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Fwd: Man Wants - Eternal Life, Perfect Knowledge, & Perfect Happiness

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Hare Krsna. When you reside in your house, you do not become the house. The house is separate, and you are separate. You will leave the house and walk away. You will be the one affected, not the house. Similarly the body will remain here, you will walk away. The effects of sinful and virtuous acts will be endured by you, not the body. Liberation will be yours, not of the body. This body will turn into soil, but not you. Your true Self as described by Gita 2:24-25 is that the one residing in this body, cannot be cut, cannot be burnt, cannot be wetted, cannot be parched. It remains at all times, it is equally present in everyone, it is immovable, it is stable, it is ancient and it is eternal. The one that lives in this body, is not seen, it is not something that one can contemplate and understand, it is called formless. In other words, knowing and understanding the one that resides in

this body, one should no longer mourn or feel sorry. Every man wants that he must not die, that he has perfect knowledge, that he remains eternally blissful. These three desires are all desires for "Sat" (Existence) "Chit" (Consciousness) and "Anand" (Blissful). However, man tries to fulfill these innate desires, through this inert body, because inspite of being a part of Paramaatma (God, Supreme Consciousness) , man assumes a relationship with the body, senses, mind, intellect and believes them to be his own. But the truth of the matter is that, man's innate desires cannot be satisfied with the aid of this body or this world. Because this body is perishable, therefore through it, no one can escape death. This body is inert, therefore through it, one cannot attain knowledge. This body is continously changing,

therefore through it, one cannot become happy at all times. Thus, to satisfy the desire that man has of sat-chit-anand (existence, consciousness and bliss), it can only be possible by being detached (free of association or relationship) from this body. The body is not the least bit of an obstacle for a spiritual aspirant, in the fulfillment of innate desires, rather it is the relationship with the body that is the obstacle. Therefore on entirely servering the relationship with this body, a spiritual aspirant becomes detached from activity (kriyaa) and objects (padaarth). Both activity and objects are things that belong to nature (prakriti). On becoming detached (asang) from activity and objects, a spiritual aspirant's (sadhak) innate desires are satisfied. On satisfying these innate desires, a sadhak becomes established in sat-chit-anand swaroop. On being established in this self (swaroop), one attains

perfection in spiritual practices of the world (laukik) - i.e. Karmayog and Jnanayog. Believing in the Self which is a part of Paramatma, and taking refuge in that, one attains perfection in spiritual (alaukik) practices (Bhakti Yog), in other words, one attains eternal divine love.

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