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Fwd: How to Get Rid of the Noise in the Mind?

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Hare Krsna. How can I get rid off or wipe out the noise, the clatter in my mind ? It is a very simple point. The noise that is taking place in the mind, is known by you. Those things that are known by you, that are seen by you, are not your Self (swaroop). Just like we are seeing this house, then, have we become the house? If I saw a stone, then have I become the stone? That which is seen is separate and that who is the seer. There is no doubt about this. The one who recognises that there is noise going on, is the Self. The Self is the one to see the noise, then what is the problem? what is the issue? what is the obstacle? We have seen a stone, it has become red hot, so what has it got to do with us? If it is ice cold, then too, what has it got to do with us? This intention, this resolve that this noise should not remain, that is the reason for the noise; because it is due to

this intention, this resolve, that we have identified with the noise. When you say, let there be no noise in your mind, then definitely there will be noise. We have to server all relations with the mind. In reality there is no relationship with the mind. It is simply an assumed relationship. You have accepted the mind as your own, you have accepted the noise to be in you. Noise arises, and then it subsides, resolves are created and later broken, but you (self) are as is. Is there any doubt about this ? Whether these are wiped out or not, you simply leave them. Don't blend with them. Don't become happy or unhappy due to them. Even by becoming happy with agitations is blending with it, and even by being saddened by these agitations is blending. For a sadhak this is a very great practice. Simply do not become either happy or unhappy. Just like when the sun comes out, and your mind naturally moves from the heat of the

sun rays and you go and sit in shade. But neither oppose the heat from the sun rays, nor become elated with the shade. We have to neither oppose any one, nor become estatic about any one, this is the main thing that a sadhak has to do. Whatever path you follow, whether it be Path of Knowledge (Jnana yog), Path of Action (Karma yog) or Path of Devotion (Bhakti yog), or practicing any other spiritual path, it everyone's duty that in situations that arise, he does not become happy or sad. This applies to all, not just the yogis. One who desires to realize Paramatma (Supreme Consciousness) , to him this is very essential. However beautiful a thing is that is acquired, or however ugly, however much an unfavorable situation knocks on the door, or a favorable one, in these two, the one who does not become happy or sad, he attains God. And the one who becomes happy or sad, he comes and goes and is caught in the cycle of

birth and death.Favorable and unfavorable situations will come to all. God, who was the charioteer of Arjuna says to him - Brother! These are "Shitoshnadukhdukhadaah" You bear these situations. "Taastitikkshavya" (Gita2:14). Sri Krishna did not say, I will get rid of them. He said to bear these patiently.

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