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Benefits of Nama-japa , assured by Rishis.

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Hare Krishna ! Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and His Bhaktas,

` What should be done to overcome the sufferings of Kali-yuga ? ` , Narada-muni had this doubt . He approached Lord Brahma for an answer . "Chanting of *Narayana-mantra* will eliminate all sufferings of Kali-yuga" , Lord Brahama replied . As requested by Narada-muni, Lord Brahma advised Him the divine *Narayana-mantra* :

Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare,

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare,

Lord Brahma said, " Nama-japa is the best method available to a common man leading worldly life , to attain Mukti . By doing so , all four types of Mukti can be attained. They are ; Salokya, Samipya, Sayujya and Sarupya " :-


Salokya-mukti - Reaching Brahma-loka, Vishnu-loka or Siva-loka .

Samipya-mukti – Reaching near Bhagavan Maha-Vishnu.

Sarupya-mukti – Attaining the form of Bhagavan Maha-Vishnu.

Sayujya-mukti – Merging in Bhagavan Maha-Vishnu.

Ancient Rishis advised, " In Kali-yuga, human mind loses the ability to think and it gets polluted . By doing daily *Nama-japa* , the mind can be cleaned to attain brightness. In such a bright mind, bad thoughts will reduce and concentration will increase " .

Benefits of Narayana Nama-japa , assured by Rishis :


Three (3) crore ( 30 million) - Freedom from all types of illness.

Four (4) crore ( 40 million) - Freedom from Poverty.

Five (5) crore ( 50 million) - Becomes a `Jnani `.

Six (6) crore ( 60 million) - Mind is liberated from all types of enimity (Unnecessary thoughts will not disturb the mind) .

Seven (7) crore ( 70 million) - Reaches a high spiritual realm .

Eight (8) crore ( 80 million) - Attains long life.

Nine (9) crore ( 90 million) - Qualifies for a very sacred death.

Ten (10) crore ( 100 million) - Attains *Swapna-darshan* of Bhagavan .

Specific rules and regulations are not applicable for Nama-japa . A Bhakta can do it even when he is working. All what requires is firm faith in Bhagavan and dedication . AchAaryAas state, "Sitting at a place and doing Nama-japa will eliminate all types of `Griha-dosha' ( Ill-effects of unfavorable Stars)" .

Please chant ,

Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare,

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare ;

And, be happy !!!!


SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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