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Vaishnavism is for Krishna-realization .

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Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Sree Krishna and Vaishnava ,

"Vaishnava " is one who has taken complete refuge in Sree Krishna and committed to serve Bhagavan and His Bhaktas . The term "Vaishnava" means a selfless vow rather than a honorary-Title .

Bhagavan Krishna refers to all His worshippers as "Bhakta" ( Devotee). He even mentions "Bhaktas without Bhakti " to describe the "Pretenders" .

"Kuchelavrutham Vanchippattu " says :

" If a penniless Bhakta offers Me (Krishna) a bitter-nut with Bhakti , I partake it "Amrut"( Nectar) . However, even "Amrut" offered by a Bhakti-less Bhakta is Bitter-nut to Me ".

Sree Krishna is easily accessible to everyone who has taken refuge in Him , regardless of Religion , Caste or nationality . What matters to Bhagavan is Bhakti and nothing else.

How to Develop Bhakti

A Father sends his Son to school to gain knowledge . Strict rules and regulations at the School enables him to stay on the right track of moral-discipline . For his safety, teacher may warn him "Don't go near the Road , otherwise Police will catch you " . When the Child attains knowledge and character , he will be able to make own decisions according to his healthy "Free Will" .

Such restrictions are used in the Spiritual education as a precaution to prevent the potential failures of "Disciple " .

Divine Acharyas like Ramanuja and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu have put in place "Regulatory-principles" under the name "Vaishnavism" , to prevent "Spiritual-SUICIDE" due to lack of Discipline .

How can a Person considering Sree Krishna as a mere human become a Krishna-Bhakta ? . How can he understand Bhagavad Gita by ignoring Krishna ? .

Hinduism is an uncontrolled "Religious Path" . No Clergy or "Closed Dogma" to exercise any central control . A Hindu can choose his "Scripture" and path . In the previous eras , there were "Rishis" and "Vedic Brahmanas" to provide authorized "Vedic Education" . Virtuous rulers like Lord Rama and King Parikshit had encouraged such Vedic Education .

Atheistic India

Unfortunately , the British occupation has corrupted the Vedic Education in India .The new `English Education" systematically brought in "FAKE" theories like "Aryan Invasion". It's products like Jawaharlal Nehru have proactively converted "Vedic Bharat" to "Atheistic India" .

Democratic India's young generation is being educated to attain a "Mindset" that , the Vedas are creations of European invaders ( Aryans) ; and all those blind beliefs must be replaced with Materialism !!!!

Importance of "Vaishnava-Education"

Swamy Prabhupada has proved that , a systematic "Vaishnava-education" based on "Deity-worship" and adherence to Bhagavad Gita will attain Krishna-realization . Millions of People all over the word have benefited from this "Vaishnava" education system . You can call it in any name but "Surrender to Krishna and adherence to His Gita-advice , is what needed to become a pure Krishna-Bhakta . Thereafter , Sree Krishna will guide the Bhakta from within .

Bhagavan Krishna instructs Uddhava in Srimad Bhagavatam , Chapter 11 :


Do your duty, to the best of your abilities, for Me without any selfish motive, and remember Me at all times - before starting a work, at the completion of a task, and while inactive.

Practice to look upon all creatures as Myself (Krishna) in thought, word, and deed ; and mentally bow down to them.

Although I the Supreme God, can never be captured by ordinary sense perception, My Bhaktas may use their intelligence and perception (by Bhakti-yoga) to directly search for Me through both apparent and indirect symptoms.

Awaken your dormant Krishna-bhakti and perceive through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions that My power is within you at all times, and is constantly doing all the work using you as a mere instrument.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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