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Do not Violate Vedic Rules !!!!

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Krishna , Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

It is true that Paramacharya Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swamigal has strictly adhered to the Specifications of Vedic scriptures . He once said " Some people ask me why I being a RIshi do not amend the Vedas to suit with the time . My answer to them is that today if I remove some portions as "weeds", tomorrow another Acharya will remove some other portion as "weeds". And ultimately nothing notable will remain in the Vedas ."

Sri Ramana Maharishi's disciples had complained to Him about Paramacharya's focus on Brahmins . Ramana Maharishi stated then , " We two are non-different . He is doing His divine mission . As the Peethathipathi , He is obliged to do such things ".

Paramacharya asked the Brahmins to fulfill their *Swa-dharma* ( prescribed duties) of learning , teaching and practicing the Vedas . He held them responsible for the deterioration of Vedic Dharma and pointed out that they had abandoned their traditional vocation ( handling the Vedas) to take up lucrative government jobs . While doing so, it was unrighteous on their part to utilize their Vedic intelligence to defeat fellow Hindu competitors . Therefore, non-Brahmins are justified in their hatred towards such selfish Brahmins . He strongly advised the Brahmins that, dying for *Swa-dharma* is far meritorious than living for *Para-dharma* . Also, Paramacharya had urged other Hindus not to allow , those Brahmins adhering to the Swa-dharma , starving to death . He reminded all Hindus that all of them are equal in status though they may be involved in different vocations . His popular statement is , "Brahmin is doing just his prescribed duty. That does not mean that he has any superiority over other castes ".

Although , Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati as Kanchi Seer , was one of the religious heads of Saivism , He was not at all sectarian . He always mentioned *Sri Krishna Paramathma* and has profusely quoted Bhagavad-Gita . Some Saivites complained about his emphasis on Bhakti-yoga , but Paramcharya lovingly corrected their misunderstandings. He is revered by all sections of Hindus as Jagath Guru . Many Western and Indian scholars have hailed Him as "Living God" . Muslims and Christians too have respected Him greatly . Even atheists like M. Karunanidhi respect Him . I am not narrating His miracles here due to lack of space .

Sri Krishna's one name is *Brahmana-priya* . Bhagavan has authorized Brahmanas to handle the Vedas . His Deities do spot sacred thread, the symbol of *Shodasa-Samskara* . A Brahmin attains the *Shodasa-Samskara* from his family tradition . It is due to this reason that he is known as *Twice-born* . The following are the (16) *Shodasa-Kriyas" :

1. Sekom (Garbhaadhaanam) : A rite to be performed just before the first sexual intercourse after marriage. 2. Pumsavanom : To be performed just after conception. 3. Seemantham : Performed after Pumsavanom. 4. Jathakarmam : Performed just after birth. 5. Naamakaranam : Christening. 6. (Upa)nishkramanam (Vaathilpurappadu) : Involves taking the child out of the house for the first time. 7. Choroonu : The first ceremonial intake of rice by the child. 8. Choulam : The first hair-cut ceremony of the boy/ girl. 9. Upanayanam : (Only for boys) A fairly long ritual of converting/ confirming a Namboothiri boy into a Brahmanaan and for initiating him to Brahmachaari. 10. Mahaanamneevrutham (Aanduvrutham) : An year-long process of studying Vedams by chanting it under strict guidance. Muthalmura is part of it. Those Namboothiri classes which are excluded from Vedam, perform this but stops at Muthalmura. 11. Mahaavrutham : Study of Braahmanam and Aaranyakam through chanting under strict guidance. Those Namboothiri classes which are excluded from Vedam, do not perform this. 12. Upanishadvrutham : Studying Upanishads. Namboothiris who are excluded from Vedam, do not perform this. 13. Godaanam : Rites as part of thanks-giving to the Aacharyan (priest or teacher). 14. Samaavarthanam : A long ritual for the completion of the above said Vedic education. 15. Marriage 16. Agniadhaanam : A rite performed as an extension of Oupaasanam and introduction to Sroutha rites

The most widely used anti-Hinduism tool is rejecting the Vedas as fake "Brahmin creation" and "Brahmin exploitation" . In reality , the low caste Sri Veda Vyasa was the one who has re-grouped the Vedas in the present form . All the Puranas and Mahabharata-epic were compiled by Him from the historical archive . The second epic Ramayana was written by Sri Valmiki another low-caste . In all these books , Brahmins are entrusted with the responsibility to handle the Vedas . If this scriptural stipulation is unacceptable to a Hindu , he is questioning the basic tenets of Hinduism . There is no point in quoting a sentence from Gita out of context to reject the fundamental Vedic regulations .

Uddhava-Gita , Chapter Twenty-One ; Bhagavan Krishna Explains the Vedic Path

1. The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Those who give up these methods for achieving Me, which consist of devotional service, analytic philosophy and regulated execution of prescribed duties, and instead, being moved by the material senses, cultivate insignificant sense gratification, certainly undergo the continual cycle of material existence.

2. Steadiness in one's own position is declared to be actual piety, whereas deviation from one's position is considered impiety. In this way the two are definitely ascertained.

3. O sinless Uddhava, in order to understand what is proper in life one must evaluate a given object within its particular category. Thus, in analyzing religious principles one must consider purity and impurity. Similarly, in one's ordinary dealings one must distinguish between good and bad, and to insure one's physical survival one must recognize that which is auspicious and inauspicious.

4. I have revealed this way of life for those bearing the burden of mundane religious principles.

5. Earth, water, fire, air and ether are the five basic elements that constitute the bodies of all conditioned souls, from Lord Brahma himself down to the nonmoving creatures. These elements all emanate from the one Personality of Godhead.

6. My dear Uddhava, although all material bodies are composed of the same five elements and are thus equal, the Vedic literatures conceive of different names and forms in relation to such bodies so that the living entities may achieve their goal of life.

7. O saintly Uddhava, in order to restrict materialistic activities, I have established that which is proper and improper among all material things, including time, space and all physical objects.

8. Among places, those bereft of the spotted antelope, those devoid of devotion to the brahmanas, those possessing spotted antelopes but bereft of respectable men, provinces like Kikata and places where cleanliness and purificatory rites are neglected, where meat-eaters are prominent or where the earth is barren, are all considered to be contaminated lands.

9. A specific time is considered pure when it is appropriate, either by its own nature or through achievement of suitable paraphernalia, for the performance of one's prescribed duty. That time which impedes the performance of one's duty is considered impure.

10. An object's purity or impurity is established by application of another object, by words, by rituals, by the effects of time or according to relative magnitude.

11. Impure things may or may not impose sinful reactions upon a person, depending on that person's strength or weakness, intelligence, wealth, location and physical condition.

12. Various objects such as grains, wooden utensils, things made of bone, thread, liquids, objects derived from fire, skins and earthy objects are all purified by time, by the wind, by fire, by earth and by water, either separately or in combination.

13. A particular purifying agent is considered appropriate when its application removes the bad odor or dirty covering of some contaminated object and makes it resume its original nature.

14. The self can be cleansed by bathing, charity, austerity, age, personal strength, purificatory rituals, prescribed duties and, above all, by remembrance of Me. The Brahmana and other twice-born men should be duly purified before performing their specific activities.

15. A mantra is purified when chanted with proper knowledge, and one's work is purified when offered to Me. Thus by purification of the place, time, substance, doer, mantras and work, one becomes religious, and by negligence of these six items one is considered irreligious.

16. Sometimes piety becomes sin, and sometimes what is ordinarily sin becomes piety on the strength of Vedic injunctions. Such special rules in effect eradicate the clear distinction between piety and sin.

17. The same activities that would degrade an elevated person do not cause fall down for those who are already fallen. Indeed, one who is lying on the ground cannot possibly fall further. The material association that is dictated by one's own nature is considered a good quality.

18. By refraining from a particular sinful or materialistic activity, one becomes freed from its bondage. Such renunciation is the basis of religious and auspicious life for human beings and drives away all suffering, illusion and fear.

19. One who accepts material sense objects as desirable certainly becomes attached to them. From such attachment lust arises, and this lust creates quarrel among men.

20. From quarrel arises intolerable anger, followed by the darkness of ignorance. This ignorance quickly overtakes a man's broad intelligence.

21. O saintly Uddhava, a person bereft of real intelligence is considered to have lost everything. Deviated from the actual purpose of his life, he becomes dull, just like a dead person.

22. Because of absorption in sense gratification, one cannot recognize himself or others. Living uselessly in ignorance like a tree, one is merely breathing just like a bellows.

23. Those statements of scripture promising fruitive rewards do not prescribe the ultimate good for men hut are merely enticements for executing beneficial religious duties, like promises of candy spoken to induce a child to take beneficial medicine.

24. Simply by material birth, human beings become attached within their minds to personal sense gratification, long duration of life, sense activities, bodily strength, sexual potency and friends and family. Their minds are thus absorbed in that which defeats their actual self-interest.

25. Those ignorant of their real self-interest are wandering on the path of material existence, gradually heading toward darkness. Why would the Vedas further encourage them in sense gratification if they, although foolish, submissively pay heed to Vedic injunctions?

26. Persons with perverted intelligence do not understand this actual purpose of Vedic knowledge and instead propagate as the highest Vedic truth the flowery statements of the Vedas that promise material rewards. Those in actual knowledge of the Vedas never speak in that way.

27. Those who are full of lust, avarice and greed mistake mere flowers to be the actual fruit of life. Bewildered by the glare of fire and suffocated by its smoke, they cannot recognize their own true identity.

28. My dear Uddhava, persons dedicated to sense gratification obtained through honoring the Vedic rituals cannot understand that I am situated in everyone's heart and that the entire universe is nondifferent from Me and emanates from Me. Indeed, they are just like persons whose eyes are covered by fog.

29-30. Those who are sworn to sense gratification cannot understand the confidential conclusion of Vedic knowledge as explained by Me. Taking pleasure in violence, they cruelly slaughter innocent animals in sacrifice for their own sense gratification and thus worship demigods, forefathers and leaders among ghostly creatures. Such passion for violence, however, is never encouraged within the process of Vedic sacrifice.

31. Just as a foolish businessman gives up his real wealth in useless business speculation, foolish persons give up all that is actually valuable in life and instead pursue promotion to material heaven, which although pleasing to hear about is actually unreal, like a dream. Such bewildered persons imagine within their hearts that they will achieve all material blessings.

32. Those established in material passion, goodness and ignorance worship the particular demigods and other deities, headed by Indra, who manifest the same modes of passion, goodness or ignorance. They fail, however, to properly worship Me.

33-34. The worshipers of demigods think, "We shall worship the demigods in this life, and by our sacrifices we shall go to heaven and enjoy there. When that enjoyment is finished we shall return to this world and take birth as great householders in aristocratic families." Being excessively proud and greedy, such persons are bewildered by the flowery words of the Vedas. They are not attracted to topics about Me, the Supreme Lord.

35. The Vedas, divided into three divisions, ultimately reveal the living entity as pure spirit soul. The Vedic seers and mantras, however, deal in esoteric terms, and I also am pleased by such confidential descriptions.

36. The transcendental sound of the Vedas is very difficult to comprehend and manifests on different levels within the prana, senses and mind. This Vedic sound is unlimited, very deep and unfathomable, just like the ocean.

37. As the unlimited, unchanging and omnipotent Personality of Godhead dwelling within all living beings, I personally establish the Vedic sound vibration in the form of omkara within all living entities. It is thus perceived subtly, just like a single strand of fiber on a lotus stalk.

38-40. Just as a spider brings forth from its heart its web and emits it through its mouth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead manifests Himself as the reverberating primeval vital air, comprising all sacred Vedic meters and full of transcendental pleasure. Thus the Lord, from the ethereal sky of His heart, creates the great and limitless Vedic sound by the agency of His mind, which conceives of variegated sounds such as the sparsas. The Vedic sound branches out in thousands of directions, adorned with the different letters expanded from the syllable om : the consonants, vowels, sibilants and semivowels. The Veda is then elaborated by many verbal varieties, expressed in different meters, each having four more syllables than the previous one. Ultimately the Lord again withdraws His manifestation of Vedic sound within Himself.

41. The Vedic meters are Gayatri, Usnik, Anustup, Brhati, Pankti, Tristup, Jagati, Aticchanda, Atyasti, Atijagati and Ativirat.

42. In the entire world no one but Me actually understands the confidential purpose of Vedic knowledge. Thus people do not know what the Vedas are actually prescribing in the ritualistic injunctions of karma-kanda, or what object is actually being indicated in the formulas of worship found in the upasana-kanda, or that which is elaborately discussed through various hypotheses in the jnana-kanda section of the Vedas.

43. I am the ritualistic sacrifice enjoined by the Vedas, and I am the worshippable Deity. It is I who am presented as various philosophical hypotheses, and it is I alone who am then refuted by philosophical analysis. The transcendental sound vibration thus establishes Me as the essential meaning of all Vedic knowledge. The Vedas, elaborately analyzing all material duality as nothing but My illusory potency, ultimately completely negate this duality and achieve their own satisfaction.

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!!!



vradhakrishnan nair vrkrishnannair wrote.............

But he (Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati ) was a caste fanatic who believed that Non Brahmin should not learn Vedas.His very book is in my Hand If you have doubt I will quote from his book on Hindu Dharma- Person like him is and will be responsible for the degeneration of Hindu DharmaIshwaro sarvabhootanam Hrideshfyarjunatishtati Lord Told in Bh. Gita.Is this Lord residing in the Poonooldhari( Not Brahmin_ One who knows/treads in Brahma) brahmin's heart only? That is what this great Paramacharya believed and It was because of his narrow minded vision.Let the lord forgive him love not hatred, construction not destruction, nonviolence not violence, truth not untruth, kindness not cruelty towards allcreatures up on this beautiful earth.


Krishna, Guruvayoorappa ! Dear Bhaktas,

Hinduism is the way of living according to the Vedic scriptural injunctions . A Hindu marriage is consecrated according to Vedic rites with *Agni-deva* as witness . Only such a consecrated couple deserve to be called as Husband and Wife . The "animal-type" sexual relation outside this authorized marriage is forbidden in Hinduism .

Please find below a write-up on this subject by Jagathguru Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swamigal , the renowned Shankaracharya of Kanchi Mutt :

Ideals of Marriage

( By Sri Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati Swamigal)

The Vedas are learned during the years of student-bachelorhood. Then the "theory" taught has to be put into practice; in other words the rites prescribed in the Vedas must be performed. For this purpose a man has to take a helpmate after he has completed his brahmacaryasrama . This helpmate is a "property" that can never be separated from him. She is not meant not only to be a cook for him, not only one to give sensual gratification. She is called "dharma-patni" and also "yajna-patni". She has to be with her husband in the pursuit of dharma and has also to be a source of encouragement in it. As a dharma patni, she has to be by his side during the performance of sacrifices; she must also play a supportive role in all those rituals that have the purpose of making the divine powers favourable to mankind.

It must be noted that a wife creates well-being for the world even as she does the work of cooking or as a source of sensual gratification for her husband. I will tell you how. It is not that she cooks for the husband alone. She has to provide food every day to the guests, to the sick and to the birds and beasts and other creatures. This is how she serves the purpose of "atithyam" and "vaisvadevam". The children born to here are not to be taken as the product of pleasure she affords her husband. She gives birth to them to perpetuate the Vedic dharma. Yes, even the raising of sons is intended for the dharmic life of the future. No other religion has before it such a goal for the marriage samskara.

In our religion the man-wife relationship is not concerned with the mundane alone. It serves the Atman as well as the good of mankind. In other religions too marriages are conducted, say, in a church with God as witness. But ideal of marriage is not as lofty as ours. The purpose of marriage in our religion is to purify the husband further and to impact the wife fullness as his devoted and self-effacing companion. There is no such high purpose in the marriage of other religion. In other countries the man-woman relationship is akin to a family or social contract. Here it is an Atman connection. But this very connection is a means of disconnection also - of freeing the Atman, the self, from the bondage of worldly existence. There is no room for divorce in it. Even to think of it is sinful.

[To sum up and further explain] the three objectives of a samskara of so elevated a character as marriage. The first is to unite a man with a helpmate after he has completed the study of Vedas. This helpmate is expected not only to run his household but assist him in the practice of the Vedic dharma. The second is to bring forth into this world children of noble outlook and character who are to be heirs to the great Vedic tradition, citizens of the future who will be the source of happiness in this world. The third is to create a means for women to be freed from worldly existence. A man who is not yet fully mature inwardly is assisted in his karma by his wife. By doing so, by being totally devoted to her husband, she achieves maturity to a degree greater than he does. The fourth objective is the subordination of sensual gratification to the other three.

We have forgotten the first three important objectives. All that remains is the fourth, the enjoyment of carnal pleasure. If people take my advice in respect of the noble ideals of marriage as taught in the sastras a way will open out to them for their inner advancement. May Candramaulisvara bless them

Om Namo Narayanaya!!!!



whacky_chic <no_reply wrote:Krishnadaya Prabhuji,I have been following this very interesting discussion and would like to extend Mr. Vikram's question. I have travelled abroad extensively and have witnessed the global acceptance of same-sex relationships. Not only is the taboo around this vanishing, people are accepting this as a way of life and even legalising such 'marriages'.What is your opinion on this? While you mentioned that God does not see us as sinners, is same-sex relationship considered acceptable in Hinduism? Alternately, is it 'illegal'? My Christian friends consider this 'a sexual sin', but I just want to understand what our Hinduism has to say about it. Any advice you could give me is much appreciated. Thanks, AK

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