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Venkat <apexpreci2000@ .co. in>




A Very good site for Text, songs, Vedeo to download and watch online:http://sanskrit. sriaurobindoashr am.org.in/saMprati vartaha SruyamtaamAll India Radio's daily news in Sanskrit can be listened from below link.This would help in right pronunciation and increasing knowledge of spokensanskrit.http://sanskritdocu ments.org/ sanskritnews. htmlhttp://girvanavani. googlepages. com/newsheadline sAntarjaale labhya ekameva Samskruta dinapatrikaa! !http://sudharma. epapertoday. comSite to see various Kavya of Sanskrit, Both for download and read online.example: Raghu Vamsam, Kumarasambhavam, Abhijnana Sakuntalam, etc.http://www.vedamu. org/Sankrit/ sankritmain. asphttp://www.sanskrit

deepika.orgMany things related to Samskrithttp://opinion. currentsamachar. com/sanskritblog s.phpLearn Sanskrit through self study:http://acharya. iitm.ac.in/ sanskrit/ tutor.htmlFew valuable Sanskrit documents in different language:http://sanskritdocu ments.org/ learning_ tools/learning_ tools.htmlhttp://sanskritdocu ments.org/

news/Distance education:http://sanskrit. nic.in/dis. htmdistance education - samskrita-bharathttp://www.samskrit a-bharati. org/newsite/ index.phpLearn sanskrit - wikepediahttp://hi.wikibooks .org/wiki/ %E0%A4%A8% E0%A5%87% E0%A4%9F_ %E0%A4%AA% E0%A4%B0_ %E0%A4%B8%

E0%A4%82% E0%A4%B8% E0%A5%8D% E0%A4%95% E0%A5%83% E0%A4%A4_ %E0%A4%AD% E0%A4%BE% E0%A4%B7% E0%A4%BE_ %E0%A4%B8% E0%A5%80% E0%A4%96% E0%A5%87% E0%A4%82Many Good Audios (stroies) on Sanskrit:http://www.umich. edu/~iinet/ csas/publication s/sanskrit/ audio.html<http://www.umich. edu/%7Eiinet/ csas/publication s/sanskrit/ audio.html>A Software on Sanskrit Grammar based on Panini's Sutrashttp://www.taralaba lu.org/panini/ greetings. htmcd quality stuff (Many good Bhajana and Songs in Sanskrit)http://www.hummaa. com/music/ justarrived. php?pg=ja & lg=7 & lc= & ps=0 & mhrdwk= 1 & rand=0. 5933028437082346Samskrit Document:http://www.mywhatev er.com/sanskrit/ index.htmlSanskrit Translation Tools:http://www.omkarana nda-ashram. org/Sanskrit/ Itranslt. htmlSanskrit

in Computing:http://bhashaindia. com/patrons/ Sanskrit/ computing. aspxLearn Sanskrit Grammer:http://www.warnemyr .com/skrgram/Vedic Concordance - downloadhttp://www.zinbun. kyoto-u.ac. jp/~mfujii/ tools.html# VedCon<http://www.zinbun. kyoto-u.ac. jp/%7Emfujii/ tools.html# VedCon>Digital Library of

India:http://www.new. dli.ernet. in/scanned Sanskrit bookshttp://sanskritdocu ments.org/ scannedbooks/ SanskritIISc. htmlLinks at hindu wisdom (Saying of Big Personality regarding Sanskrit)-http://www.hinduwis dom.info/ Sanskrit. htmA Vedic Concordancehttp://www.dslo. unibo.it/ bloomsfield/ introeng. htmlSanskrit: The Mother of All Languages - Part I of IIIhttp://www.thevedic foundation. org/valuable_ resources/ Sanskrit- The_Mother_ of_All_Languages _partI.htmabout paNiinihttp://www-gap. dcs.st-and. ac.uk/~history/ Biographies/ Panini.html<http://www-gap. dcs.st-and. ac.uk/%7Ehistory /Biographies/ Panini.html>Sanskrit & Artificial Intelligence — NASAhttp://www.vtweb. com/gosai/ science/sanskrit -nasa.htmlA Practical Sanskrit Introductoryhttp://www.danam. co.uk/Sanskrit/ Sanskrit% 20Introductory/ Sanskrit% 20Introductory. htmlThe Paninian System of Sanskrit Grammarhttp://www.sai. uni-heidelberg. de/~amishra/ index.html<http://www.sai. uni-heidelberg. de/%7Eamishra/ index.html>sanskrit texts translated in englishhttp://www.sacred- texts.com/ hin/index. htmupanishads, pa~ncadashi etc...http://swami- krishnananda. org/index. htmlFree Books on Yoga, Religion and Philosophy(bhagvadg iita transliterated & translated)http://www.dlshq. org/download/ download. htm108 upanishads in sanskrithttp://www.gatewayf orindia.com/ upanishad/ upanishads. htmcan purchase (translated) upanishadshttp://www.advaitaa shrama.org/ home.htmlLearn step-by-step- Chitrapur MathHere is an excellent source with pdf tutorials:http://chitrapurmat h.net/sanskrit/ step-by-step. htmdramas in sanskrit - types etc.http://www.geocitie s.com/fisik_ 99/sankdram. htmapte dictionary english to sanskritA very good site for those who want to know a sanskrit word for the givenenglish word.follow the link.http://www.sanskrit -lexicon. uni-koeln. de/aequery/ index.htmla link for all the sanskrit scanned bookshttp://www.new. dli.ernet. in/Sanskrit Classics for Free DownloadFree download of Sanskrit Literature live Veda, Vedanga, Upaveda,Ayurveda,... .http://is1.mum. edu/vedicreserve /table_qualities .htmhttp://is1.mum. edu/vedicreserve /index_of_ vedic_literature

..htmhttp://cs.annauniv. edu/insight/ insight/chhandas /index.htmhttp://www.ibiblio. org/sripedia/ ebooks/vdesikan/ rps/chitra. htmlfor Sanskrit - English Dictionary use this linkhttp://www.sanskrit -lexicon. uni-koeln. de/mwquery/ index.htmlComplete works of Adi Shankarahttp://www.sankara. iitk.ac.in/Texts with english translations toohttp://www.hinduism .co.za/Rig-Veda: Sanskrit Versionhttp://www.sacred- texts.com/ hin/rvsan/ index.htmAudio download links for Rig Vedahttp://www.gatewayf orindia.com/ vedas/rigveda. htmlThe Paninian System of Sanskrit Grammarhttp://www.sai. uni-heidelberg. de/~amishra/ lists/rules/ aaall_hk. html<http://www.sai. uni-heidelberg. de/%7Eamishra/ lists/rules/ aaall_hk. html>Sanskrit songshttp://www.geetgang a.org/audio/ by/language/ sanskrithttp://www.purebhak ti.comReview:Nyayashastra praveshikahttp://living. oneindia. in/home-n- garden/reviews/ nyayashastraprav eshika.htmldurga shapta shatihttp://sanskrit. safire.com/ Sanskrit. html#Saptashatihttp://gitapress. org/Download_ Hin_pdf.htmSanskrit is an amazingly rich languagehttp://www.hinduwis dom.info/ Sanskrit. htmhttp://sanskrit. gde.to/all_ pdf/raamakrshhna .pdfSanskrit to learn Sanskrit.... ......... .http://www.ukindia. com/zip/zsan01. htmhttp://www.word2wor d.com/coursead. html#sanskritFew more Sanskrut urls (Links):http://www.vedamu. org/Sankrit/ sankritmain. asphttp://www.ourkarna taka.com/ learnsanskrit/ sanskrit_ main.htmhttp://aa2411s. aa.tufs.ac. jp/~tjun/ sktdic/<http://aa2411s. aa.tufs.ac. jp/%7Etjun/ sktdic/>http://www.alkhemy. com/sanskrit/ dict/http://www.sanskrit -sanscrito. com.ar/indexcopy .htmlhttp://www.chitrapu rmath.net/ sanskrit/ sanskrit. asphttp://www.aczoom. com/itrans/

online/http://sa.wikipedia .org/wiki/http://acharya. iitm.ac.in/ sanskrit/ dictionary/http://www.sanskrit academy.org/ About.htmhttp://sanskrit. gde.to/learning_ tools/learning_ tools.htmlhttp://www.baraha. com/http://www.uni- koeln.de/ phil-fak/ indologie/ tamil/mwreport. htmlhttp://www.samskrit abharati. org/http://webapps. uni-koeln. de/tamil/http://www.stutiman dal.com/http://www.switzeri nstrument. com/Rajaji- Original/ Upanishads/ upanishad. htmhttp://www.samskrta m.org/index. phphttp://vedabase. net/en/http://vedabase. net/sb/1/ 10/27/enhttp://vedabase. net/cc/antya/ 8/32/en*http: //vedabase. net/sb/10/ 86/51/enhttp://www.geocitie s.com/prashanth_ k_blr/Subhashita ni/index. htmlhttp://www.sanskrit -sanscrito. com.ar/http://www.sanskrit web.net/index.

htmhttp://www.omkarana nda-ashram. org/Sanskrit/ vedicaccents. htmhttp://www.omkarana nda-ashram. org/Sanskrit/ Itranslt. html* (originally composed by Sri S K Santosh)


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