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Dialogue between a Bhakta and Atheist...( Part -6 )

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Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and Bhaktas ,

Jawahar ( Atheist ) : O Ram ! Can you give me facts for the existence of Bhagavan, by the study of mind and its functions ?

Ram ( Bhakta) : Unless there exists one continuous principle equally connected with the past, present and future or absolutely unchangeable Self which cognizes everything, we are unable to account for remembrance, recognition and so on, which are subject to mental impression on place, time and cause. The Self is distinct from and superior to ideas, because the ideas require an ultimate principle which unites and connects them, while the Self is itself the ultimate principle which renders the cognition of the ideas possible.

The mind (Manas) is an organ of sensation and thought. It must be under the control of some one who uses this instrument. The Jiva or human soul is not the director of the mind because we see that ordinary men are swayed away ruthlessly by the mind. Therefore, there must exist some other Supreme Being, who is the Director of the mind. He is the `Antaryamin', the inner ruler and controller.

Then again look at the miraculous power of the mind. In the `Kenopanishad' the first Mantra begins,`Who is the Director of the mind?`.There is the play of Bhagavan's divine hand here also. Can my brother psychologist manufacture a mind from his laboratory? We are struck with wonder when we look into the diverse faculties of the mind, viz., power of discrimination, power of judgment, reasoning, retentive power, imagination, cogitative faculty or the power of reflection, understanding, etc. No one but Bhagavan can create such powerful and miraculous mind.

Jawahar : Ram ! Can you give me facts for the existence of Bhagavan, from the study of nature ?

Ram : Who provides food for the little frog that lives hidden between the strata of rocks? Who has clothed the fruits with the skin to prevent contamination from outside? Who divided the season? Who made the water warm beneath the ice to enable the fishes to live comfortably in the icy regions of the Himalayas, and other places? Who has combined four parts of nitrogen with one part of oxygen?

At whose command does the sun rise in the morning and set in the evening? The Sun is 92,830,000 miles away from the earth. What a great wonder that from such a long distance the sun is able to convey light, heat, energy and vitality to all the living beings who inhabit the earth. There are millions of suns larger and smaller than the one we see, but which appear to us as tiny stars on account of their being remoter than the Sun with which we are acquainted. It takes millions of years for the light from these stars to reach this earth. Velocity of light is 186,000 miles per second. Light from some distant stars has not yet reached us even now. What a great marvel it is! All these stars, planets, and satellites are revolving in the sky in fixed orbits from day to day, month to month and year to year, under immutable, definite laws. Bhagavan is the `Niyanta' ( Controller). The Sun cannot shine without Him. Fire cannot burn without Him.

Who supplies water to the trees, flowers, various shrubs, etc that are found in this world? Who is this unseen untiring gardener who works without wages or any sort of remuneration? Who gives nourishment in time to tigers, lions, birds, fishes, plants, insects, worms, etc? How is it that only human beings are born of human beings, birds of birds, tigers of tigers, dogs of dogs, horses of horses, elephants of elephants, ants of ants, bears of bears, mules of mules- an exact copy of their parents in every respect? From a tiny seed, there springs a huge banyan tree that can give shelter for thousands of persons. From a tiny seed there comes out a big mango tree that gives thousands of delicious mangoes. What is that power, that supports and nourishes these trees? What is that hidden, miraculous power that brings out huge form with hair, fingers, toes, eyes, nose, teeth, ears, legs, thighs, etc. , out of tiny embryo? What is that power, that brings out a mighty tree with foliage, flowers, twigs, and fruits out of a tiny seed?

Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita ( Sloka 3.22- 24) ;


"I have no need to perform prescribed duties (karma), because there is nothing within the three worlds that I cannot attain, nor is there anything that I desire to attain. Even so, I am always engaged in performing My duties.


If I ever failed to engage vigilantly in My duties, common people would certainly imitate Me in all respects.

If I did not perform *karma*, then everyone would become degraded and I would become the cause of promoting *varna-sankara* [unwanted population] which will cause destruction .

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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