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Fwd: Do Not Unfold the Secret Gospel to those who are Undeserving

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Hare Krsna.


In Gita 18:67, Lord Krishna forbids Arjuna, to unfold the supreme secret gospel of all the other secrets, to those who are undeserving."idam te naatapaskaaya naabhaktaaya kadaacanana caasusrusave vaacyam na ca maam yo'bhyasuyati. " (Gita 18:67)This is never to be mentioned by you, to anyone who performs no austerities, or has no devotion, nor who is unwilling to hear, or hwho finds fault with Me." (Gita 18:67)Here the term "idam" (this) stands for the supreme secret "abandoningall duties, take refuge in Me alone" unfolded in the preceding verse. Let us discuss just the first point about "austerities" . While performing one's duty, whatever unfavorable situations and circumstances that naturally come up, one must happily bear them. This is austerity (tapa). The inner faculties are not purified without austerity, and without purity, one cannot hold on to or accept good points.

Therefore Bhagwaan (God) declares, that this supreme secret of all secrets, should not be revealed to a person who is devoid of austerities. Also one who is intolerant is considered devoid of austerities. The tolerance is of four kinds:1) Tolerance in pairs of opposities, such as attachment (likes) and aversion (dislikes), pleasure and pain, honour and dishonour, praise and blame etc. Men of virtuous deeds are free from delusion, in the shape of pairs of opposites (Gita 7:28); "The undeluded ones, are free from pairs of opposites such as pleasure and pain" (Gita 15:5). 2) Tolerance of impulses i.e. resists impulses of lust, anger, greed and aversion etc. (Gita 5:23) 3) Tolerance of religions (doctrines) of others - On listening to glories of other religions or doctrines, he does not doubt teachings of his own religion, nor does he criticize and condemn, the doctrines of others. He

realizes, that the discipline of renunciation and of action are one (Gita 5:5) 4) Tolerance in the progress of others - Even though he is lacking in capability, rights, position, sacrifice, austerity, etc, then too, on hearing the praise of other's capabilities, rights, etc, he is neither jealous, nor envious of them, rather there is no changes in him. (Gita 4:33, Gita 12:15). A perfected soul, possesses these four kinds of tolerance. One who aims at these four, is austere (tapasvi), while he whose aim is not these, is not austere. This most profound secret, should not be unfolded to one who is not austere, because he will not believe it, he will find faults with it, he will be unable to bear these words and thus have a downfall. Secondly, a man whose aim is not to purify his propensities, conduct etc., may think after listening to Gita 18:66 (Lord will liberate him from all

sins), that why should he worry? Worries and grieving will be done by God. By thinking so, he may indulge in evil and may have a fall. Thus this most profound secret will be misused. Therefore Bhagwaan directs Arjuna, not to impart this secret gospel to one who is devoid of austerities.

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