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Importance of Krishna-bhakti .

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Hare Krishna ! Dandavat Pranams to Bhagavan Sree Krishna and His Bhaktas,

Speaking about Sri Krishna is like introducing one to one's self. We can become like Sri Krishna ; we can become like Kamsa . We can become like Rama ; we can also become like Ravana .

Life is not mathematics, science, logic or philosophy. It is a continuous flow of experience . We can transform our lives into an experience of spreading happiness to one and all . Sri Krishna's life was the perfect example of this .

If all our infinite, innate auspicious qualities were to take the form of a human being, the beautiful result would be Sree Krishna. He expressed the infinite power inherent in humankind to its fullness .

In reality , Sri Krishna was the embodiment of *Parabrahman* , the Supreme God . He was the Purnavatar—the complete incarnation of God . Sri Krishna was both ordinary and *Parabrahman* at the same time . He was human and yet not human. He was 100% complete in all ways .

We need to transcend logic and firmly establish ourselves in innocent love and faith to Krishna . We need to look at life through such eyes . Then all experiences will become blissful, like amrita [nectar] . That is the message of Lord Krishna's life. … Sri Krishna's words and actions demonstrated the different facets of life, the secrets of * Swa-dharma* ( prescribed duties) , * Para-dharma ( other's duties) , and the subtleties of action, inaction and enlightened action. To understand Sri Krishna's message, we need unwavering love, devotion and faith in HIM .

Narayaneeyam says :

" While prescribing rituals for the attainment of various ends, the Vedas expect these to be performed without attachment to, or in expectation (anticipation) of, their results, which are essentially ephemeral. By dedicating these actions to You ( Krishna) alone, I shall save myself from the bondage of their results. I shall try to avoid performing, by thought, word or deed, any deed forbidden by the Vedas. But, if by inadvertence or compulsion, I happen to perform any such deed, I dedicate these also to You , the very light of consciousness.

In worshipping You ( Krishna) in modes other than those laid down in the Vedas, too, I shall visualise Bhagavan in Your pure satvik mode dear to me, in an image made out of stone, clay or other authorised substance, or in my heart alone, and do this regularly by offering to You flowers, incense and food stuffs, to the extent of my affordability, and purified by devotion. May I, O Bhagavan , thereby attain Your Grace. "

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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