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Prayers to Bhagavan Krishna to Save Bharatham .

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Hare Krishna ! Dear Bhakatas,The heartbreaking events of past couple of days at Mumbai require our ardent prayers to Bhagavan Sree Krishna . The fundamental reason for India's continuous sufferings is it's administration's consistent refusal to respect Bhagavan Krishna's Gita-advice . Krishna is the greatest well wisher of the entire humanity and He has mercifully gifted to the world His literary form the divine knowledge of Bhagavad GIta . It contains specific step-by-step code of conduct for all including the Administrators . Unfortunately , since Gandhiji's premature disappearance, independent India has failed miserably to accept Bhagavad Gita in any form . Krishna-hater Administrators are bound to bring humiliation and destruction to their country and it's innocent citizens . At our level , all what we Bhaktas can do is to beg for Bhagavan's pardon and atone for our Countrie's mistakes by ardently performing Krishna's Nama-Japam . Thereafter , we should act according to the *intuition* bestowed by Bhagavan . Gita Sloka 64-66"Hear once again My supreme word. You are very dear to Me, therefore, I shall tell this for your benefit. Fix your mind on Me, become My devotee, offer service to Me, bow down to Me, and you shall certainly reach Me. I promise you because you are My very dear. Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me completely with faith and devotion. I shall liberate you from all sinful reactions. Do not grieve ".Om Namo Narayanaya !!!Krishnadaya. , "coolartisan" <coolartisan wrote:>> I do agree totally with you. India is in deep trouble. But the problem> is more complex than this.The problem is that on one side is the> awakening Hindus, demanding their rights, and on another side are the> awakening muslims demanding their rights, and in between is the> sleeping government. Only a government acceptable to Krishna can be> effective in dealing with the demands of the people. Such a government> has not been formed yet. in days to come, things are only growing> worse. , "krishnadaya"> krishnadaya@ wrote:> >> > > > Hare Krishna ! Dear Devotees ,> > > > " Is India in trouble ? " .> > > > The honest answer is a big YES . The sacred nation has fallen sick . > > Yesterday, the Prime Minister himself has declared that 1/3 of India is> > under Naxalite threat . A day before that , the Home Minister warned> > that Terrorists might use Nuclear or Biological weapons anywhere ! .> > > > It is a bitter truth that , about 35 % of it's own population are> > not sincere to Bharatam . They want it to be conquered by Pakistan or> > China ! . The remaining 65% who are loyal to Bharath-Mata , are being> > systematically targeted by the said powerful anti-national Mafia funded> > by Foreign powers . Unbearable cost of living is conquering the loyal> > Indians .> > > > Anti-Vedic Indian Rulers> > > > At present the country's control is in the hands of anti-vedic> > forces branded as "Secularists" . Anything linked to Sanatana> > Dharma , is * Hindu-terror * or * Saffronization* to the Ruling> > elite . The very name *Bharat-Mata* has been allergic to the Rulers> > since the days of Nehru .> > > > The inner circle controlling the modern Indian Rulers are, anti-Hindu> > FANATICS. Look at the Christian caucus controlling the foreigner turned> > "De-facto PM" Sonia !. Unpopular politicians like Manmohan and> > Patil (who can't win even a Panchayath election) are puppets of> > this Caucus !> > > > Hindutva- INFIDELS> > > > The loud mouthed "Hindutva-organs" like BJP and RSS are selfish> > opportunists . They are only interested in encashing political and> > personal gains out of Hindu-calamities . Whenever Vedic Dharma is> > attacked by enemies , these Hindutva-leaders rejoice at their gains from> > it . See how cruelly they exploited the sacred *Rama-Janmabhumi* issue> > to grab power and abandoned it thereafter . After achieving power ,> > they forgot all about *Hindu-dharma* and started glorifying Islam and> > Christianity to stabilize power base . For sure, faithless opportunists> > like Advani will gladly convert to Islam or Christianity , provided it> > ensures PM post for five years.> > > > Now a days , the Hindutva-INFIDELS are trying to edit Sanatana Dharma> > by watering it's basic Scriptural requirements . This is to create a> > new Hinduism-Brand , more EASY and ATTRACTIVE than Islam and> > Christianity so as to widen their Hindu-Vote bank .> > > > Cruel Exploitation of Common Indian> > > > Everyday we are hearing tales of Key defense personnel selling> > country's defense secrets to enemies , Police -terrorist nexus as> > well as the Politicians acting as agents of international Mafia .> > > > The current price of Petrol is about Rs.52 / litre which was fixed when> > the intenational crude oil price was US$ 140 . Though , the global price> > of Crude today is US$60 , Petrol still costs Rs.52 . So too the> > increased prices of essential commodities like Food . 90% Common Indians> > miserably struggle to feed his children .> > > > What worse can a Country expect ? . Only the Pepsi-Coca cola sponsored> > tycoons are making fake "Chakde India" cries from roof-top .> > > > Anti-Vedic Education System, Destroyed Bharath> > > > Traditionally , Rishis are the custodians of Bharath's well being.> > Modern Rishis like Swamy Vivekanda and Arbindo have had warned long back> > that , Bharath's life is dependent on Sanatana Vedic Dharmy ; and> > any harm to Vedic faith will cause destruction of the nation .> > Unfortunately , Infidels like Jawaharlal Nehru have systematically> > destroyed Bharath's traditional Vedic infrastructure, by imposing> > Macaulay's anti-Vedic Education system .> > > > Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay's address to the British parliament> > February 2nd, 1835 :> > > > " I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have> > not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have> > seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such caliber,> > that I donot think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break> > the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural> > heritage, and, therefore, I propose to replace her old and ancient> > education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is> > foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose> > their self steam, their native culture and they will become what we want> > them, a truly dominated nation ".> > > > Unfortunately, after attaining independence, atheist Nehru blindly> > continued the above said Macaulay's education system which very well> > suited his immoral anti-vedic life-style. This fraud system was based on> > fake theories like Aryan Invasion which was intended to create Aryan> > – Dravida divide .> > > > Nehru ignored Gandhiji's fervent appeals to prohibit Mass religious> > conversions and cow slaughter . In fact ,the lustful Nehru became a> > puppet in the hands of agents like M.O.Mathai . Having been fully> > addicted to the bodily pleasures , Nehru did every thing possible to> > break the backbone of Vedic Sanatana Dharma .> > > > This evil Macaulay's education system has degraded Hindu dharma. And> > It's product Politicians in power , systematically destroyed> > Hindu-institutions like Temples and Veda-teaching schools .> > > > The destruction of Vedic Dharma which Mugal-rulers and the British> > failed to achieve in 600 years , independent India's rulers have> > achieved in just 60 years ! .> > > > Bharath-Mata's loyal Children Always Succeed in the Long run> > > > What is common among India's most successful Citizens of this moment> > ? .> > > > Let us look at G.Madhavan Nair ( Chief of Chandrayan) , Amitabh Bachan> > & Rajani Kanth ( Film Actors) , Abhinav Bindra ( Olympic Gold Medalist)> > , Anand ( World Chess Champion) and Cricket legends Tendulkar and Dhoni> > . All of them are strictly adhering to Vedic Sanatana Dharma in their> > lives ; and they have firm faith in the mantra * Bharat Mata Ki Jai * !> > > > Unfortunately , the above brand is an acute minority in modern India .> > On the other hand , we can see a sharp increase in the practice of Vedic> > Sanatana Dharma abroad . Those countries are enjoying it's benefits> > .> > > > Om Namo Narayanaya !!!> > > > Krishnadaya> > > > DILIP KUMAR RAVINDRAN prdili@ wrote.........> > > > Namasteji> > > > Thanks for your vision, but I have some doubts?> > > > Why you say Our Bharath in trouble? Think it positively.> > > > By reading a news paper or watch a T V news how could I say my Mother> > India is in trouble. always this like media will exploit the bad things> > to the world. now what is the population of India and think about the> > area of India. you can see less than .0005 % by population or by area is> > under crisis or with problems.> > > > now compare this issues with all other countries including own> > neighbors then you can see , India is the most safest place in this> > world. Why and how it achieved this greatness ?> > > > Only because of our Sanathaana Dharma and by the prayers of our great> > people one who passed away and still living.> > > > Do you know one thing more. In India During the attack of many outsiders> > and by some of our rulers , many of our temples are destroyed, but did> > you here any time we sell any temple to outsiders, or to other> > religions? now turn your attention to Europe and America.> > > > Hindus buy lot of Churches and convert it to Balavihar, Temples ,> > Conventiocenterre etc.. Even Americans are saying by 201Thth 80% of> > American will follow Hinduism.> > > > With out paying one paisa they are attracting or converting to Hinduism.> > and here we are crying they are converting Hindus to other religions. If> > it happen this is only by the mistake of our Hindus itself. we are not> > caring about our poor brothers and sisters. only behind Bhakthi and> > prayer. so first to promote ourselves for a good thinking and try to> > spread the values from Sanathana Dharma, and try to learn about other> > religions and accept the good Qualities from it. and try to help all> > poors without thinking Caste religion etc..> > > > Always think positively. Your mind will be happy.> > > > As said by Swamy Vivekanada ... 20 th Century belongs to america. but> > this 21st centuary will be only for INDIA.> > > > your Comments expected> > > > with regards> > > > dilip> > > > --- On Sun, 11/9/08, Mohan Gupta mgupta@ wrote:> > > > Sh.Dilip kumarji,> > > > At the time of independence, many astrologers suggested to Nehru and> > congress party that independence be delayed by about one month as it was> > not an auspicious time. But Nehru said that he does not believe in such> > Dakiyanusi Baate. So he did not accept the date of independence. But due> > to high pressure he changed the date from 14 August to 15 August as> > astrologers have predicted that if independence was obtained on 14> > August, then Bhaarat would break further in many parts. Pakistan got> > independence on 14 August, therefore it is said that it will break in 5> > parts.> > > > But due to getting independence at wrong auspicios, Bhaarat is going> > through lots of trouble. China Attacked Bhaarat, have to fight 3 wars it> > Pakistan. Hindus are treated as 2nd class citizens, Christians and> > Muslims are converting Hindus. anti-Hindus Maoist are ruling party, most> > parties are in trend of appeasement of Muslims and Christians.> > > > All these things are happening due to getting independence at wrong time> > and> > > > due to Shani.> > > > I think the bad effect in Bhaarat is coming to end in near future.> > Future rulers of Bhaarat would destroy Christianity and Islam from the> > world, chances are Sanskrit may get its right place.> > > > I wonder if Hindus in general can do something to appease Shani Grah.> > > > Mohan> >>

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Dear all ,

Bhagavan is always vigilant and is doing His Nishkama-Karma . But are we doing what we should be doing really? ..

What all happening in Mumbai is the result of all of our karmas and we can't escape from that. What you mentioned is very correct that if all of us follow KRISHNA's saying in Bhagavad Geetha, we have a good life. Remember that Geethopadesh was given to PARTHAN during a similar situation to prepare him fight against ADHARMA. That is what we all shall follow now. What we lack is pure people at the level of India's administration. How Raja is and Praja will be like that. What is the biggest challenge we face now.

Fortunately or unfortunately we live in democracy and we are the people who elect our "Kings". Without purification at that level nothing will happen. We have to be careful in that stage and stay together for that.

In each way of life try to follow Sree Krishna the Supreme God .

Narayana …..Narayana….!!!!



------- , "krishnadaya" <krishnadaya wrote:>> Hare Krishna ! Dear Bhakatas,> > The heartbreaking events of past couple of days at Mumbai require at> our ardent prayers to Bhagavan Sree Krishna .> > The fundamental reason for India's continuous sufferings is it's> administration's consistent refusal to respect Bhagavan> Krishna's Gita-advice . Krishna is the greatest well wisher of the> entire humanity and He has mercifully gifted to the world His literary> form the divine knowledge of Bhagavad GIta . It contains specific> step-by-step code of conduct for all including the Administrators .> Unfortunately , since Gandhiji's premature disappearance,> independent India has failed miserably to accept Bhagavad Gita in any> form . Krishna-hater Administrators are bound to bring humiliation and> destruction to their country and it's innocent citizens .> > At our level , all what we Bhaktas can do is to beg for Bhagavan's> pardon and atone for our Countrie's mistakes by ardently> performing Krishna's Nama-Japam . Thereafter , we should act> according to the *intuition* bestowed by Bhagavan .> > Gita Sloka 64-66> > "Hear once again My supreme word. You are very dear to Me,> therefore, I shall tell this for your benefit. Fix your mind on Me,> become My devotee, offer service to Me, bow down to Me, and you shall> certainly reach Me. I promise you because you are My very dear. Abandon> all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me completely with> faith and devotion. I shall liberate you from all sinful reactions. Do> not grieve ".> > Om Namo Narayanaya !!!> > Krishnadaya.> > > , "coolartisan" coolartisan@> wrote:> >> > I do agree totally with you. India is in deep trouble. But the problem> > is more complex than this.The problem is that on one side is the> > awakening Hindus, demanding their rights, and on another side are the> > awakening muslims demanding their rights, and in between is the> > sleeping government. Only a government acceptable to Krishna can be> > effective in dealing with the demands of the people. Such a government> > has not been formed yet. in days to come, things are only growing> > worse. , "krishnadaya"> > krishnadaya@ wrote:> > >> > >> > > Hare Krishna ! Dear Devotees ,> > >> > > " Is India in trouble ? " .> > >> > > The honest answer is a big YES . The sacred nation has fallen sick .> > > Yesterday, the Prime Minister himself has declared that 1/3 of India> is> > > under Naxalite threat . A day before that , the Home Minister warned> > > that Terrorists might use Nuclear or Biological weapons anywhere ! .> > >> > > It is a bitter truth that , about 35 % of it's own population are> > > not sincere to Bharatam . They want it to be conquered by Pakistan> or> > > China ! . The remaining 65% who are loyal to Bharath-Mata , are> being> > > systematically targeted by the said powerful anti-national Mafia> funded> > > by Foreign powers . Unbearable cost of living is conquering the> loyal> > > Indians .> > >> > > Anti-Vedic Indian Rulers> > >> > > At present the country's control is in the hands of anti-vedic> > > forces branded as "Secularists" . Anything linked to Sanatana> > > Dharma , is * Hindu-terror * or * Saffronization* to the Ruling> > > elite . The very name *Bharat-Mata* has been allergic to the Rulers> > > since the days of Nehru .> > >> > > The inner circle controlling the modern Indian Rulers are,> anti-Hindu> > > FANATICS. Look at the Christian caucus controlling the foreigner> turned> > > "De-facto PM" Sonia !. Unpopular politicians like Manmohan and> > > Patil (who can't win even a Panchayath election) are puppets of> > > this Caucus !> > >> > > Hindutva- INFIDELS> > >> > > The loud mouthed "Hindutva-organs" like BJP and RSS are selfish> > > opportunists . They are only interested in encashing political and> > > personal gains out of Hindu-calamities . Whenever Vedic Dharma is> > > attacked by enemies , these Hindutva-leaders rejoice at their gains> from> > > it . See how cruelly they exploited the sacred *Rama-Janmabhumi*> issue> > > to grab power and abandoned it thereafter . After achieving power ,> > > they forgot all about *Hindu-dharma* and started glorifying Islam> and> > > Christianity to stabilize power base . For sure, faithless> opportunists> > > like Advani will gladly convert to Islam or Christianity , provided> it> > > ensures PM post for five years.> > >> > > Now a days , the Hindutva-INFIDELS are trying to edit Sanatana> Dharma> > > by watering it's basic Scriptural requirements . This is to create a> > > new Hinduism-Brand , more EASY and ATTRACTIVE than Islam and> > > Christianity so as to widen their Hindu-Vote bank .> > >> > > Cruel Exploitation of Common Indian> > >> > > Everyday we are hearing tales of Key defense personnel selling> > > country's defense secrets to enemies , Police -terrorist nexus as> > > well as the Politicians acting as agents of international Mafia .> > >> > > The current price of Petrol is about Rs.52 / litre which was fixed> when> > > the intenational crude oil price was US$ 140 . Though , the global> price> > > of Crude today is US$60 , Petrol still costs Rs.52 . So too the> > > increased prices of essential commodities like Food . 90% Common> Indians> > > miserably struggle to feed his children .> > >> > > What worse can a Country expect ? . Only the Pepsi-Coca cola> sponsored> > > tycoons are making fake "Chakde India" cries from roof-top .> > >> > > Anti-Vedic Education System, Destroyed Bharath> > >> > > Traditionally , Rishis are the custodians of Bharath's well being.> > > Modern Rishis like Swamy Vivekanda and Arbindo have had warned long> back> > > that , Bharath's life is dependent on Sanatana Vedic Dharmy ; and> > > any harm to Vedic faith will cause destruction of the nation .> > > Unfortunately , Infidels like Jawaharlal Nehru have systematically> > > destroyed Bharath's traditional Vedic infrastructure, by imposing> > > Macaulay's anti-Vedic Education system .> > >> > > Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay's address to the British parliament> > > February 2nd, 1835 :> > >> > > " I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have> > > not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I> have> > > seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such> caliber,> > > that I donot think we would ever conquer this country, unless we> break> > > the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and> cultural> > > heritage, and, therefore, I propose to replace her old and ancient> > > education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all> that is> > > foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will> lose> > > their self steam, their native culture and they will become what we> want> > > them, a truly dominated nation ".> > >> > > Unfortunately, after attaining independence, atheist Nehru blindly> > > continued the above said Macaulay's education system which very well> > > suited his immoral anti-vedic life-style. This fraud system was> based on> > > fake theories like Aryan Invasion which was intended to create Aryan> > > – Dravida divide .> > >> > > Nehru ignored Gandhiji's fervent appeals to prohibit Mass religious> > > conversions and cow slaughter . In fact ,the lustful Nehru became a> > > puppet in the hands of agents like M.O.Mathai . Having been fully> > > addicted to the bodily pleasures , Nehru did every thing possible to> > > break the backbone of Vedic Sanatana Dharma .> > >> > > This evil Macaulay's education system has degraded Hindu dharma. And> > > It's product Politicians in power , systematically destroyed> > > Hindu-institutions like Temples and Veda-teaching schools .> > >> > > The destruction of Vedic Dharma which Mugal-rulers and the British> > > failed to achieve in 600 years , independent India's rulers have> > > achieved in just 60 years ! .> > >> > > Bharath-Mata's loyal Children Always Succeed in the Long run> > >> > > What is common among India's most successful Citizens of this moment> > > ? .> > >> > > Let us look at G.Madhavan Nair ( Chief of Chandrayan) , Amitabh> Bachan> > > & Rajani Kanth ( Film Actors) , Abhinav Bindra ( Olympic Gold> Medalist)> > > , Anand ( World Chess Champion) and Cricket legends Tendulkar and> Dhoni> > > . All of them are strictly adhering to Vedic Sanatana Dharma in> their> > > lives ; and they have firm faith in the mantra * Bharat Mata Ki Jai> * !> > >> > > Unfortunately , the above brand is an acute minority in modern India> .> > > On the other hand , we can see a sharp increase in the practice of> Vedic> > > Sanatana Dharma abroad . Those countries are enjoying it's benefits> > > .> > >> > > Om Namo Narayanaya !!!> > >> > > Krishnadaya> > >> > > DILIP KUMAR RAVINDRAN prdili@ wrote.........> > >> > > Namasteji> > >> > > Thanks for your vision, but I have some doubts?> > >> > > Why you say Our Bharath in trouble? Think it positively.> > >> > > By reading a news paper or watch a T V news how could I say my> Mother> > > India is in trouble. always this like media will exploit the bad> things> > > to the world. now what is the population of India and think about> the> > > area of India. you can see less than .0005 % by population or by> area is> > > under crisis or with problems.> > >> > > now compare this issues with all other countries including own> > > neighbors then you can see , India is the most safest place in this> > > world. Why and how it achieved this greatness ?> > >> > > Only because of our Sanathaana Dharma and by the prayers of our> great> > > people one who passed away and still living.> > >> > > Do you know one thing more. In India During the attack of many> outsiders> > > and by some of our rulers , many of our temples are destroyed, but> did> > > you here any time we sell any temple to outsiders, or to other> > > religions? now turn your attention to Europe and America.> > >> > > Hindus buy lot of Churches and convert it to Balavihar, Temples ,> > > Conventiocenterre etc.. Even Americans are saying by 201Thth 80% of> > > American will follow Hinduism.> > >> > > With out paying one paisa they are attracting or converting to> Hinduism.> > > and here we are crying they are converting Hindus to other> religions. If> > > it happen this is only by the mistake of our Hindus itself. we are> not> > > caring about our poor brothers and sisters. only behind Bhakthi and> > > prayer. so first to promote ourselves for a good thinking and try to> > > spread the values from Sanathana Dharma, and try to learn about> other> > > religions and accept the good Qualities from it. and try to help all> > > poors without thinking Caste religion etc..> > >> > > Always think positively. Your mind will be happy.> > >> > > As said by Swamy Vivekanada ... 20 th Century belongs to america.> but> > > this 21st centuary will be only for INDIA.> > >> > > your Comments expected> > >> > > with regards> > >> > > dilip> > >> > > --- On Sun, 11/9/08, Mohan Gupta mgupta@ wrote:> > >> > > Sh.Dilip kumarji,> > >> > > At the time of independence, many astrologers suggested to Nehru and> > > congress party that independence be delayed by about one month as it> was> > > not an auspicious time. But Nehru said that he does not believe in> such> > > Dakiyanusi Baate. So he did not accept the date of independence. But> due> > > to high pressure he changed the date from 14 August to 15 August as> > > astrologers have predicted that if independence was obtained on 14> > > August, then Bhaarat would break further in many parts. Pakistan got> > > independence on 14 August, therefore it is said that it will break> in 5> > > parts.> > >> > > But due to getting independence at wrong auspicios, Bhaarat is going> > > through lots of trouble. China Attacked Bhaarat, have to fight 3> wars it> > > Pakistan. Hindus are treated as 2nd class citizens, Christians and> > > Muslims are converting Hindus. anti-Hindus Maoist are ruling party,> most> > > parties are in trend of appeasement of Muslims and Christians.> > >> > > All these things are happening due to getting independence at wrong> time> > > and> > >> > > due to Shani.> > >> > > I think the bad effect in Bhaarat is coming to end in near future.> > > Future rulers of Bhaarat would destroy Christianity and Islam from> the> > > world, chances are Sanskrit may get its right place.> > >> > > I wonder if Hindus in general can do something to appease Shani> Grah.> > >> > > Mohan> > >> >>

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