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Hare Krsna Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear. GITA 18:66 One should be confident that in all circumstances Krsna will protect him from all difficulties. There is no need of thinking how one should keep the body and soul together. Krsna will see to that. One should always think himself helpless and should consider Krsna the only basis for his progress in life. As soon as one seriously engages himself in devotional service to the Lord in full Krsna consciousness, at once he becomes freed from all contamination of material nature. There are different processes of religion and purificatory processes by cultivation of knowledge, meditation in the mystic yoga system, etc., but one who surrenders unto Krsna does not have to execute so many methods. That simple surrender

unto Krsna will save him from unnecessarily wasting time. One can thus make all progress at once and be freed from all sinful reaction. There is no need to worry (think) at all about maintaining the body, but what happens after the body leaves - it is essential to worry about that. That which is going to happen, will inevitably happen, and that which is not going to happen, it will never happen, then what is there to worry about ? We need nothing for ourselves; because our own self (swarup), lacks nothing. Whatever the body needs, it is already ordained according to what is destined to come to it, then what is there to worry about ? From God's side, all provisions have been made for our sustenance, but not for our enjoyment. Therefore let us not worry about sustenance, nor should we desire enjoyment. Whatever God does and is doing, in that lies our good

- believing this, irrespectve of circumstances, one must remain free of all worries. There is no unhappiness or worry due to shortage of things, rather foolishness is the cause. This foolishness can be removed by association with perfected souls (or Truth). As man leaves worries about his body, by and by, the world starts worrying about his body. When there is dependency on only God, then no worries are capable of lasting. By doing what should not be done, and not doing what must be done, creates anxiety and fear. God knows more than us. He is more competent than us. He is also more compassionate than ourselves, then why must we worry?

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