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--- On Wed, 1/28/09, Atul C. Shah, MD <atul99krishna wrote:

Atul C. Shah, MD <atul99krishnaFw: Law of Karma"Atul C. Shah MD" <atul99krishnaWednesday, January 28, 2009, 9:18 PM














































Law of Karma




Srimad Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagavata Gita - the ripened fruits of the Vedic Literature - categorize and describe (BG 8.3) Karma as follow:


A. Karma or Prescribed Actions


B. A-karma or Transcendental Actions


C. Vi-karma or Prohibited Actions A. The Beginning of Karma: The Karma or Karmic action starts when an individual soul or Jiva-Tattva desires to live independently of the Supreme Soul or the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the spiritual realm. The individual soul is then transferred to the Material Universe to enjoy on his own independently per his wish and choice. This individual soul may be transferred to one of the three department of the material Universe - Heavenly planets, Earthly planets or Hellish planets per the direction of the Super Soul or the Supreme Personality of Godhead in 8.4 million of species. The desire of the individual soul may be constitutional or un-constitutional. The un-constitutional or un-compatible desire of the individual soul is the starting point or the beginning of his or her Karma or actions in

the Material world.

In the Spiritual Realm or in Vaikuntha planets, there is no need of the heavenly, earthly or hellish planets. Absence of envy and anxiety are the hallmark of the Spiritual realm and the Vaikuntha planets. Also, in the Spiritual world, all the individual soul has compatible or constitutional desire similar to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

B. The Individual soul is not the doer of Karma: The un-constitutional or incompatible desire of the Individual soul is the beginning of the Karma in this material world. But the actual Karma or actions are carried out by the three modes of nature (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas Gunas) as described in the Srimad Bhagavata Gita (BG 3.27) and Srimad Bhagavatam. The intention of the jiva-tattva is the initiating process for Karma but actual actions are conducted by the three modes of nature, ten senses and the mind.

Individual soul belongs to the spiritual energy with Sat, Chit, Ananda and Vigraha qualities. The Vedic Aphorism - "Aham Brahmasmi" or “I am a spirit soul and I am not this body" is applicable. The car and car driver are separate entity but they appear to be working as a single unit for various purposes. The driving action is carried out by the car and car is run by the different grades of gasoline. The car driver is just the enjoyer and sufferer of the collective activities or a trip. If some says that "I am a car” , people will laugh at him and he will eventually end up in the mental

hospital with administration of heavy dose of anti-psychotic medications by a psychiatrist until s/he forgets his/her both identities: I am a wo/man or I am a car.

C. The Performance of Karma: The Living Entity - Human, Sub-human and Super-human being is performing Karma through the present individual body or the residential quarter allotted to him or her. S/he uses Gross body made up of Five Karmendriya and Five Jnanendriya with their particular sense objects -total twenty items and the Subtle

body or Astral body made up of Mind, Intelligence and False Ego for the various actions or Karma. This individual body is just like a chariot or a machine or hard drive with trillions of actions, reactions and interactions or Karma performed since the conception up to the death at atomic, molecular, cellular and organ levels. These collective actions and reactions are transcribed by the Five Karmendriya and Five Jnanendriya throughout the life of a Living Entity. The Karmic actions performed at atomic, molecular, cellular and organ level are transmitted via the Karmendriya and Jnanendriya to the mind or subtle body.

The Subtle body is the Software of the Individual body and is the reservoir of registration and deposit of the prescribed, transcendental and prohibited actions performed by a Living Entity in current life and in the previous lives. The Ten

Senses transmit the collective actions or Karma to the vast reservoir - the Mind (Let us guess Mind with one or two trillion gigabyte of memory capacity). The primary function of the Mind is the acceptance or rejection of incoming sense objects (Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell). Mind in the mode of goodness or Sattva-Guna may reject or purge out and never deposit the five sense objects tainted or immersed with mode of ignorance or Tamasic sense objects. Pure and good mind accepts and deposits only sense objects immersed and loaded with the Sattva-guna quality. This is also true for the Tamasic mind who accepts only sense objects loaded and immersed with the Tamasic quality acquired through the unclean diets, habits and actions.

So, above mentioned three category of Karma performed by a Living Entity in one individual body at atomic, molecular, cellular and organ level in current life and his or her previous lives are registered and deposited in the Subtle body. At the time of death or destruction of current gross body, the collective deposits of Karma registered in the Subtle Body are transmitted to the new body. The individual soul with subtle body transmigrates to new body with all the karma he has accumulated in the previous one or several bodies.

The Performance of Karma further described in detail: The Individual soul can perform various Karma - auspicious, inauspicious or mixed Karma - at the Gross anatomical and Subtle body level.

a. Performance of Karma at the Gross anatomical level:

b. Performance of Karma at the Subtle body level. A person performs various actions at atomic, molecular, cellular and organ/sense levels which transcribes through the Five Karmendriya and Five Jnanendriya. Namaste with folded hands, slapping or kicking with legs or hands in Karate practice, shooting or killing fellow human being or sub-human beings with weapons are the examples of actions of Karmendriya known to every one. More passive activities through the five Jnanendriya are seeing, touching, hearing, tasting and smelling are our daily experiences.

A person also performs subtle activities through the subtle body made up of the Mind, Intelligence and false ego - the essential components of subtle body with the soul and Karma. These subtle activities are feeling, willing, thinking or intellectual pursuits and the exchange of the emotions/moods or twelve Rasa as described in the Vedic text books of the Nectar of Devotion, Srimad Bhagavatam and Srimad Bhagavata Gita.

Presently, the Six Billions of the human beings are performing astronomical collective Karma with the good or bad consequences. a. Performance of Karma through the Gross Anatomical Body or Ten Senses: I. Five Karmendriya:

Hands- Individual soul performs 40 % actions thru Hands Legs- Individual soul performs 30 % of actions thru Legs Vocal Cords- Individual soul performs 20 % of actions thru Vocal Cords Anus- Individual soul performs 5 % of actions thru Anus Genital- Individual soul performs 5 % actions thru Genitals.

II. Five Jnanendriya: Ears- Individual soul performs 40 % of actions thru Ears with Sound as Sense Object Skin- Individual soul performs 30 % of actions thru Skin with Touch as Sense Object Eyes- Individual soul performs 20 % actions thru Eyes with Form as Sense Object Tongue- Individual soul performs 5 % actions thru Tongue with Taste as Sense Object Nostrils- Individual soul performs 5 % actions thru Nostrils with Smell as Sense Object So, the performance of Karma are scientifically and chronologically organized and executed by the wonderful individual body created by the Supreme Lord and His creative process. Also, the percentage of Karma performed by the Super-human beings and the Sub-human beings are variable. b. Performance of Karma through the Subtle Body: Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam explains that the Mind is the controlling center for all the Ten Senses, the Intelligence is the Directing force or "Driving Wheel" and the Ego is the Identification with real or false item. The Individual soul performs the varieties of subtle or psychological activities according to this super-scientific model of the Vedic Wisdom. Also, we have to take a note that the Neuro-anatomical section of the Bio-medical science which describes 30-40 Centers in the Brain such as speech, hunger, thirst, vomiting, sex, motor and sensory

centers are very confusing and semi-scientific nature. The blissful and eternal Vedic Wisdom will help scientists and Neurologists in this regard.

Furthermore, Psychiatrists and Psychologists are unable to define scientifically the Mind, Mental apparatus and how the Psychological activities are performed by the mind. The Vedic wisdom explains scientifically about this most important aspect of Mind and Mental Apparatus. Also, it is a fact that the quality of knowledge of Psychiatry and Psychology is highly disorganized or Schizophrenic in nature. Many Neurologists, Psychologists and even Psychiatrists express privately that the psychiatry is the most disorganized branch of the modern medicine. The Vedic wisdom certainly will help to improve and eradicate the disorganized understandings of Psychiatry and Psychology. D. The Calculation of Karma: So far I have described one soul with the collective karmic actions in a single body. There are billions of other diverse Living Entities in this planet Earth and this Universe. Now, let me try to describe the calculation of collective Karma of the billions of the Living Entities in our planet Earth. For the example - the performance of the collective Karma by six billion of current human beings. This hard task of astronomical mathematical calculations and complexities may be made easy in the following way:

Total collective Karma of an Individual Soul and billions of other Souls in our planet may be calculated as follow: I. Singular level or One Soul with X- numbers of Karma in one life II. Dual level or Two Souls with Y- numbers of Karma in one life III. Plural level or Multiple Souls with Z- numbers of Karma in one life. Single soul may perform X-numbers of Karma at atomic, molecular, cellular and organ levels in one hundred years. Similarly, two souls (husband and wife/spouse) may perform Y- numbers of Karma in their allotted time period. Also, multiple souls (Six Billion of our current human population) may perform Z - numbers of collective Karma in one life. All these numbers are astronomical and we know that no man-made calculator or machine can count them. Only the Super Soul situated in the Individual body and the Universal body can witness and count the individual and collective Karma.

E. The Quality of Karma: 1. The collective Karma performed in a singular, dual and plural level may be immerse or loaded with Sattva-guna, Rajas-guna and Tamas-guna with variable percentage or mixtures of these three qualities. These qualities can be classified as Auspicious, Inauspicious or Mixed qualities. All Karma or actions are registered permanently in the mind irrespective of their good or bad qualities.

2. The collective Karma performed at singular, dual or plural levels in Sattva-guna produce auspiciousness and harmonious effects among the Living Entities. 3. The collective Karma performed at singular, dual and plural levels in Rajo-Guna produce mixed result of auspicious and in-auspiciousness among the Living Entities.

4. The collective Karma performed at singular, dual and plural levels in Tamo-Guna produces in-auspiciousness and madness among the Living Entities.

F. Karma are changeable and not eternal: As our Parama Karuna Devi mentioned earlier that Karma are not eternal and are changeable in our current life or in the future lives. The promotion and performance of Sattvic actions at singular, dual and plural levels can diminish or eradicate the cumulative effects of inauspicious or mixed Karma deposited or accumulated in the Subtle body of an individual person. The five Karmendriya and five Jnanendriya transmit the collective

Sattvic Karma performed at atomic, molecular, cellular and organs (including brain) levels to the mind in form of five sense objects Sound, Touch, form, taste and smell. The Sattvic mind purges out or rejects the Tamasic or Rajasic Sense objects - through the same route - the Ten Senses or Nine Gates (two ears, two eyes, two nostrils, mouth, anus and genitals). So the transfer of Karma, back and forth is two-directional from atomic, molecular, cellular and organ levels to Mind is carried out through the ten senses - five Karmendriya and five Jnanendriya. This two-directional process is just like the fast forwarding and rewinding of the tape in our modern instruments.

We have experienced that five sense objects (Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell) emanating from the beautiful Deity form of the Supreme Lord in the houses of worship, sweet smell and soft touch of flowers, taste of the prasadam and sweet melody or sound of hymns in the temple and churches are transmitted by the five Jnanendriya to the mind or the subtle body.

So, the primary function or action of the Ten Senses and Nine Gates of the gross body is to transmit the Five Sense objects Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell from adjacent environment to the Mind and transmit back to the environment from the body. This two-directional process also can be called the Internalization and Externalization of the Five Sense Objects through the Ten Senses and Nine Gates of the body to and from Subtle body.

Srimad Bhagavata Gita (BG 14.10) and Srimad Bhagavatam describe that there is a constant competition between three modes of nature - Sattva, Rajas and Tamo guna for the dominance. A Sattvic person with Sattvic diet, Sattvic hearing and Sattvic association can dominate and destroy the Rajasic and Tamasic actions or Karma and this is also true for other Gunas at singular, dual and plural levels.

So, all action and Karma are changeable and not eternal. G. The process of changing Karma: Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam describe the four pathways which can change the total and collective Karmic activities at the Singular, Dual and Plural levels of the Individual soul(s) in this planet and the Material Universe as follow:

1. Karma -Yoga process: In this process whole individual body - gross anatomical and subtle body - is used to perform various Karma. The ultimate purpose of Karma-yoga is to offer result of all the Karma to the Supreme Personality of Godhead with love and devotion.

2. Dhyana-yoga process: In this process the mind is trained to accept the five sense objects Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell immersed with Sattva-guna and Vi-suddha tattva qualities and purge out the sense object immersed with other two qualities. Also, in this process the five sense objects are detached from the Ten Senses and the Mind.

We know that the all ten senses are heavily loaded and stuck with the five sense objects accumulated in one life or many previous lives. The individual soul can be united with the Super Soul only when the soul is pure and constitutionally aligned with the Super Soul. 3. Jyana-Yoga Process: In this process the Ten senses, Ten sense objects, Mind, Intelligence, False Ego, Three modes of Nature, Time, Super Soul and ultimately the Supreme Personality of Godhead are critically analyzed and applied for the elevation of the Soul for the Liberation or Mukti from the Material body and Material world. 4. Bhakti-Yoga Process: In Bhakti-Yoga process all above three processes are applied to serve and unite with the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the Spiritual world or in the Material world. So, the Bhakti-Yoga is the super highway for the Spiritual world. H. The Distribution of Karma: The individual Soul is the king/president/controller of his current body. S/he initiates, collects and deposits the three varieties of trillions of Karma or actions and reactions performed at the atomic, molecular, and cellular and organ/senses levels for registration to the mind. The Ten Senses (Five Jnanendriya and five Karmendriya with their five sense objects and five functional objects) transmit these trillions of Karma to the Mind in the two-directional way. The individual soul can distribute these trillions of Karma in following methods or ways: 1. Acceptance and taking full responsibility of his/her all actions and reactions: The liberated souls, saintly people and the followers of the Sanatana Dharma willingly accept and take full responsibility of three types of Karma performed during current life and previous lives. They understand well that the happy and prosperous life with wealth, fame, beauty and intelligence are the result of their previous auspicious Karma. S/he also understands that the sufferings at gross and subtle level (such as congenital or acquired disorders) are the result of his/her previous inauspicious and mixed Karma. In other words, he is exhausting or reducing the bad-karma from the "Vedic Banking System" and preserving the good account of good-karma. S/he uses the processes described in the section-G for purification.

2. Denial of the responsibility of his/her all actions and reactions:

As described earlier in Section G - the recommended four processes (Karma-yoga, Dhyana-yoga, Jyana-yoga and Bhakti-yoga) of changing Karma are for the God-conscious people of the Varnasrama system. Presently, very high percent of people are in the denial or in ignorance of these processes or they are unaware of these scientific processes for changing the Karma.

But the denial or ignorance of Law of Karma is not the reason for the excuse of the actions and reactions of trillions of Karma of a person(s) performed in one or many lives. For these people the nature has provided the different routes or methods to distribute the trillions of Karma who are in the denial or ignorant of the Law of Karma. These ignorant groups of people use the following routes for the distribution of their actions or Karma: a. The Individual soul with the gross and subtle body is active all the time even during the sleep. All the trillions of actions and reactions performed at the atomic, molecular, cellular and the organ/sense level are transmitted by the Ten Senses to the mind with acceptance and rejection of these sense objects by the mental apparatus.

b. The Individual soul distributes the trillions of Karma through the Nine Gates of the body - Two ears, two eyes, two nostrils, mouth, anus and genital - with the help of the Ten Senses - in two-directional process. In this regard, we have to take a note that the Central Nervous System with Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Systems of the Modern Medical Science are of little help. Also, the Neurologists do not know that 30 or 40 Neuro-transmitters present in the CNS system are comprised primarily of the variable concentration of the five sense objects immersed with the variable concentration of the three modes of nature - Sattva-guna, Rajo-guna and Tamo-guna rather than the only

amino-acids. Our Vedic scholars can help the scientists and neurologists in this understanding.

c. As we have experienced that all the five Sense Objects from the environment or the point of origin are transmitted through the ten senses to the Mental Apparatus. The overloaded Karma in the in the form of five sense objects in the mental apparatus are transmitted back to the point of origin by these Ten Senses through the Nine Gates. The overloaded Karma in the mental apparatus can be sneezed out through the Nostrils, vomited out or coughed out thru the mouth, Sexy glancing thru

eyes & hearing thru the ears or purging out and dumping of Karma in the Toilets thru the anus and genitals. These are the examples of how overloaded Karma in the Subtle Body and Gross body are forcibly distributed or Externalized or thrown out of the body. This observation appears to be very simple but scientific! So the nine gates of the body are used by the people who are in the denial of Karma. These people do not use or are reluctant to use the four processes of changing Karma as described in section G. In this regard, a story in the Srimad Bhagavatam about the origin of Taittiriya Upanishad may help. One of the great Sages and the disciple of Srila Vyasa Deva taught one of his disciples about the Vedic wisdom. Unfortunately, this brilliant disciple did not follow the advice and instruction of his Guru properly. In anger, the spiritual master ordered his disciple to return all the Vedic wisdom taught to him. In response, this brilliant disciple VOMITED OUT all the Vedic knowledge on the ground which he had learned from his spiritual master. The other disciples assume the form of the pheasant birds or Taittira and swallowed the vomited Vedic wisdom. Henceforth, this body of Vedic wisdom is known as Taittiriya Upanishad - The Vedic wisdom collected by the pheasant birds or Taittiras. This incidence shows that the Karma can be transmitted thru the nine gates of the body in the two-directional way or fashion.

d. So, these are the usual methods or the processes of distribution of the trillions of Karma used by the people who are in the denial or in ignorance of the Law of Karma. Presently, very high percent of population are belong to this group including scientists, physicians, professors with high education and qualification as well as the most of the followers of the modern religions. Karma-yoga, Dhyana-yoga,

Jyana-yoga and Bhakti-yoga processes are primarily used to change Karma by the followers of the Daivi Varnasrama system at the individual and collective levels.

In other words, those group of people who can control their senses and able to block the nine gates of the body are able to practice Yoga systems for the changing and distributing Karma in the Vedic way. Those groups of people unable to control their senses and nine gates of the body, they externalized the Karma in environment with "Global Pollution of bad Karma". This bad Karmic Pollution is worse than the effect of water & air pollution and the green-house effect created or produced by the few billions of motorized vehicles (

with their nine artificial gates) we are experiencing now.

I. The fructification or Manifestation of Karma: The Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam describes how the trillions of Karma are manifested or fructified in four stages as follow: The manifestation of Karma is just like a planting a tree from the seed up to the full blown tree with flowers and fruits. The manifestation of Karma can be at Singular, Dual and Plural or Multiple levels.

a. Karma in the seed stage

b. Karma in the fructifying or sprouting stage c. Karma manifested as the growing tree d. Karma manifested as the fruit(s). In the human beings, these four stages can be manifested any time from the conception to death as congenital or acquired disorders which are nicely described in the text books of the Bio-medical sciences.

Also, the end results or fruits of Sattvic, Rajasic and Tamasic Karma are differently manifested as auspicious, mixed and inauspicious. K. The Inter-relation between the Action and Reaction & the Consequences of Karma: So far in this article "Law of Karma" the beginning, classification, performance, distribution and changing of Karma at Singular, Dual and Plural level in human beings has been described. Also, how human beings inter-act and treat each other, the sub-human beings and Super-human beings or the demigods have great impact on their well beings and the future consequences. These interesting relationships have been described in this section according to the Vedic Wisdom as follow:

1. Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam (SB 5.18.32) narrate 8.4 millions species or the original blue prints and they are divided in the four Categories of the Living Entities such as Human Beings, Super-Human Beings and Sub-human Beings in our Material world including our planet Earth. Also, the Vedic wisdom describes how the Individual Entity transmigrates and inter-acts among the different categories or species as follow:

a. Category I-- Living Entities produced thru Perspiration or Germination: Virus, Bacteria, Fungi, Algae, Coral etc. These primitive Living Entities with primitive subtle body or soft wares provided by nature.

b. Category II-- Living Entities produced thru Sprouting process: Plant Kingdom and grasses. These are slightly advance group of Living Entities with better subtle body or soft wares.

c. Category III-- Living Entities produced thru Egg process: birds, reptiles etc. These are more advanced group of Living Entities with better subtle body or soft wares and gross body. d. Category IV-- Living Entities produced thru Embryo Process: Human beings , Super-human beings, Animal kingdom or Four Legged, Three Legged( Old man with cane and Kangaroo), Two legged and One legged (Sea mammals with two legs tied together) Living Entities. These groups of Living Entities are equipped with far advanced and sophisticated Subtle Body (Soft wares) and Gross body compared to the Categories I, II & III. The gross and subtle bodies of the Demi-gods are highly sophisticated than the Human

beings' software.

We have to note that every Living Entity with different bodies in Category I to Category IV is equipped with the Ten Senses and Nine Gates. In the lower Categories such as - bacteria and fungi - many senses and gates may be rudimentary or undetectable to the human eyes and the modern instruments.

This Vedic wisdom (BG 14.18) is the original understanding about the "Evolutionary Process" or "Transmigration" of the Individual Soul from one category to another category in the two-directional way. The Individual soul with the Subtle Body and good Karma may progress to higher level of consciousness from Category I to Category IV. Similarly, the Individual Soul with the Subtle Body and Vi-karma or Prohibited Actions may proceed from higher category to lower category or consciousness from Category IV to Category I. The merciful Vaishnava teachers and the Vedic Scholars taught this evolutionary process to Charles Darwin. Charles Darwin did not understood well or in a false prestige he distorted the Vedic wisdom. He presented the distorted version known as " Darwin 's Theory of Evolution". According to the Darwin ’s theory, monkeys are becoming human beings at certain points but he is unable to describe when, how and why. Also, he forgot the instructions of the merciful Vaishnava teachers that by "monkey business" man/woman may become monkey in their next life. So, the above-mentioned Vedic wisdom describes scientifically how the Evolutionary Process works.

2. Presently, how six billion of human population in our planet may inter-relate with each other, with the Super-human beings and Sub-human beings are the end result of the Global and Universal Karma. 3. Six billion Human beings may perform the Prescribed Karma and Transcendental Karma according to the Daivi Varnasrama system and may elevate and help themselves to achieve the harmonious stage or the stage of Ram-rajya. The harmonious stage or Ram-rajya stage helps the Human beings, Sub-human beings and the Super-human beings to cooperate with each other in the spirit of God-Consciousness without envy or jealousy. 4. Presently, the six billion Human beings are performing Vi-karma or Prohibited actions and subsequently, they are the victims of the BAD KARMA with very chaotic situation in our planet. Modern men - white, black, brown and oriental - are abusing their Five Karmendriya and Five Jnanendriya with Sense Objects (Gross body) and Mind, Intelligence and False Ego ( Subtle body) for the horrible and prohibited actions such as killing of billions of sub-human species (Cows, Pigs, Chickens, Aquatics) annually. These are the example of the Vi-karma or Prohibited actions by modern men with the subsequent horrible reactions from the Sub-human beings, Super-human beings

(Demi-gods) and the mother Earth - Bhumi Devi as described as follow.

5. The Living Entities in Category IV have advanced and highly sophisticated Subtle body or Soft wares with powerful memories/functions compare to the Categories III, II & I living entities. The billions of animals such as Cows, Pigs, Chickens and Aquatics are slaughtered prematurely by the selfish modern men just for the taste. "These unjustifiable actions" are imprinted in the subtle bodies or soft-wares of the killed animals and birds. The subtle body of billions of slaughtered Living Entities may re-born with same species or lower species in Category III, II or I. These are the revenging

souls or reacting souls ready to take revenge or reaction to the unjustified action (Vi-karma) inflicted to them by the human beings. Mother Earth or Bhumi Devi and Demigods help these revenging souls or reacting souls to inflict diseases, mortality and morbidity to the un-godly human beings with lack of knowledge of the "Law of Karma". 6. Srimad Bhagavata Gita (BG 2.17-20) and Srimad Bhagavatam describes the size of the Soul as 10,000Th of the tip of a hair or very microscopic size. The first covering of the soul is False Ego, second covering is Intelligence and third covering is the Mind with the registered Karma - the structural understanding of the Subtle Body. As mentioned earlier that the Subtle Body of the Category IV Living Entities is far advanced and sophisticated than the Categories III, II & I. The aggregated Karma - Vi-karma, A-karma and Karma - in the Subtle Body are responsible for the fructification of Karma as described earlier. This is the super-scientific understanding of the Vedic

Wisdom for Process of Evolution or Samsara chakra. Modern theory of Evolution is no match with this understanding. 7. The Revenging Soul or Reactive Soul with the Subtle Body from Category IV to I (Slaughtered animals/birds/aquatics for an example) may re-born among the same or lower Categories. The downward evolution ( BG 14.18) of the higher categories Living Entities such as slaughtered animals/birds to lower Categories

such as Virus, Bacteria, Fungi and Algae is possible and supported by the Vedic Wisdom. The modern science and scientists are very much afraid to understand and spend money for research in this aspect due to their cultural and Semitic religious affiliation. The body of the category III, II & I Living Entities - Virus, Bacteria, Fungi, Mosquitoes, birds and animals are acting as the "Vector" or "Repository site of the Subtle Body" of the slaughtered animals/birds. The mother Earth and Demi-gods in charge of the Universal administration help these Revenging Souls to inflict periodic cycles of the diseases, mortality and morbidity to the higher Category Living Entities such as the Modern men. For an example: Bubonic Plague or Black Death of the 6Th, 8Th and 14Th centuries in Europe slaughtered more than half the population of the Europe . Tuberculosis, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Small pox and influenza pandemic and epidemics has slaughtered and are slaughtering the millions of people in Asia, Africa and Europe and other continents. So the Virulence of the category I, II, & III Living Entities is directly proportional to the Vi-karma or Sinful activities of the higher Categories of the Living Entities. More sinful the human population, then, more the Bacteria, fungi and animals will be Virulent or deadly. These are the

reactions to the actions or inter-relationship between the Living Entities according to the Law of Karma at the global level. Epidemiologists should take a serious note of this Vedic wisdom. 8. The Western Epidemiologists invariably blame the East for the origin and cause of the disease processes. For an example:

a. The Bubonic plague was originated in China . The visiting European merchants and travelers in central China contracted the plague bug and they brought to Europe .

b. HIV Virus present in Chimpanzee and Gorilla of Western Africa transmitted thru contact to African man and then to the white and Black population of the United States of America in 1970' and then, all over the world thru illicit and licit sexual contacts.

c. The West Nile Virus disease originated in Nile River in Middle-east and North Africa and then, transmitted to Europe and America . The Law of Karma does not abide by this absurd conclusion of the Western Epidemiologists. Also, the Western Epidemiologists do not know that why HIV Virus are not affecting the Gorilla and Chimpanzee. The soft-wares of HIV Viruses inform the HIV Viruses that Gorilla and Chimpanzees are innocent friends/Vectors and the Human beings are the enemies. This is the scientific explanation based upon the Law of Karma. If some one breaks the law of Karma, then, they will be punished irrespective of their religious, national or geographical considerations.

9. The inter-relationship between the Dominant and Dominated group of Living Entities at Singular, Dual and Plural levels: The parents may transmit the physical disorder and mental disorder to their off-springs has been a proven fact well documented in the texts books of the Bio-medical and Veterinarian science. These disorders are known as the Hereditary or inherited disorders. The dominant group can transmit their Auspicious, Inauspicious or Mixed Karma to the dominated group of Living Entities in his/her current life and the subsequent lives thru the Ten Senses with nine bodily gates and the Subtle Body as described earlier. According to the modern computer terminology, this process can be termed as the installation of soft-wares - good or bad, out-dated or advanced one - to the recipients or the dominated population by the dominant population. The Supreme Lord Sri Krishna is the

ultimate pre-dominator for every one. 10. In nut-shell, Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam describe the inter-relationship of the collective global Karma of Human, Super-human and Sub-human beings in our planet and our single Material Universe as follow: I. Adhi-daivika

II. Adhi-bhautika

III. Adhy-atmika In Adhi-daivika activities, the Super-human being such as Demigods - Surya, Indra, Varuna and Agni, the universal administrators appointed by the Supreme Lord can inflict great suffering to the human and sub-human beings in form of Earth-quacks, Tornado's, Hurricanes, Tsunamis and wildlife fire and famines. The periodic Solar flares up and Meteorites are the examples. Modern scientists may not believe in this understanding or the Vedic wisdom but it has no much leverage.

In Adhi-bhautika activities fellow human being or fellow sub-human beings may inflict tremendous sufferings to each others. Human being is slaughtering approximately few million cows, pigs, chickens and aquatics every day as well as the plants in this globe are the example of the Vi-karma of the human population. The subsequent reactions to the Vi-karma are periodic warfare with slaughtering of millions of human being, slaughtering of the human beings in hospitals, in streets and in the roads by the fellow human beings. It has been a well known fact and statistics that 100,000 Americans are slaughtered in hospital "inadvertently" by physicians, nursing and pharmacy

staffs; 55,000 are killed on the road and 100,000 Americans are slaughtered from homicides and suicides annually alone in the U.S.A. The slaughtered cows, pigs and chickens are re-born in lower Category I as more Virulent Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses and Parasites and they cause of the Pandemic and epidemics such as - Bubonic Plague, Black Death, HIV and AIDS, Small Pox.

In Adhy-atmika Activities the Human beings, Super human beings and Sub-human beings are suffering from the Gross Physical and Mental disorders - Acquired or Congenital - in current individual body as described in the section of manifestation or fructification of the Karma. The acquired physical & mental disorder such as cancer, pneumonia, stroke, heart attacks, amputation, Schizophrenia. Congenital disorders such as Dawn's syndrome or Mongolism, defective heart, absence of limbs are the examples. For an example, second Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam describes that Lord Brahma, the tertiary creator of the Living Entities - was advised to change his Subtle Body which was loaded with

lusty desire after seeing his daughter - as the purification. 11. Vi-karma or prohibited actions are very prominent among the Western culture, the followers of the Semitic religions and the highly industrialized nations such as USA , UK , China , European countries and Japan . India is not very much far behind in this race. North America is the birthplace of the four great Modern Asuras who are promoting and efficiently executing the Vi-karma or prohibited actions throughout the whole world. Vi-karma or prohibited actions can be summarized as:

I. - Meat-eating, specially, the beef-eating II. - Illicit Sex,

III - Gambling & IV - Intoxication. These four great Modern Asuras are MC Donald Asura who promotes meat-eating, Hollywood Asura who promotes illicit sex, Las Vegas Asura who promotes gambling and Bud Asura who promote intoxication all over the world with tremendous increase in the population of Tamasic and asuric group of mankind awaiting horrible consequences now and in the future.

These are the examples and explanation of the inter-relationships or connections between the actions and reactions of the trillions of Living Entities in our planet Earth and in our single Material Universe.

The Vedic wisdom recommends that there should be a cooperation and compromise between the Human beings, Super-human beings (Sura & Asura) and the Sub-human beings to nullify the actions and reaction of the Vi-karma with the dire consequences. In absence of the cooperation and compromise between the Living Entities or Jiva-tattva the meteorites, earth-quakes, hurricanes, famines, pandemic and endemic are just ready to wipe out very large number of the human and sub-human population now and in the future. Three fold miseries as described earlier are not a hypothesis but real occurrences in this planet. Recent earth-quakes, tsunami and slaughtering of millions of human beings in modern warfare, in hospitals and by the pandemics are the good examples. The Vedic wisdom strongly recommends the

human beings to spare the Bulls and Cows from slaughter houses and use them only for the dairy product and agricultural applications. Tamasic group of people may use lower animals as a food for a short time until they may be elevated to the Sattvic level. This is a highly recommended compromise and cooperation with the sub-human species.

L. Samsara Chakra or Evolutionary Process and Karma: In Samsara Chakra or in the Evolutionary process the individual soul passes through the four categories in two-way or multi-way process as described earlier. Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam describes that the creation, maintenance and dissolution of the Individual body and Universal body are conducted essentially in the same fashion. At the end of Lord Brahma's day or night there is a partial Universal dissolution and at the end of Lord Brahma's one hundred years there is a Total Universal dissolution. Similarly, the death or destruction of the gross body of an Individual Soul is called Partial Elemental Dissolution. When the Individual Soul is release or purified from the Subtle Body is called Total

Elemental Dissolution or Mukti/Liberation. The purpose of this Samsara Chakra is to demonstrate that 8.4 millions species of life such as Human beings, Super-human beings and sub-human beings are transmigrating back and forth from these four categories of material bodies in a single Material Universe until they are liberated and transferred to the Spiritual realm. This can be summarized as follow: 1. Total Universal Dissolution - at the end of Lord Brahma's one hundred years. 2. Partial Universal Dissolution - at the end of Lord Brahma's one day or one night. 3. Total Elemental Dissolution – When the Individual Soul is released or purified within or from the Subtle Body. The gross and subtle body is made up of the five gross elements. 4. Partial Elemental Dissolution – at the end/death or destruction of the current Gross Body (usually one hundred years). During the Partial Universal Dissolution, the gross bodies of the Human beings, Bad Super-human beings (Asuras) and Sub-human beings are dissolved but their Subtle Bodies are preserved and they are revived in next day of Lord Brahma. In the heavenly planets- Brahma-loka and Satya-Loka where Lord Brahma and other great Sages and Demigods reside are not affected by this partial dissolution (Good Karma). During the Total Universal Dissolution, the gross bodies of all 8.4 million species including Super-human beings, human beings and the sub-human beings are dissolved and merge with the transcendental body of Lord Maha-Vishnu or Karanodakasayi Vishnu.

So, according to the Law of Karma, the Individual Soul transmigrates (BG 15.8) with help of the Subtle Body to the different categories of gross bodies - from Demigods to human beings to animals, birds, plants and even to Bacteria, fungi and Viruses as well as Parasites in Earthly, Heavenly and the Hellish planets. The Subtle Body with Soul and Karma is so minute that it may in habitat in any species or individual body in four Categories as described. For an example, the Infectious Disease Specialist may reborn in next life as Staphylococci or Enterococci if s/he dies thinking of these bugs at the time of death. The Subtle Body will record his/her desire and s/he will be born as a microscopic bug (BG 2.29 & BG 8.6) in the next life. This sound little funny but "Law of Karma" are

very complex subject matter and do not care of this funny aspect. Also, this Vedic wisdom has been approved and confirmed by the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna (BG 8.5). Presently, the highly educated Modern men, greatly influenced by the atheistic modern education and the Semitic religions, do not want to know this scientific understanding and Law of Karma. They have a great fear and anxiety that if they or other people will know these facts or understandings, their Tamasic behavior, carnivorous diet and the resultant delusional sense gratification will disappear or it will be in a great jeopardy. In our modern time, we need some proof of any hypothesis, theory or any speculation. Nanotechnology and Modern technological advancement may provide some indirect evidence of this Vedic wisdom of how an individual soul transmigrates from one body to another body and to another place in our planet. The stories of re-incarnation are the proof. The proponents of the Nanotechnology with the Semitic religions and Western cultural background may not like this idea such as the United States of America and European countries for fear of loss of their insatiable sensual enjoyments. In this scenario India , China and Japan may step up to conduct further research with the help of Nanotechnology to prove this great frontier of the Vedic wisdom.

M. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, His Associates, Devotees, Son, Prophets and Messengers and Karma:

Srimad Bhagavata Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam and other Vedic Literature describe very excellently that every action performed by the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna and His incarnations are transcendental, pure and spiritual in nature without any contamination of the three modes of nature present in the material world. The dealing or activities of Lord Krishna and His Jiva-tattva expansions in Vrindavana, Mathura and Dwarka are all transcendental actions and pure although these actions were performed in the material world.

Srimad Bhagavatam and other Vedic Literature narrate that the killing of many Asuras & Demons, the cheating of Bali Maharaja by Lord Tri-vikrama or Lord Vaman deva and dealing with Cowherd boys and Cowherd girls in Vrindavana by Supreme Lord Sri Krishna are also the pure and transcendental activities. Also, Srimad Bhagavata Gita says that If Lord Krishna wants to deceive some one, no one can surpass in His deceiving ability and if the Supreme Lord wants to deceive the modern men - white, black, brown and oriental - they are very easy duck for the Lord Krishna. This is also a transcendental action of the Supreme Lord.

The Supreme Lord Krishna can change the behavior of the mis-guided and mis-directed modern men with the help of the God-gifted modern technology and innovation, with the three fold miseries and with the help from His associates, devotees, son, prophet and messengers in this world. Please refer the previous article - The Unity in Diversity - for detail.

Presently, in our modern time the change of the Subtle body or installation of the advanced soft-wares at the singular, dual and plural level by the blissful and eternal Vedic Literature is the best way to change the Global Consciousness or Global Karma. The modern man may keep the current gross body with different religious and national designations such as Christian, Hindu, Muslim or American, Indian or Australian designations. They can install highly sophisticated soft-wares available in form of the Vedic Literature and wisdom to change their individual and collective consciousness.

Currently, Christian Evangelists and missionaries are selling and distributing out-dated and primitive soft-wares to the masses of the people around the globe. They are paying billions of dollars to sell, distribute and retain their out-dated soft-wares to the masses of people with little improvement in the Global Consciousness or God-consciousness. Christian missionaries know this painful short-coming very well since past many centuries and they also know that the blissful Vedic Literature can solve this short-coming. The modern technology and innovations are just created or invented by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to distribute freely the highly sophisticated, advanced and tamper-proof soft-wares of the Vedic literature to the masses of the people with great and swift

change of the Global Consciousness or Krishna-consciousness without any doubt. This is also a transcendental action of the Supreme Lord. The Sankirtana Yajna or the congregational chanting of the Holy names of the Supreme Lord is the best way to change the rusty mind and dirty heart of the mankind as recommended by the most munificent incarnation of the Supreme Lord - Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Also, Supreme Lord Sri Krishna is very famous for killing Asuras and demons in His Vrindavana and Mathura past times. He is known as Murari and Madhusudana, the destroyer of demons Moore and Madhu. In our modern time, the life lines or oxygen supply of the current Four Modern Asuras as described earlier has been already disconnected by the will of the Supreme Lord in form of the un-stoppable Krishna Conscious movements - Hare Krishna movement by HDG A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Svadhyaya Parivar by Sri Pandurang Athavale, Swaminarayana organization, Pusti-marg Sampradaya, Ramanujacharya Sampradaya and Tirupati Balaji Sampradaya and many more Vedic Sampradayas and Modern Sages and Rishis. Also, many millions of true followers of the Semitic religions are also realizing very well now the true

teaching of their religious founders. This is also a transcendental past time of the Supreme Lord. These are the wonderful observation and predictions by the great Vaishnava Acharyas, the Vedic Scholars and the modern Sages and Rishis in the Eastern and the Western horizons. These Krishna Conscious movements are very real and acting with the great spiritual force to rejuvenate the love of the Godhead for every one in this planet now. The three billion followers of the Sanatana Dharma - Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and even Baha’i faith and Druze people of Israel are openly and happily acknowledging their origin from the blissful and eternal Vedic Literature without any hesitation. The three billion followers of the Semitic religions and their religions are also originated from the Vedic Literature but with distorted versions by the subsequent followers of the Semitic religions. They simply deny their origin from the blissful and eternal Vedic Literature. The blissful and eternal Vedic Literature are providing higher dimension in the Modern Science and the Modern Scientific innovations now. Also, the all fundamental principles of the different branches of the modern science – Physics, chemistry, Bio-medical including

Psychiatry and Psychology, astrology, mathematics and even computer science can be traced and scientifically explained by the blissful Vedic literature. Furthermore, only the blissful Vedic Literature can explain very scientifically about the Soul, Super Soul and the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then, the followers of the Semitic religions should not have any hesitation to believe and they should be happy to acknowledge the true origin of the Semitic religions - the blissful and eternal Vedic Literature. So these are the description of the transcendental and ecstatic past times of the Supreme Lord.

N. The Summary Understanding of the “Law of Karma”: 1. Individual Soul may have Constitutional or Unconstitutional desires or choices. In the Material Universe the individual Soul may select either of the choices and this is the beginning of the Karma in the material world. In the Spiritual realm, The individual soul and the Supreme Lord are Sat, Chit, Ananda and Vigraha quality. So their actions are all transcendental and constitutional or Spiritual in nature. 2. The Individual soul itself is not the doer of the Karma in the Material Universe. The three modes of nature - Sattva Guna, Rajo-guna and Tamo-guna are the actual doer of the Karmic actions and reactions in the individual body.

3. The actions and reactions of Karma begin at the atomic, molecular, and cellular and organ levels in the Ten Directions (East, West, North, and South, NE, NW, SE, SW and Anterior and Posterior). The collective or cumulative actions are transcribed thru the Ten Senses or Five Karmendriya and Five Jnanendriya.

4. The Ten Senses transmits the Karma from atomic, molecular, cellular and organ level to the Subtle Body or the Mind - the reservoir of the cumulative Karma. So, an Individual soul can perform actions or Karma through an atom, molecule, cell or an organ/sense which can transcribe as gunning down, Namaste to some one, writing a nice article or offering a nice plate of prasadam to the Deities etc.

5. Five Sense Objects - (Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell). The primary actions of any Individual Soul - Super-human beings, Human beings or Sub-human beings are center around these Five Sense Objects (SB 5.18.38). The goal of the Five Jnanendriya is the Five Sense Objects and the Five Karmendriya is the supporting senses for this purpose. The five sense object present in the original source such as Deity, Demigod, Human being, Animals or insects or bug are transmitted thru the ether, air, fire, water and earth from the environment to mind thru the Ten Senses. The ultimate purpose or Karma of the Individual Soul can be achieved when the Mind and Ten Senses are trained through yoga systems to perceive these Five Sense Objects to see the transcendental and beautiful forms of the Supreme Lord such as Lakshmi-Narayana,

Radha-Krishna and Sita-Rama.

6. The Five Sense Objects - Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell may be immerse or loaded with the Sattva, Rajo or Tamo Guna or the combination of these three Gunas.

7. The Mind is the reservoir of the Karma for registration, acceptance and rejection of Karma. All Karma are registered but some are accepted or some are rejected.

8. Transmission of Karma by the Ten Senses and nine gates is Two-directional - to the Subtle Body/Mind and away from the Mind/Subtle Body.

9. The performance of Karma is carried out with the help of gross body and Subtle body.

10. The subtle body is composed of Mind, Intelligence, False Ego, collective Karma and The soul.

11. This subtle body is the original blue print for the current and future new individual body. The subtle body is the responsible for the transmigration of soul or Samsara Chakra from different categories and also for the fructification of the Karma.

12. Auspicious, Mix and Inauspicious Karma have different actions, reactions and consequences.

In nutshell: Six billion people performing the Prescribed Actions or Karma will create the global peace and prosperity in the heavenly atmosphere in this planet. Six billion people performing Transcendental actions or A-karma will create the Vaikuntha atmosphere in this planet. Six billion people performing Prohibited Actions or Vi-karma will create the hellish atmosphere in this planet. We have choices, we have to perform actions or Karma and we have to relish the subsequent or resultant happiness or sufferings - now or in the future. Thank you very much for your time & Hare Krishna. In service of the Sanatana Dharma. Atul Krsna dasa (Atul C. Shah, MD) Troy, Michigan , USA

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