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Krishna-bhakti is Sattvic Bhakti .

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Hare Krishna ! Pranams to Bhagavan Shree Krishna and Bhaktas ,

Is Shree Krishna a Revolutionary who rejected all Dharma including the Vedic ? . Those selling this idea, always misquote Gita verse 18.66 :

" Abandon all varieties of Dharma and just surrender unto Me completely with faith and devotion . I shall liberate you from all sins " .

In truth , this verse stipulates *SaranAgati* and not "Atheism" . When a person takes refuge in Sri Krishna without any mindset , he has attained vedic perfection . This is the working principle behind Temples . Priests and Bhaktas take refuge in Krishna and the receives His instructions through *Nimithams* ( divine symptoms) .

To escape from *Maya* ( illusion) and attain *SaranAgati* , a devotee needs Satguru's help . Narada-muni's satsang helped both Druva and Prahlada to attain *SaranAgati* at a tender age . For pre-qualified Gopikas ( reincarnation of Sages) , Bhagavan Himself provided it .

Sincere *Nama-japa* helps a person to purify self and attain *SaranAgati* to Krishna . This steadfast Bhakti-yoga is vedic perfection .

Lesson from ISKCON

Swamy Prabhupadaji established an easy to practice Gita-based working system . It prescribed pure love to Krishna through selfless Chanting , Gita learning and Seva . Those who followed this path bhakti , quickly attained *SaranAgati* .

However, the material addicts who cannot fix their mind on Krishna became confused and egoistic . They blindly abandoned all Dharmas while distancing themselves from Krishna .

What is right and wrong ?

· While prescribing rituals for the attainment of various ends, the Vedas expect these to be performed without expectation of results . By dedicating these actions to Bhagavan Krishna alone, I shall save myself from the bondage of their results. I shall try to avoid performing, by thought, word or deed, any deed forbidden by the Vedas. But, if by inadvertence or compulsion, I happen to perform any such deed, I dedicate these also to Bhagavan .

· In worshipping Krishna in modes other than those laid down in the Vedas , I shall visualise Bhagavan in pure satvik mode dear to me, in an image made out of stone, clay or other authorised substance, or in my heart alone, and do this regularly by offering to Him flowers, incense and food stuffs, to the extent of my affordability, and purified by devotion. May I, thereby attain Bhagavan's Grace.

· I sympathise with women and low-born classes who do not have the good fortune to listen to narrations of Bhagavan Krishna's exploits. I especially, however, bewail the fate of those Brahmins who, even with ample opportunities to worship Krishna , squander these in pursuits solely for the sake of livelihood through selfishness and succumbing to worldly pleasures, disregarding Bhagavan's teachings .

· Those that are devoid of devotion to Krishna mock His devotees and accuse them of chanting Bhagavan's names as cloak to hide their own their misdeeds in their worldly pursuits.

· Glory be to this Kali Yuga, as those born in it attain Bhagavan's Grace effortlessly and speedily through the chanting of Krishna's names alone. May Bhagavan not delude us (who are born fortunately in this Kali Yuga) with the poison of worldly pleasures.

· In the Kali Yuga, Krishna's worship yields quick results, whereas punishment for evil deeds follows after long delay and in future lives.

· One who takes refuge in Krishna, heart and soul, eschewing all egocentric activities, by Bhagavan's grace neutralise the consequences of his past deeds, including the evil and prohibited ones.

· Concentrating my mind upon Bhagavan through His grace alone, and realising that this universe and everything therein are but projections or manifestations of Krishna's Maya (delusive power), I shall be able to renounce all attachments and freely wander about without a care. Scriptural do's and don'ts apply only to those in whose mind discrimination or the concept of duality between good and evil prevails, but not to one whose mind is engrossed in Krishna and thereby transcends such notions of duality .

· The faculty of discrimination makes the human being superior to all other creatures, which are intent only on satisfying their animal needs such as hunger, thirst, etc. Hence, a human birth is indeed rare and difficult to get. However, a human being is at once, his own friend and enemy too. One who, with his mind absorbed in Krishna , is his own friend ; anyone else is his own enemy.

· May Krishna rid me of infatuation for this body of mine, due to love of which, folks develop bonds of various kinds to one's relations, material possessions, etc. and forget Bhagavan's Lotus-Feet . This body becomes food to fire, dogs, etc. after death, while, when alive, the sense organs (eyes, ears, skin and tongue) drag the human being hither and thither, back and forth, towards their objects, with none to turn him towards Bhagavan .

· O Lotus-eyed Lord ! In case it is not possible to remove my infatuation with this body immediately, may Thou dispel all my afflictions and engender in me intense devotion to Krishna . May Bhagavan not consign this body to trivial worldly pleasures.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!!


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