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Fwd: Acceptance of Only God is Mine

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Hare Krsna. Normally, only at the time of difficulties, we look towards God and say that God is mine. How do we accept it so that it remains with us at all times?Satsang, reading good books and being in good company are very helpful. We can gain a lot. There is natural gain without any effort. We do not have to make any effort. We should stay in the company of good people. This too, helps us naturally gain in the process. Like there is brightness around light, there is peace and calmness around saints and good people. We do not even need to talk to them. There is benefit by just staying in their company. In satsang, we even get answers without us asking a single question. God knows our questions and He sends the answer. Keep good company. It is important not to keep bad company. Bad company will

only cause harm and downfall. Read the life stories of devotees (Bhakta Charitra). The mind gets purified.Secondly, clearly understand what is ours and what is not, what will stay and what will perish, what is changing and what is constant. The body goes through childhood, youth and old age (Gita 2:13). But we (Self) never change. Similarly, the world is constantly changing. God is completely present in the world but He never changes, he is the same at all times. We (Self) and God are of the same category and the body and world are alike and of the same category. We are a part of God. We have no control on the body - it is not ours. It is not for us also. If it was for us, all our desires should have been fulfilled on receiving the body. They are not, so it shows that the body is not for us. On the attainment of God we cannot even conceive a greater gain (Gita 6:22). There is no other desire.God is always with

us. His company is always there. We simply need to look towards Him. The perishable can never give us peace. We try and hold on to what will not stay and do not hold on to that which will always stay. If we keep good company, good thoughts will naturally come. Doing spiritual practice is like earning through our own hard work and effort i.e. by our self. Whereas doing satsang is like being adopted. We get enjoined with the earnings of great saints and devotees of God. We get entitled to their property. The hard work has been done by them and we enjoy their earnings. Our duty is to stay adopted - stay firm. Do not run around.If we receive true satsang, there will be completeness inside. There will be Peace ! We will become

rich. Only God is mine - no one else is. 'No one else' is very important. There is no one equal to God also, how can there be anyone greater. Become God's and take His name. Only God is our support/strength.

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