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Dialogue between a Bhakta and Atheist ....( Part -3 )

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Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and Bhaktas ,

Jawahar ( Atheist ) : O Ram ! What are the attributes of your Bhagavan ?

Ram ( Bhakta) : Bhagavan is omnipotent, Omniscient and all-Merciful .

Jawahar : Can He make two-sided paper only one-sided ? Can He make the Fire burn downwards ? Can He make the Sun radiate coolness ? Can He make a barren woman's son father of seven children? If He cannot do these things, He is no longer the Omnipotent Bhagavan .

Ram : Do not ask such impertinent, useless and meaningless questions. A true follower of Vedas, will never talk a word in vain. You are wasting your life, time and energy . Bhagavan is Omnipresent . He can do and undo things in the twinkling of an eye . His grace makes the dumb man eloquent and the cripple a mountaineer. Develop *Sraddha* ( faith) and *Bhakti* . Utilize your body in Bhagavan's service . It is very difficult to get a human birth; therefore try your best to realize Bhagavan in this birth . Try to become wise . Learn to discriminate . Cultivate your heart . Make it soft and pure .

Jawahar : O Ram ! You say, "Bhagavan is very cruel ". He is very unjust. He makes some very rich ; others very poor ; some healthy and others very sickly and deformed from their birth .

Ram : Bhagavan is quite just . He is silent witness. This world runs in accordance with definite laws. There is order. Virtue brings its own reward; vice brings its own punishment. Bhagavan neither punishes nor rewards any individual. Man reaps the fruits of his actions. As he sows, so he reaps. The law of cause and effect operates. This law is inexorable .

Jawahar : Why Bhagavan created this world ? When He is *Purnakama* ( one in whom all desires are gratified) , how did the desire to create this world arise in His mind ?

Ram : why Bhagavan created this world ? When did *Karma* begin ? Why should there be ignorance at all ? When did man take his first birth ? How can ignorance come in the *Atma* who is the nature of *Satchidananda* ? Which is more powerful whether *Prarabdha*(self-effort)? And many such other questions are *Atiprasnas*( transcendental questions. Such questions do not help in anyway one's progress in the spiritual path. The result is more lingual warfare and beating about the bush with no substantial result . Words are finite . Language is imperfect . One can get a solution to such questions only when one transcends the three states of and the three *Gunas* and rests in one's own *Svarupa* , through constant and protracted *Nididhyasan* and attains * Dridhabhumi * or *Yogarudha* ( established in Yoga) state . The frail , finite intellect that is conditioned in time, space, causation cannot peep into the beyond. You will get answers for these questions when you attain Bhagavan-realization .

All doubts are rent asunder , the three knots are broken when one attains *Bhagavan-realization *. People generally rack their brains and waste their energy when such doubts assail them. This is a trick of the mind to delude the aspirant and swerve them from the path of divine contemplation. What is wanted is rigorous *Sadhana* , burning *Vairagya* ( dispassion) , strong *Mumukshutva* ( desire for liberation) and sustained discrimination .

Bhagavan Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita ( Sloka 4.38- 40) ;


" In this world, there is nothing more purifying than transcendental knowledge . One who has attained purity of heart through a prolonged practice of *Nishkama-karma* (dedicating the fruits of all actions to Bhagavan ) automatically sees the light of truth naturally within his heart, in due course of time.A Bhakta who has conquered his senses and committed to the practice of *nishkama-karma* , quickly attains transcendental knowledge. After this, he quickly attains the supreme peace.The Atheists are ignorant, faithless and of a doubting nature and they will be ruined. For such doubting persons, there is happiness neither in this world nor in the next . "

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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