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Real Meaning of Bhagavan Krishna's Relationship with Radha and Gopis .

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Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and His Bhaktas,

Implied meaning of Bhagavan Sri Krishna's relationship with Radha and the Gopis

About Radha:

Radha is the manifestation of Krishna-bhakti . In response to the question, "How devoted should one be?"' the Naradbhaktisutra writes, "Like the Gopis (Cowherd Girls) of Vraj."

In reality , these Gopis are incarnations of Rishis .

Sri Krishna Himself sent His great friend Uddhav to the Gopis to teach him about the purest form of Krishna-bhakti . The incident goes as follows –

`Once to illustrate the Krishna-bhakti of the Gopis, Sri Krishna pretended that He had intense headache, which did not respond to any medicine. Then Krishna asked Uddhava to take this message to Vraj , "Krishna's pain will vanish with the application of mud beneath anyone's feet . However, the one giving the mud beneath his/her feet will go to hell in the event of any past mistake on his/her part ". Proclaim this and then bring the mud that anyone gives."

On entering Gokul, when Uddhav asked this question to the first Gopi that he met. she replied immediately , "If the mud under my feet will relieve Krishna's headache then I am prepared even to go to hell." `

This Krishna-bhakti of the Gopis is an illustration of the purest Bhakti-yoga. Radha among them was like a jewel in the crown.

Common misconceptions about Bhagavan Krishna and Radha's relationship:

Radha's spiritual love (priti) that is Krishna-bhakti unto Sri Krishna has been misinterpreted as worldly love in the Radha-Krishna relationship . Its futility will be realized if one considers Krishna's age at that time. When Krishna left Gokul permanently He was only seven years old ; thus His relationship with Radha was only during the period when He was three to seven years old.

The significance and implied meaning of Lord Krishna's Flute:

The sound of the flute means the `anahat'sound (the unceasing subtle sound of the universe). That sound had made the Gopis crazy for Bhagavan . So one will realize how highly spiritually evolved they were (as the spiritual experience of `anahat' sound is a high level experience). When leaving Gokul, Krishna gave His flute to Radha and never played it again. Thus, He made sure that She constantly got the spiritual experience of Absoluteness (Purnatva), which is superior to `anahat' sound .

Implied meaning :

`Water flows from a higher to a lower level. It is called a stream (dhara). When the letters of the word dhara are reversed the word becomes radha. That stream which flows from below upwards is called radhagati. When it reaches the origin, it gets a spiritual experience of being Radha Herself. Acquisition of this state itself is called "blending into zero" or "sainthood". In other words, Radha and Krishna were one and the same. Hence, although Radha had merged into Krishna, She continued to worship Him for the sake of guiding the other Gopis. One will think that once a Gopi reaches the zenith, she will see several Radhas. Those following Radha, that is those seekers following the Path of Krishna-bhakti, will see only one Radha because there is no duality in spiritual love, only non-duality.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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Hare Krishna!

Thanks for this explanation. Radha is 100% spiritual character. Every one of us (you and me) can become Radha. If one wants to be self realised, then that person has to become Radha to see the Krishna within. Remember Saint Meera Bai’s reply to the Swamijee of Brindavan. He never use to see face of any ladies. Meera Bai sent him a reply “I know there is only one Purush in Brindavan that is Krishna. All other are Radha/ Gopiâ€



Once again Thanks.


Hare Krishna!




srikrishnadasa_rajeev <srikrishnadasa.rajeev Sent: Sunday, April 12, 2009 9:54:57 PM Real Meaning of Bhagavan Krishna's Relationship with Radha and Gopis .



Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and His Bhaktas,

Implied meaning of Bhagavan Sri Krishna's relationship with Radha and the Gopis

About Radha:

Radha is the manifestation of Krishna-bhakti . In response to the question, "How devoted should one be?"' the Naradbhaktisutra writes, "Like the Gopis (Cowherd Girls) of Vraj."

In reality , these Gopis are incarnations of Rishis .

Sri Krishna Himself sent His great friend Uddhav to the Gopis to teach him about the purest form of Krishna-bhakti . The incident goes as follows –

`Once to illustrate the Krishna-bhakti of the Gopis, Sri Krishna pretended that He had intense headache, which did not respond to any medicine. Then Krishna asked Uddhava to take this message to Vraj , " Krishna 's pain will vanish with the application of mud beneath anyone's feet . However, the one giving the mud beneath his/her feet will go to hell in the event of any past mistake on his/her part ". Proclaim this and then bring the mud that anyone gives."

On entering Gokul, when Uddhav asked this question to the first Gopi that he met. she replied immediately , "If the mud under my feet will relieve Krishna 's headache then I am prepared even to go to hell." `

This Krishna-bhakti of the Gopis is an illustration of the purest Bhakti-yoga. Radha among them was like a jewel in the crown.

Common misconceptions about Bhagavan Krishna and Radha's relationship:

Radha's spiritual love (priti) that is Krishna-bhakti unto Sri Krishna has been misinterpreted as worldly love in the Radha-Krishna relationship . Its futility will be realized if one considers Krishna 's age at that time. When Krishna left Gokul permanently He was only seven years old ; thus His relationship with Radha was only during the period when He was three to seven years old.

The significance and implied meaning of Lord Krishna's Flute:

The sound of the flute means the `anahat'sound (the unceasing subtle sound of the universe). That sound had made the Gopis crazy for Bhagavan . So one will realize how highly spiritually evolved they were (as the spiritual experience of `anahat' sound is a high level experience). When leaving Gokul, Krishna gave His flute to Radha and never played it again. Thus, He made sure that She constantly got the spiritual experience of Absoluteness (Purnatva), which is superior to `anahat' sound .

Implied meaning :

`Water flows from a higher to a lower level. It is called a stream (dhara). When the letters of the word dhara are reversed the word becomes radha. That stream which flows from below upwards is called radhagati. When it reaches the origin, it gets a spiritual experience of being Radha Herself. Acquisition of this state itself is called "blending into zero" or "sainthood". In other words, Radha and Krishna were one and the same. Hence, although Radha had merged into Krishna , She continued to worship Him for the sake of guiding the other Gopis. One will think that once a Gopi reaches the zenith, she will see several Radhas. Those following Radha, that is those seekers following the Path of Krishna-bhakti, will see only one Radha because there is no duality in spiritual love, only non-duality.


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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