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Glory of Vaishnavism !!!!!

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Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Sree Krishna and Vaishnavas ,

Vaishnavism is the most popular Vedic tradition . It is the way of living according to Bhagavad Gita ( Condensation of the Vedas) . It's unique feature is the focused worship of Sree Krishna , the Supreme Personality of Para-Brahman . The "Dharmic"( righteous) lives of Lord Sree Rama and Lord Sree Krishna guide the Vaishnavas in their daily life .

The other schools of Santatana Dharma ( Vedic way of life) are unable to adopt Bhagavad Gita properly because of their partial incompatibility with Sree Krishna , the creator of Gita . Although, Santatana Dharma is based on the Upanishads associated with the Vedas and associated Puranas , an easy to adopt methodology exists only in Vaishnavism . The Para-Brahman has infinite manifestations . However, it is Sree Krishna ( the Poorna-Avatar) Who is the most easily accessible Deity .

What matters to Sree Krishna is `Bhakti ` and not religion , cast or money power . Millions of Devotees all over the world have experienced Him .

Swamy Prabhupada , says :

"If the Preachers in Krishna consciousness movement are sincere devotees of Krishna , Krishna will always be with them because He is very kind and favorable to all His devotees . Just as Arjuna and Krishna were victorious in the Battle of Kurukhsetra, the Krishna consciousness movement will surely emerge victorious if we but remain sincere devotees of the Lord and serve the Lord according to the advice of predecessors . . . . If we attempt this seriously within society, it will be successfully done. There is no question of estimating how this will happen in the mundane sense. But without a doubt, it happens by the grace of Krishna ".

Confusion of Other Schools

Para-Brahman is both "Personal" and "Impersonal " . The great Adi-Shankara has taught both these aspects under the concept of "Advaita" . And, he established a system called "Smarta" worship . It urges a Person to select a "Chosen God" according to his taste, from Vishnu ( Krishna) , Siva , Durga , Ganesha and Subrahmanya ; And to worship that Deity as "Ishta-Deva" . The "Smarta system" works well for the traditional " Brahmana-Priests" due to their hereditary Vedic education facilities .

However, the untrained and ill-trained followers of Advaita end up in utter confusion and delusion by worshipping every entity including anti-Vedic Personalities and fake "Human Gods" . Some others are addicted to wayward "Impersonalism" .

Vaishnavism , for easy God-realization

Vaishnavism emphasizes on bhakti to Bhagavan Krishna through the process of Bhakti yoga, often including singing Bhagavan's name's (bhajan) like Vishnu Sahasranamam , meditating upon His form (dharana) and performing His "Vigraha-Aradhana" (Deity-worship) . Vaishanvas experience that Sree Krishna is within their hearts , as the "Antaryami" .

The divine book Chaitanya Charitamrita says :

"Who chants the holy name of Krishna just once may be considered a Vaishnava . Such a Person is the finest human being."

Ramayana and Mahabharata are the practical Handbooks

Ramayana and Mahabharata, are very important to the Vaishnavas . Ramayana describes the story of Lord Rama, as a history of the 'ideal king', based on the principles of dharma, morality and ethics . Rama's wife Sita-devi , his brother Lakshman and servant Hanuman all play key roles within the Vaishnava tradition as examples of Vaishnava etiquette and behaviour . Ravana, the evil king and villain of the epic, plays the opposite role of how not to behave.

Mahabharata is centered around Sree Krishna the Supreme Personality of Parabrahman . It details a dynastic war between two families of cousins, with Krishna and the Pandavas, five brothers, playing pivotal roles in the drama. The philosophical highlight of the work is the chapter covering a conversation between Arjuna and Sree Krishna prior to the final battle, individually known as Bhagavad Gita .

Bhagavan Sree Krishna says in Gita 18.56-57,66-68 :

" While engaging in your activities, just depend upon Me always and work under My protection. You will pass over all the obstacles by My grace . Offer your mind to Me; become My bhakta by hearing and chanting, etc, about My names, forms, qualities and pastimes ; worship Me and offer obeisances to Me. In this way, you will certainly come to Me. I promise you this truthfully because you are very dear to Me. Completely abandoning all religious dogmas fully surrender to Me alone. I shall liberate you from all reactions to your sins. Do not grieve. You should never explain this Gita-sastra to anyone whose senses are uncontrolled, who is a non-devotee, who is devoid of a serving mood, or who is envious of Me. One who instructs this most confidential knowledge of Gita-sastra to My Bhaktas will attain parama- bhakti unto Me, and becoming free from all doubts, he will finally attain Me."

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!!SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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