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The Humming of Bumble Bee

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The Humming of Bumble Bee


Srimad Bhagavatam - the ripened fruits of the Vedic Literature - describes in Tenth Canto, the wonderful inter-relationship between the Bumble Bees, the lovely song-birds Cuckoos and Gopis or Cowherd girls of Vrindavana. The Tenth Canto is narrating confidential subject matter as this Canto elaborates extensively the direct relationships of the Jiva-tattvas with the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna - Krishna Lila or Rasa Lila.Srimad Bhagavatam describes that our Material Universe including our blessed blue planet earth is the perverted reflection of the Spiritual world - Vaikuntha planet and Goloka Vrindavana. In the Material worlds, activity of the people in mode of Goodness is conducted by Sattvic energy which is white in color, activities

of the people in mode of Passion is conducted by the Rajasic energy which is red in color and activities of the people in mode of Ignorance is conducted by the Tamasic energy which is, surprisingly, blue in color!. As stated earlier that our Material world including our blue planet is a reflection of the Spiritual world. In the spiritual world, every one is Sat, Chit, Ananda and Vigraha quality or Eternal, full of bliss and knowledge with all kind of variegatedness. All activities in the spiritual world are primarily conducted by the brilliant and radiant energy - the Vasudeva Tattva or Vishuddha Tattva or Suddha Tattva which is blue in color- the original and radiant blue color energy of the Spiritual world. The reflection of this Vasudeva Tattva is reflected in our Blue Planet and the Material Universe. The eternal spaceman Sri Sri Narada Muni, great Sages and Rishis as

well as our modern space-wo/men may travel in the space and they can see the beautiful blue planet known as Bharata-varsa past many millenniums. His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada has gently mentioned that serious persons who are really interested to advance in genuine spiritual understanding should read the Srimad Bhagavatam in small increment. They may start reading from First Canto to Nine Canto in chronological order to understand the difference between the characteristics of the Material Energy and the Spiritual Energy, the variegatedness and the inter-relationships or exchange of Twelve Transcendental Rasa between Krishna and His expansions. However, Gopis, song-birds and Bumble Bees all

are Veda-personified themselves and they do not need to read Srimad Bhagavatam or the Vedic Literature. However, for all of us, we have to read and understand the eternal and blissful Vedic Literature as recommended. This is just like taking medicine as prescribed by Physician to be cured and remain free of mental and heart diseases.


If some inquisitive person may start reading Tenth Canto immediately without going through first Nine Cantos of Srimad Bhagavatam, then, there is every chance that he or she may miss the great opportunity to understand appropriately the characteristics and purpose of the Material Energy in which we are residing and entrapped by it. The sweet and pure inter-relationships between the Bumble Bees, the lovely and sweet Cuckoo Birds, Gopis or Cowherd girls & Cowherd boys and Residents of Vrindavana are the best examples vividly described in Tenth Canto as follow: The lovely and sweet Cuckoo Birds - Coel, Charvakas and other song-birds are cooing, singing and chirping regularly to please Krishna, Gopis and residents of Goloka Vrindavana. Gopis are teasing the Bumble Bees periodically about their good fortune to see the blue lotus face of Krishna very closely. In response, the Bumble Bees start their humming sound loudly. This humming sound of the Bumble Bees is so sweet, so pure and so transcendental that the song-birds - Coel, Charvakas and other birds - stop chirping and cooing of their sweet songs. Also, Gopis stop singing their Gopi-geet and they all listen, in the rapt attention, the sweet and ecstatic humming of the Bumble Bees with awe and admiration. In other words, there is complete absence of the jealousy or envy in the spiritual world. They just want to serve Krishna with the unconditional love. These are the wonderful examples of the inter-relationship or exchanges of twelve Rasa between residents of the Spiritual world - Goloka Vrindavana.

We, all the members and devotees at VedicLiteraturetheSupremeScience, NityaKalyan, , ShrijiDarshan and VFA and other web sites can replicate this spiritual atmosphere in our blue Planet. My dear friends: the scientists from the various disciplines, the coreligionists from the various faiths, the intellectuals from the various walks of life are eagerly waiting for our invitation to join with this "Transcendental Chorus" of humming, cooing, chirping and singing like the Bumble Bees, Cuckoo birds and Gopis of Goloka Vrindavana. Let us invite them with our open heart and long arms. Let us encourage Scientists of every discipline, coreligionists of every faith, and intellectuals of every walk of life and every one to join with this "Transcendental Chorus of the Divine Love". Also, we may encourage them to read

the blissful and eternal Vedic Literature as it is and in chronological order. Then, the aero-dynamics, the psycho-dynamics and essence and glimpses of Science of Rasa of the Bumble Bee and residents of Vrindavana will be automatically revealed to every one including all scientists and coreligionists of the different faiths of this small planet.What will happen when every one of this blue planet Earth Bharata-varsa will join with this "Transcendental Chorus of the Divine Love" today or tomorrow?There will be no wonder that Krishna who is playing with His divine flute with Srimati Radha-rani and millions of Gopis or Cowherd girls in Goloka Vrindavana will stop playing their sweet flute. They all will listen our Transcendental Chorus of the blue planet Bharata-varsa in rapt attention and with great adoration.Let us

pray that we may continue without slightest blinking of eye and never stop humming, chirping and singing the sweet and pure songs for the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna as well as keeping our built-in emotions of jealousy and envy dormant within our heart and mind forever.


This is the Krishna Conscious humming of a Bumble Bee.

Hare KrishnaAtul Krsna dasa (Atul C. Shah, MD)Troy, Michigan, U.S.A


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