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Fwd: That Which is Received is for Serving Others

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Hare Krsna



My dear Arjuna, one who is engaged in My pure devotional service, free from the contaminations of previous activities and from mental speculation, who is friendly to every living entity, certainly comes to Me. GITA 11:55


Paramatma (Supreme Consciousness, God) without any reason, simply out of his love, naturally is the kind that graces us. That Paramatma out of his immense grace, gives this jeev (embodied soul) a human body for his benefit - "Kabahunk kari karunaa nar dehi; det is binu hetu sanehi." (Manasa, Utter. 44:3). How is this jeev (embodied soul) to attain liberation? Just like a man that has fallen in the water, vigorously pushes away the water with both his hands and feet, and by doing so he is able to stay afloat and save himself. But instead of doing that, if he tries to grab hold of the water with his hands, then certainly he will drown. This very same point is applicable to the jeev (embodied soul) that has fallen in this ocean of life. If he begins to push away (let go) the worldly life, then he will swim across, and he will be benefited. But if he begins to grab hold and take from the world,

then he will start to drown. He who desires his upliftment, he must definitely accept that whatever he has received, the abilities, the strength, is all only received for serving others, because that which has been received is not ours. If we look at it from the perspective of cause (kaaran), then it belongs to the world and if we look at it from the perspective of the Master, then it belongs to Bhagwaan (God). It is not ours - that is the truth. That which we have received, is for our betterment, for attaining liberation. The benefit will be when we do not consider those things that we have received (or met) as ours, and we do not seek happiness from them. The point is, that which we have received, has been received only for giving it up, rather it is received only to be used for serving others.



Those who are not faithful on the path of devotional service cannot attain Me, O conqueror of foes, but return to birth and death in this material world. GITA 9:3


The faithless cannot accomplish this process of devotional service; that is the purport of this verse. Faith is created by association with devotees. Unfortunate people, even after hearing all the evidence of Vedic literature from great personalities, still have no faith in God. They are hesitant and cannot stay fixed in the devotional service of the Lord. Thus faith is a most important factor for progress in Krsna consciousness. In the Caitanya-caritamrta it is said that one should have complete conviction that simply by serving the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna he can achieve all perfection. That is called real faith. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.4.12) it is stated that by giving water to the root of a tree, its branches, twigs and leaves become satisfied, and by supplying food to the stomach all the senses of the body become satisfied, and, similarly, by engaging

in the transcendental service of the Supreme Lord, all the demigods and all the living entities automatically become satisfied. After reading Bhagavad-gita one should promptly come to the conclusion of Bhagavad-gita: one should give up all other engagements and adopt the service of the Supreme Lord, Krsna, the Personality of Godhead. If one is convinced of this philosophy of life, that is faith. Now the development of that faith is the process of Krsna consciousness.


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