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Fwd: Life is Flowing, You are Staying

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Hare Krsna



See ! Let me tell you something ! Your true self is not this gross

body. It is not this body. This body is a storehouse for enjoyment of

pleasures. Just like one goes to the kitchen to eat, similarly staying

in this body, one engages in sense pleasures. This body has been

received and it will depart. Oh ! Even the subtle body is not you.

Because in the subtle body, inquiry and contemplation takes place. Even

the subtle body belongs to Nature. It is not yours. Body is a part of

Nature. You are a part of God. This is a very straightforward and

simple point. It belongs to Nature. All bodies belong to Nature. Even

"Samadhi" is not yours. It is the work of the body. You are a part of

God. You are without any form. This thing with form is not your true

Self. A spiritual aspirant is without any form. If the body leaves, if

it dies, does the spiritual aspirant die ? No a spiritual aspirant does

not die. He ever remains. The body is like the kitchen.

It is not your true Self. Self is eternal ! It is not your body, it is your inner being, an inner expression.


There are three Yogas in the Gita. Jnana, Karma and Bhakti Yoga. These

are the three main paths to realization. "Samattvam yoga ucchyate,"

Equanimity is called Yoga. That equanimity will lead to our salvation.

Attachment, aversion, elation and dejection, these will not lead to

salvation. The body gets you entangled in worldly matters. Yoga is

equanimity. However favorable a situation is, do not become too elated.

And when faced with extremely unfavorable situations, do not become

dejected. This life is simply flowing. There is nothing to it. At every

moment it is flowing away. You are staying. You are not flowing. This

body is changing constantly, but you are unchanging. You remain the

same in all the yugas - Kali, Dwapar, Tretaa and Satya yug. Yugs come

and go, but you remain the same. Just as God is. Because you are a part

of Him... Truely ! All of you. Small, big, old, young, every single one

of you is a ray of His consciousness. We are

part of God, we are not of this life. This life is flowing. In this

entire Universe, not even one tiny strand of hair is ours. Our belief

that it is ours, is the main trap. Childhood left us, youth left us,

old age left us. Wealth and poverty all has left us. They will not stay

with us. We have no clue where we were before. We have no memory of it.

Similarly there will be no memory of this body. There is no memory of

all the talks we have had. What we ate yesterday or day before we do

not remember. All this will leave us. Do not be concerned about this.

Simply be concerned about only one thing - God. Only God is mine. No

one else is mine. I do not want anything. I have no relationship with

anyone. My relation is only with God. Simply speaking I belong to Him

and no one else. Have never been, will never be in the future and can

never be. All can say that God is mine. God belongs even to the worst

of worst sinners. God belongs to even the most

saintly ones. That God is our very own, entirely our own. Forever. And

I am eternally His. Accept this deeply and firmly. We do not belong to

this body. This body is not ours. If this hall is ours then this body

is ours. We are sitting in this hall and doing work, similarly we are

in this body and doing work. We are separate. People in the hall are

doing their own thing, have no concern ! We have nothing to do with all

that noise. We are separate from the body. It is not about enjoyment of

pleasures, but simply sustenance. Sense enjoyments and accumulation of

things - these two desires are the main obstacles. Leave these desires.

It is the work of all spiritual aspirants to give up desires for sense

enjoyment and accumulation of things. Simply give it up. All

necessities will be taken care off and life sustenance will simply

happen. In fact it will happen very well. There is no need to

accumulate things. There is no need for attachment and aversion.

There is no need to be elated or dejected. It will happen on it's own.

Just like day and night happens on it's own. You do not have to do

anything. Like childhood, adulthood, old age... you are not making

those happen ? Your are neither the child, nor the youth, nor the old

one, nor the sick one, nor the healthy one. You are the eternal ray of

God's consciousness (part of Him). "Ishvar Ansh Jeev Avinaashi, Chetan,

Amal Sahaj Sukharaashi. Hoyi Ram koh Naam Japo" Therefore become

God's. Realizing this rejoice !

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