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Fix the Mind on Bhagavan Sri Krishna .

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Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and His Bhaktas,

How are the Puranas, which extol virtuous living relevant in today's context, citing instances where the vicious and the evil-minded seemingly appear to have chalked out a success story for themselves ? It is to highlight the enduring victory of good over evil ultimately that the Vedic scriptures have relevance in the life of Bhaktas. The Pandavas faced up to severe trials, enduring hardships that their privileged life had not prepared them for without ever swerving from the avowed path of dharma. Such principled living earned them Bhagavan Sri Krishna's patronage .Bhagavan does not want us to suffer, but is ever ready to come to our rescue when beseeched for help. The Bhagavatham recounts the fall of Jarasandha who, despite losing skirmishes no less than eighteen times, neither acknowledged Sri Krishna's invincibility nor realised His divinity. But Bhagavan, aware of the suffering each battle wrought created the isle of Dwaraka in order to protect the Yadavas.While Bhagavan is aware of all that occurs it is important for devotees to pray for His help, in a fitting manner. The distress call to "Govinda" will be heeded immediately, since the name is dear to the Bhagavan. For alleviation of one's sufferings, for fulfilment of a person's desire, for achievement of one's goal, it is necessary that a person pray to the Bhagavan, seeking not merely guidance, but also His help.Prior to embarking on his Ashwmedha yagna, Yudhishthra beseeched : "Govinda. Help me. Only those who meditate on thee or sing thy glory are able to overcome the evil that obstructs the spiritual vision and attain eternal joy... as men serve Thee and take shelter in thee so are the blessings they derive."


Despite his many faults, Jarasandha possessed the noble trait of honouring mendicants. Accordingly, donning the garb of servitors, Arjuna, Krishna and Bhima requested that their favour be granted. The king while aware that these men were not what they appeared nevertheless abided by his single virtue of granting in charity. When Krishna proposed a one to one combat with any one of them, he readily chose Bhima as the only befitting warrior capable of matching his strength of a thousand elephants. On his defeat the benign Bhagavan granted the imprisoned kings His grace by freeing them, proving yet again that whosoever fixes the mind on the Bhagavan, will in the end attain Him without difficulty.


Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!


SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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