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In search of Symptoms of a True Devotee

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Many people take pride in calling themselves devotees, but do they

actually qualify as devotees? External symptoms such as dressing

codes and association with religious groups do not tell the complete

story of a devotee.At the most these will give you an idea of a

devotee's group attachments, but will not help you know if that

person has realised the presence of the Supreme Lord within his own

heart as well as within the hearts of all other beings.Only deep

introspection,followed by the grace of the Lord will guide you to the

eternal truth that has always been within you.

Labels like Vaishnava,Sri-Vaishnava,Saiva,Gaudiya,Brahmana,Hindu,etc

are quite misleading if one is looking for a true devotee.You may

find thousands of Vaishnavas,and thousands of Shaivas,and millions of


This labelling creates sheer separatism,whereas to a true devotee,all

beings are seen as part of the same Lord,unseparatable from the Lord,

yet separate in existence.

The notion of " I " when replaced with the notion of " we " as separate

but parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, leads one

directly into Krishna Consciousness, and one sees everyone as his

own.There is no " other " .

For Krishna, everyone is HIS OWN, and for a devotee also,everyone is

KRISHNA's OWN, and being so close to Krishna,the devotee feels that

all are his own,irrespective of caste, religion,color,or creed.

A real Krishna Conscious devotee will behave very normally with

everyone,not partial to Vaishnavas and impartial to others.Often the

Vaishnava Pride comes in the way of many,as I have seen in my own

life, and made severe efforts to stay away from such foolishness.If

we do not feel the pains of others,and still we call ourselves

Vaishnavas,it is a shame.


At one time I was very proud of being a Vaishnava, but by the grace

of Lord Krishna,I am losing this darkness and ignorance.All this is

the causeless mercy of Krishna, and the good association I have

benefitted from as a member of this group.I have no desire to

identify myself with a group or any group of people, my only sincere

desire is to see the Lord, even if it is the last thing I do in my

life.I have tried to develop myself in an open way, not restricting

my mind from social forces,not cutting myself off from the people,and

making sincere efforts to work for a common good for all mankind.


To what extent I am successful I do not know.All I pray for is that

all human beings come together under one roof (the Blue Umbrella of

the Raincloud Blue-bodied Lord Krishna,whose mystical glance causes

worlds to be created and destroyed.As I see worlds being destroyed

right before my eyes even today, I wonder with amazement how the Lord

Sri Krishna can see his own creation being destroyed gradually.His

smile is the only answer available.All is hidden in His smile.It is

not a naughty smile, it is a kind and knowing smile,leading us on

further and further towards the truth.The nectar flowing from His

Lips is filling my heart always with joy and His mercy is flowing

into every heart, and is seen in every creature.One can never get

tired of praising the Lord's qualities.As one dwells on the qualities

of the Lord,one also imbibes the same qualities in small

proportions.Eventually what will happen cannot be imagined.Meeting

the Lord changes everything we have known.As we draw closer, we are

transformed by His effulging light. As long as we cling onto " ME "

and " Mine " and fail to think of " We " and " US " His mercy will not be

experienced in totality.His mercy in all encompassing, His Heart is

so big, all the worlds are in it.The more I think of Him,the more

this little " I " turns towards " we " . Experts say that to enjoy the

transcendental bliss in separation is highly possible and desireable,

and merging with the Lord is " Spiritual Suicide " . When His love

engulfs me, will it be possible to keep myself separate? Maybe then I

will have to do something annoying to stay separate, or simply melt

in the embrace of His loving arms.My thinking is surely flawed.May

the grace of the Lord descend and clear this confusion.Now all I can

say is " Dear Lord, please be kind to everyone. "


Hare Krishna,Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.Hare Rama,Hare

Rama,Rama Rama Hare Hare.

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