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Know about Vedic-Pooja and Tantric-Pooja .

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Hare Krishna ! Dear Bhaktas ,

There are two types of Pooja systems . One is Vedic and the other is Tantric . Pooja according to Tantra Vidya is called Tantric . Vedic pooja is to perform rituals with vedic *mantras* . These *mantras* are composed of special syllables of Sanskrit language which can create vibrations within and outside body. Highly purified Yogis or Rishis (of ancient times) created these *mantras* . Mantras create special energies as per different sounds.

Vedic Poojas

Vedic system is prevalent in most places except Kerala . Vedic system is less strenuous and easy to perform.

Tantric Poojas

Bhagavan Parasurama established Temples in Kerala . He selected two brilliant Vedic Brahmanas from Nellore area in Andhra Pradesh , brought them to Kerala and trained them on Tantra vidya . One was entrusted with the Tantric duties of Siva temples and the other that of Vaishnava temples . These two Tantri lineages are known as Thazhamom Tantris and Tharananallore Tantris , respectively .

The great Adi Sankaracharya re-established Tantric Pooja for various temples .

Tantric pooja is done with *mudras* along with *mantras* . There are so many rays / vibrations within the body. These vibrations produce different types of energies according to different poses. To do two or more things at a time, one need special concentration of mind and special training by a Sattvic Guru. While doing these types of (Tantric) poojas, one must fully integrate with *mantras* and *mudras* . Therefore, Tantric pooja is highly comprehensive and thus it is more effective and result oriented in real performance. *Mudras* need special efforts of senses and organs, especially hands.

Deity Worship

Pooja, *Archana* and *Aarathis* of daily nature are the recharging mechanism of Deity. This energy is to be dispersed evenly among the Devotees who throng at the temple and are in tune with the temple Deity. Certain stones of special category and *Pancha Loha Moorties* (Moorties made of five metals i.e. Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron and Lead) have special power to absorb waves of * mantras *. These vibrations are gradually released to the Devotees .

The people who are not in the premises and are far away will also get the blessings when they are in tune with the Deity . When you remember or offer something to the Deity, you are in tune with that Deity and automatically receive the divine blessings . The item which you offer to Bhagavan has nothing to do with Him or you yourself. When you offer something you are remembering Bhagavan and is in tune with Him. By not fulfilling that offer there is no curse from Him, but a negative energy will erupt in your mind . That negative vibration will hurt you, that's all . The Deity is always blessing because His nature is bliss . The difference is that you are not receiving it that means you are not on that mode to receive it . While you are in negative mode an anti devise is erupting in your mind which will go against you, not the God. All these are due to your *karma* . Your destiny is determined by your *karma* . You can change it by virtue of your *karma* rooted on Bhakti to your Ishta-Deva. The Deity is just like a Sun ; it is always shining.

The waves of the Deity are always spreading all around and gradually become less and less. If the Poojari s not vibrant or not upto the standard he may not have much use to the Temple and he himself . Purity of mind is necessary to recharge the Deity . Otherwise negative charging will take place as a result bad thinking and chaos will emerge. To counter these negative charges there is an annual festival of seven or ten days in a year to recharge the vigraha effectively. The festival of this kind was conducted by eminent Tantris . During this period continuous process of recharging will take place. Even then this is not enough to contain the negative charges of the people around the Temple, i.e the faithless corrupted elements ; and their vibrations are highly emotional and selfish. To effectively nutralise these negative charges and recharge the same we need other programs to maintain the divinity of the Temple. Rishis' and Yogis' periodical visits and their divine ritualistic discourses like *Srimad Bhagavata SaptAham* will naturally recharge the environment ; and it will automatically recharge the Deity .

How to ward off the ill-effects anti-temple activities

This age *Kali-yuga* , is the age of deterioration . Many Hindus are ignorant about the vedic way of life . They don't simply believe that , the temple's Deity is a replica of God that breathes life . Such people do not conduct themselves properly in the temple premises . To reduce the bad effects of such sinful activities, it is necessary to educate them with Discourses, Parayana and Bhajans regularly. Simply reading of books or hearing sermons may not have any effect. One has to apply mind in it, otherwise it will become a ritual only.

Our art and culture are designed in tune with these principles. *Sapta Swara* (seven syllabals) of Sanskrit in Bharateeya classic Music is divine and are *mantras* and at the same time names of gods have very high effectivity . We know ragas of special powers are in Carnatic music that is why it is called * Sastreeya Sangeetha* ( scriptural music) . It is scientific according to the Vedic specifications . The real Indian or Vedic Sangeet is Carnatic music. Hindustani is the diluted form of Vedic music to accommodate Arabic or Urdu music .

The Carnatic musical sounds will purify the Temple atmosphere . The *Bharatanatyam* dance is founded by the great sage Bharat (Muni) and designed the movements according to the musical sounds. The Rhythm or *thala* of the music is called *Natanam* or Dance. *Sapta Swaras* are mantra vibration and Dance is the Rhythm / thala of that vibrations. Both are divine and inseparable.

Nataraja without *natanam* i.e. graceful movement is nothing but dead Sound without *thala* is nothing but noise .


You see Atheists are living just like others. They are not believers of God, Temple or any other form of worship. Even then they are enjoying all the God-given facilities . God's facilities are there for both Devotees and Atheists . The former is thankful to God whereas the latter hate Him .

Atheists only believe in the power of mind or self. The self and mind are also part and parcel of the God. However, the difficulty here is to remain truthful to the self by overcoming the powerful *Maya* ( illusion) . An Atheist requires abundant quantities of meritorious past karma , to remain steadfast in the self ; however in 99% cases , it gets expired very fast . Consequently , they fall under the control of evil Leaders . This is the root cause for the massive moral degradation of Atheists . They boast about great principles but live exactly like Demons .

To believe in God nor not ; only the Karmic effect is there for both. But only the Devotees are entitled for *moksha* . Non-Devotees are in the miserable rotation of birth and death. In course of these rotation, Atheist could become Devotee (sometimes otherwise also) and gradually get purified to attain *moksha*.

In a sense every one is searching God or cause of the universe. Some will try to find the secret within the body. Our great Rishis attained divine Vedic wisdom from God . They established Temples to enable Deity-worship ; and passed on the divine Vedic and Tantric knowledge through their disciples to facilitate welfare of the entire world . ( As reflected in their prayer "Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavatu " ) .

True story of an Atheist Family .

This happened In an Atheistic family known to me . The men of that family were of short life-span . It's Father died at the age of 45 . The elder son used to mention about this very often . Incidentally , suffering a silent attack during sleep he died at the same age 45 . The younger brother who was 42 at that time got panicked . Listening to the advise of the elders , he consulted a *sattvic* Jyothishi to understand what is wrong with the family . After the *Prasna-vichAra * ( astrological contemplation ) , the Jyothishi stated :

" You don't have *Daivadheenam* ( God's grace) . You should build-up it by worshipping at temples as much as possible . Just change your life totally and take refuge in Sri Krishna . He will save you ".

Our man was amazed to hear this revelation about his faithlessness todate . Having decided to give this a try , he started visiting the nearby temples . Gradually , *Bhakti* started budding in his heart and very soon he became an ardent Bhakta . Fortune also changed drastically for him . He was a mediocre Medical representative , till then . With the new found confidence , he started own business venture of medical supplies . It prospered beyond his expectations .

He is sixty plus now ; healthy and a rich businessman .

Sri Krishna states in Gita 9.30-31 : " Even if the worst sinner worships Me with true bhakti, he should be considered as virtuous ; for he has rightly decided his duty (i.e. , He is positive in his belief that there is nothing like devoted worship of Me) . He quickly becomes righteous and attains eternal peace. O Kaunteya, declare it boldly that , My devotee never perishes".

Om Namo Narayanaya !!!!

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