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Sree Krishna RESCUES His Devotees !!!

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Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Sree Krishna and Vaishnavas ,

A Vaishnava is an "Instrument " of Sree Krishna . And Bhagavan ensures his well being.

In the case of Vilwamangalam , he had the facility to receive Krishna's instruction in person . However , he became impatient and lost confidence in Bhagavan ; and he pursued an alternative through the Yogic physician Sri.Moose . This misuse of "Free-will " caused his disqualification .

Vilwamangalam must have remembered that Krishna is his greatest well wisher at all times . And that , Bhagavan would not allow him to suffer unreasonably .

What a Bhakta Should Do to Escape Sufferings

When a Bhakta encounters an intolerable suffering , he should pray for Krishna's help . If fallen sick , he should pray Bhagavan to cure him. He can consult a good Doctor with the faith that Bhagavan Krishna will treat using that Doctor .

If the situation is very complicated and the Bhakta is unable to select from the available options , he can consult a "Jyothishi" ( Vedic Astrologer) to know about his "Karmic-situation" . However , extreme caution is necessary in adopting this process .

Earlier , the " Sattvic-Jyothishis" used to perform ritually "Vigraha-Aradhana" at home to invoke his "Ishta-Deva" , for the "intuition" . Now a days , most "Jyothishis" do not follow such a system and rigorous spiritual discipline associated with it . This reduction in "Spiritual Power" has necessitated additional support arising from the "Bhakti-yoga" of customer as well .

Therefore , a Krishna-Bhakta should first offer prayers to the Krishna-Deity at a temple seeking His revelation prior to meeting the "Jyothishi" . During the "Prasnam" ( astrological verification) , the Bhakta must ardently pray for Bhagavan's help . If he is a committed and consistent Bhakta, Bhagavan bestows a "Precise Revelation" .

Krishna's recommendations must be implemented carefully with firm faith . Some times , certain "atonements" like specific offerings to Temples or feeding the needy Devotees will be necessary to clear the "Prarabda" ( ill-effects of Past Karma) . "Krishnanugraham" (Krishna's blessings) is always with the Bhakta ; and it will bring to him the "Ultimate Victory" .

Two True Events

1 . Sree Krishna Performs Surgery

Sri.Kottarathil Sankunni narrated the following event ( happened about 100 years back) , in his famous book "Iythihyamala" :

Sri . Nair was suffering from a huge "infected Tumor " on his throat . All treatments failed . The only possibility was a surgery , but the Doctor gave only 1% success possibility for it since the available spot is a "pin point" .

As advised by a Jyothishi , Nair started a 41 day "Bhajanam" ( continuous worship by staying inside the Temple) at Aranmula Parthasarathy Temple . At that time , there were a couple of deers there which used to wander freely inside the temple . On the last day of Bhajanam , Nair was sitting at the Temple doing "Nama-Japam" . Suddenly , one deer became violent . It ran towards Nair and struck him on the throat with it's sharp horn . Nair fell down . Blood and Puss started flowing profusely from the wound . Meanwhile someone brought the Doctor . After examining the patient , the Doctor could just utter "Krishna , Krishna.." . When he regained self-control , the Doctor said in a trembling voice :

" The deer cut his throat precisely on that "Pin Point" itself . Who else but Bhagavan Sree Krishna Himself could do it tot such perfection !!!! . Bhagavan has done it all by Himself . All what I have to do is to apply some anticeptic when the flow of puss stops by itself .

2 . Sree Krishna Treats the Illness of Chembai Vaidyanatha Bhagavathar

Sri. Chembai Vaidyanatha Bhagavatar ( 1895 – 1974) was a famous Carnatic singer. He was an ardent devotee of Sree Krishna .


Sri. Chembai says :

"On January 7, 1952, I was giving a concert at holy Suchindram. An hour had elapsed and I was at the peak of my performance. All of a sudden, my vocal cords got stuck up, as it were, and my voiced totally failed me. The concert broke up in confusion. Many rushed up to the dais to render help. Doctors tried their best with pills and potions but to no avail.

I went through life without any hope and no ray of hope seemed to come anywhere. In this state of desperation, in 1954, on the great Ekadasi Day in Guruvayoor, I stood before Bhagavan and wrung out my heart to Him. I could not give vocal utterance to my anguish . Memories of the glorious days when I had sung His praises surged forward .

O Lord, I cried out, will Thou not let me sing Thy praises? Will Thou let my heart break, for without this outward expression of my heart's agony, I can hardly live? Had Not Thou in the past not given the gift of speech to the great Muka Kavi ? Had he not sung Thy praises in enchanting Sanskrit verses known so well as the Muka Panchasati Stotras ?

In my agony and mute supplication to Bhagavan, I had not noticed an unknown Namboothiri standing at a distance of some fifty feet from me . He divined my trouble and came to me. He had evidently heard my inarticulate prayer. He prescribed an Ayurvedic formula which he promised will rid me of my trouble, Guruvayoorappan willing.

Bhagavan Krishna had sent His minister to help me and I regained my voice after using that divine medicine . In keeping with my promise I have since then been singing the praises of Bhagavan. Every year, I have the 'Udayastamana' pooja performed at the Guruvayoor temple and the sum of Rs. 5,000 needed for it comes from the concerts that Guruvayoorappan Himself arranged . "


Bhagavan Sree Krishna declares in Gita ( 9.22) "For the loyal Devotees who worship Me with faith , I Myself attend to their Necessities. "


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev


, Veryytterium <veryytterium wrote:>> namo narayana> > Respected devotee of Lord Sri Krishna,> > Thank you for your very informative emails, I always find it very useful to read them to increase my devotion to the Lord.> However I want to ask you a specific question, so in this email you mentioned that Sri Vilvamangalam swamiyar ruined his chance of going to Sri Vaikuntam in this life, by resorting to the physician?> I am quite confused by this, although I do realize that Lord Sri Vishnu is the ultimate bhakthavatasala why will he object if His devotees find some cure (isnt the cure also Lord Vishnu's benediction) to end their suffering.> I also want to ask does this mean that if we as His devotees get some suffering, then we must not resort to its cure?> I ask this only because I am going through some very tough situations in life and was wondering if Lord Sri Krishna is actually testing me or is it the karmic rewards of my previous actions. > Looking forward to your reply,> Thank you,> Sincerely,> Kamlesh> --- On Mon, 6/30/08, srikrishnadasa_rajeev srikrishnadasa_rajeev wrote:> > srikrishnadasa_rajeev srikrishnadasa_rajeev Become a Krishna-Bhakta and be Happy for Ever !!!> > Monday, June 30, 2008, 9:36 AM> > > > > > > > Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Sree Krishna and Vaishnavas , > This age of deterioration ( Kali-yuga) is very tricky . People are addicted with never ending Material Desires and short lived Pleasures . A rich man envies Mukesh Ambani and desires to overtake him . And one with a loyal wife feels sad when he sees a more beautiful woman . Even God can not satisfy such a man's "Material Desires" . A "Material-Addict" has no time for genuine "Bhakti-Yoga " . Very often, greed takes him to the trap of fake "Human Gods". > On the other hand , a Krishna-Bhakta is satisfied with his life . Bhagavan has blessed him with a life-style according to his "Karma" ( deeds of the past) . Any suffering he undergoes is only the result of his past Karma . His daily "sadhana" to the "Ishta-Deva" automatically fulfils all his necessities . > On the other hand , a Krishna-Bhakta is satisfied with his life . Bhagavan has blessed him with a life-style according to his "Karma" ( deeds of the past) . Any suffering he undergoes is only the result of his past Karma . His daily "sadhana" to the "Ishta-Deva" automatically fulfils all his necessities . > > There is a propaganda that, Sree Krishna always tests His devotees with sufferings . This is nonsense . On the contrary , Bhaktavalsala purifies the ill-effects of His Bhakta's "Bad Karma" with just a " token atonement " . And blesses with Bhakti , Bliss and Mukti . > Vilwamanagalam' s Experience> Vilwamangalam Swamiyar was a pure Krishna-Bhakta . Having been pleased by his bhakti-yoga , Krishna bestowed Vilwamangalam a boon to appear during his pooja .> Once, Vilwamangalam started experiencing a minor Stomach-ache and it continued even after taking rest . So, next day during the Pooja , Vilwamangalam informed Krishna about his illness and requested to cure it . Bhagavan listened but did not reply. Same thing repeated the next day. > A disappointed Vilwamangalm consulted Sri. Moose , the 'Ashta-vaidya' ( Ayurvedic Yogi ) and explained the situation in detail . Having taken this as a challenge, Moose prepared a rare "Sidha- medicine" . It successfully cured the illness within a day . > Next day, when Krishna appeared to accept the Pooja, an overjoyed Vilwamangalam informed about the successful curing of his illness by Moose .> Bhagavan replied sadly " Your pain was the result of your "Prarabda" ( Karmic effects) of previous births . I had transformed it all to a minor pain for qualifying you to Vaikuntam in this birth itself. By taking such a short-cut , you have now extended your life to (3) more births . "> Krishna advises in Gita 2.3 : "The non-permanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course are like the occurrence of winter and summer seasons . They arise from sense perceptions and one must learn to tolerate them without being disturbed".> Krishna-Bhakta' s sufferings are very much temporary . Sree Krishna never ever lets down any one who surrenders at His feet .> For more details , please read the 'True Experiences' in this Group's FILE section . > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!!> SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev>

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