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The Nine forms of Devotion

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Dear Krishna Bhaktas,The nine forms of devotion are mentioned in verse 23 of chapter 5 of Skandam(Cantoar7) of Srimad Bhagavatam. The nine forms of Devotion were informed by child Prahlada to his father Hiranyakasipu, when the latter asked Prahlada about what the former had learnt from his teachers:

Sravanam keertanam Vishnoh smaranam padasevanam cha

Archanam vandanam dasyam sakyam atmanivedanam


The above sloka means,"Hearing, chanting the holy name of the Lord, remembering Lord Hari, serving the lotus feet of the Lord, worshipping the Lord respectfully, offering prayers to the Lord,becoming his servant, considering the Lord as one`s best friend, and surrendering everything unto Him( in other words serving him with body, mind and intellect-- these nine processes are considerd as pure Bhakti." These nine forms of worship are also called as "navavidha bhakti".G.Balasubramanian


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