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Fwd: Bhagavan can be Seen, Known and Attained through Exclusive Devotion

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Hare Krsna

In Bhagavad Gita - Bhagavan Shri Krishna suggests the way of realizing Him -

"Bhaktyaa tvananyayaa sakya ahamevamvidho ArjunaJnaatum drastum ca tattvena pravestum ca parantapa."


My dear Arjuna, only by undivided devotional service can I be understood as I am, standing before you, and can thus be seen directly. Only in this way can you enter into the mysteries of My understanding. GITA 11:54

Let us cover "Jnaatum drastum ca tattvena pravestum". It means - It is only through exclusive devotion that I, can be known; only through exclusive devotion that I can be seen and only through exclusive devotion that I can be attained. That Paramatma, can also be known and attained through knowledge (Wisdom) (Gita 18:55), but Bhagavan is not hindered by these to reveal Himself. "Jnaatum" (to be known), means, that however I am, as I am, I can be known. But being known, does not mean that I come within the boundaries of man's intellect. It does not mean that I am encompassed by the devotee's intellect, but rather I penetrate the devotee's intellect fully i.e. that devotee's ability to understand intellectually is perfected by Me. That devotee knows Me and My true Essence, My reality, as "All is God" - Vasudevah Sarvam (Gita 7:19) and I am, "Being and

Non-being, both" (Gita 9:19). "Drastum" means a devotee can behold Me in any form (sagun roop), such as Lord Visnu, Lord Rama, or Lord Krishna or any other form that he wishes to see Me in, He can see Me. "Praveshtum" means, that a devotee realizes his identity (oneness, inseparability, close connection) with Me, or he enters into the eternal divine love sport (play) of Mine. To enter into the eternal divine love sport, it is only the devotee's desire and My will that are the primary factor. Although on surrendering entirely to Bhagavan, all desires of a devotee come to an end, nevertheless, there is an extraordinary thing about

Bhagavan. Whatever desire a devotee has, when he enters into the divine love sport, that desire is fulfilled by Bhagavan. It is not that only spiritual and divine desires are fulfilled, but any worldly desires of a devotee that are remaining, those too are fulfilled by Bhagavan. Just like before beholding Paramatma, Dhruva and Vibhisana both had a desire to rule the Kingdoms. Their worldly desires, were satisfied by Bhagavan. Bhagavan, first satisfies the desire of a devotee, and then by His own will He enables, the devotee to attain innate perfection, whereby nothing significant remains to be known, to be done and to be acquired by him.

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