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Benefits of Agnihotra ..... ( Report of Experiments) !!!!!

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Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and His Bhaktas,

BhArat is the land of Vedas . Vedic vibrations from this land contribute to the welfare of the entire world . Sri Venkata Krishnanji has forwarded the following Report about the Benefits of Homams that were revealed in the recent experiments :


This article looks into the benefits from performing *Homams* ( Vedic Sacrifices) . This is an old approach used by all the rationalists starting from Sri Buddha ! The faith and conviction of the people were so week such experments did not go far. But with 'scientific' thinking now, people are demanding controlled studies and statistically significant studies to establish the effects of such practices like Homam , Agnihotra, Yoga, Puja etc.

Many organizations have started working on such phenomenon using scientific methodology. They use controlled, double blind studies and use statistical parameters like mean, variance standard deviation, T factor etc. Some qualified scientist with Phds from IITs and reputed foreign universities are guiding them. Some recent findings are given below :

1. In Pune, one Paranjape had arranged *Agnihotra* to be done in a mango orchard for 3 months . *Agnihotra* is offering small spoons of ghee in fire at exactly sunrise and sunset times . These times are calculated using the latitude and longitude of the place. The mantras used are simple like : "Agniye swaha, agniye idannamaha etc". It lasts hardly a few minutes in each session . The result was that the number of mangoes harvested in that season almost doubled . They were more tastier as well . In fact , all the orchards around this place also produced bountiful harvest while those at a longer distance showed no change. This experiment was repeated in different fields with similar effects each time.

2. In Svayasa university in Jigni near Bangalore (www.svyasa.org), they are doing extensive research in Yoga and allied Vedic sciences. They are a recognised centre of excellence . In fact they got a grant of Rs. 10 crores from the govt of India for research recently. They have published their works in several referred Journals like British medical journal, American journal of Ashtma etc . They have used controlled double blind studies and statistical techniques to prove the efficiency of Yoga etc in curing diseases. They run BSc and MSc courses and offer research PHds also. They are a deemed university as per UGC.

Recently an MSc student did a project on the effect of *Agnihotra* on growth of seed sprouts. Seeds were soaked in sprouting medium in different rooms. In some rooms volunteers performed *Agnihotra* at the sunrise and sunset times. Other rooms were used as controls and only smoke was produced there at different times. The seeds sprouted much better in the rooms with *Agnihotra* and only half as much in other rooms. This experiment was repeated in many combinations and many times. Every time they got statistically significant result showing efficiency of using *Agnihotra*.

Once the rationalists and scientists gets convinced by such experiments they will become much more ardent theists than any one else. For other ordinary people the simple belief is that what is handed down over thousands of years can only be the truth and nothing but the truth !


Bhagavan Sri Krishna states in Bhagavad-Gita ( 3.10 -13) :

" In the beginning of creation, Lord Brahma created Brahmanas (who were qualified to perform *Yajna* ( Vedic sacrifices like Homam) and other men. He then blessed them, saying, "May you prosper by this *Yajna*, and may it fulfill all your desires . May you please the Devas by this *Yajna* , and may they please you in turn by granting your desired fruits. Satisfying one another in this way you will attain the supreme auspicious goal. Being pleased by your *Yajna*, the Devas will award you your desired goals. Therefore a person who enjoys the ingredients given by the Devas, without first giving anything in return, is certainly a thief. Devotees who accept the remnants of *Yajna* become free from sin . However, those who cook grains and other foodstuffs for their own sake are sinful, and certainly they partake Sin ".

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!!SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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