do this at the time of leaving the body.The size of the soul is

described in only one spiritual text - The Srimad Bhagvad Gita. It is

one thousandth of the tip of a human hair.The soul is the smallest

indivisible entity and its size is too small to be measured by

material instruments.It's size was therefore provided in the Gita

(the only scripture that contains this information) and this was

provided for helping the future mankind with understanding the truth

about the soul and about the Supersoul- the Lord, or Allah as muslims

call Him,or GOD as Christians call him.


There are innumerous souls, but there is only one SUPERSOUL(LORD



In terms of modern physics, the size of the soul maybe more than or

equal to 1 planck's length though this is not certified by any

measurement of the soul. We shall look deeper to ascertain the size

of the soul.


One planck's length is 1.6 X 10 raised to the power of -35.This is an

abstract size, as even modern physics has not found any real object

of this size, nor a way of measuring this size.It is derived only

through a calculation based on the Gravitation constant (G) the speed

of light © and planck's constant H. Even if we do accept this as

the smallest size of anything, and ascribe it to the soul,it cannot

be measured using any material instruments.


This is where science,religion,truth and philosophy meet.Smaller

dimensions than these dimensions cannot be quantified, and some

theorists have stated that planck's length is the size of a

blackhole.Logically, no instrument, other than the soul itself,can

determine this size and quantify it.If the soul has properties that

are superior to material properties,it can observe everything that is

happening, everything that has happened,or will happen in the

future.These areas are grey areas of science,and there is need for a

very cautious approach here, if one has to understand the realms of

the soul. One thousandth of the tip of a human hair can be determined

theoretically by calculations. The human hair has a diameter ranging

between 50 to 90 Micrometers. This is quite thick.We need to know the

size of the tip of a human hair, and for this we need to go really



The hair is composed mainly of proteins and lipids and some water.

Imagine the tip of a human hair.It would be so small it cannot be

perceieved clearly by the human eye as the eye resolution is much

under these measurements.Using an electron microscope, the size of a

standard water molecule would be in the 100 picometer range.Even of

one molecule of water is at the tip of a human hair, and if we

consider this as the size of the tip of the human hair, for

theoretical purposes, we can understand that the 1000th part of a 100

picometer molecule would be a 0.1 picometer.But is the water molecule

located on the tip of a human hair the smallest molecule found in the

hair? Or are there smaller molecules?

We can only roughly estimate at this time the dimension of a soul, it

should be smaller than 0.1 Picometers definitely (but that only if we

assume that the tip of the human hair has a molecule of water stuck

onto it! The ambiguity lies in assuming what should be considered as

the tip of a human hair.let us go down deeper. The human hair's tip

would be coated with particles that are attracted to it.These

particles could even be the smallest atoms available.The smallest

atom (Hydrogen) has a size of 0.000048 Micrometers or 48 Picometers

(10 raised to Minus 12 meters).A Hydrogen atom is a proton and an

electron.We can safely assume that the hydrogen atom is the tip of

the human hair, for purposes of calculation of the size of the soul.


Considering the proton to physically represent the tip of a human

hair, we have The diameter of a proton is 1 Femtometre or 3000

Picometers (1 Femtometre is 10 raised to minus 15 mtrs).Therefore

soul has to be 1000 times smaller than a proton, which is one

Attometre (10 raised to minus 18 meters).This size in nature is

attributed to quarks and electrons though never measured by any

instruments.THis size is still larger than Planck's length.Planck's

length is 1.6 X 10 raised to minus 35 mtrs, and could possibly be the

size of a black hole, but a soul cannot enter a black hole! (assuming

that our theory is correct, and the size of a soul is one attometer).

However a soul can approach a black hole.Only a SUPERSOUL or THE

SUPERSOUL can enter the Blackhole, as by definition, the SUPERSOUL is

the only unique entity, one of its kind,anywhere in the universe, and

it posesses all souls, yet it cannot be posessed by any soul.The

blackholes must be the gates of heaven!There maybe many blackholes!

Only the Supersoul and not individual souls, can enter the Blackhole

Gate which leads to heaven! These are my wildest thoughts, so I guess

you all must be either amazed or bored, suit yourself, but this is

what I keep trying to figure out in my spare moments. I know one

thing for sure, I am not small enough in size to penetrate a

blackhole, but Lord Krishna who runs this Universe, is definitely

able to come and go as he pleases. I always pray to Krishna o give me

the special knowledge of the soul and its relationship with Himself.I

remain eternally His.I am not trying to be funny here, I have

concluded in my mind that Lord Krishna is the Supreme person, the

Lord, who spoke 5000 years ago about the size of the soul, and

delivered the best message to humanity that can be found anywhere on

this earth - the Srimad Bhagvad Gita.I pay my obeisances unto His

Lotus feet! Hare Krishna.

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