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Hare KrsnaAlways chanting My glories, endeavoring with great determination, bowing downbefore Me, these great souls perpetually worship Me with devotion.GITA 9:14If you turn to God, all the sins of previous births will be washedaway."Sanmukh hoyi jeev mohi jabhi, Janam koti agh naasahin tabhi."You commit sins only when you turn away from God. Therefore seekrefuge at His lotus feet saying "O Lord, I am only Yours and onlyYou are mine." This feeling that you belong to God and God belongsto you is the

essence of true devotion. God cannot be easilyattainable by performing rituals. However He is easily attainableby those who develop love for Him. Performing good deeds like -sacrifice (yagnas), doing charity, visiting holy places(pilgrimage) , studying the scriptures are all useful, but none ofthese are as powerful as the feeling of belonging to God - God ismine and I am His.Let us take the example of a millionnaire simply to illustrate thispoint. The millionnaire has a manager who gets a decent salary eachmonth. The millionnaire' s son is a useless and does nothing. He isincapable of earning even minimum wages. But when the rich mandies, his riches will be inherited not by the able manager, but bythe worthless son, for the simple reason that the later is themillionnaire' s son. Thus in this matter the inheritor's abilitiesdo not count. What really matters is that the inheritor is the

richman's own son. Like the millionnaire' s son, we are all the childrenof God, irrespective of our ability or inability. It is anestablished fact that we belong to Him. God always regards us asHis children."Mamaivaansho jeeva loke jeeva bhoota sanaatanah." (Gita 7:19)The only requirement is that we accept this relation with God anddevelop the feeling that we are His very own.This world will deceive you in the end. It will desert you and thisbody that you consider your own will not live forever. That toowill desert you. It is sheer ignorance to regard this world andthis body as your own. Turn away from them, say to God, "O Lord, Iam Your very own and You are mine". If you develop this feeling,you will attain Eternal Bliss.Practice chanting /reciting His name "Nama-Japa" with a feelingthat you belong to God. Whatever name you like of God, whether itbe "Ram Ram" or "Radhe

Radhe" or any divine / holy name andform ofGod that you believe in. Whether you are literate or illiterate,sick or healthy, you have equal right to chanting His name "NamaJapa", just as we have a right to inherit our father's property.Similiarly, we are entitled to the property of our Divine Father,i.e. we are entitled to chant His Holy Name.This has been described in details in the Upanishads when SaintNarada approached Lord Brahma and enquired on how one could achievesalvation in Kali yug (age) ? and Brahmaji's reply was - throughchanting / reciting God's Divine Name.

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