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Bhaktas can seek Bhagavan's Krishna's help , when required .

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Hare Krishna ! Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and Bhaktas,

For those Bhaktas who have taken *SharanAgathi* at the lotus feet of their Ishta-deva Sri Krishna , the latest authentic reference book is Srimad Narayaneeyam . This divine book has the personal stamp of approval by Bhagavan Sri Krishna .

It's author Sri Melpathur Narayana Bhattathiri says frankly to Bhagavan in the book's Dasakam 3 slokam 2-3 :

" Oh Bhagavan Vishnu ! Plagued as I am by diseases both physical and mental , I am unable to turn my mind towards You. Please have pity on me and help me to sit peacefully in some quiet place chanting Your innumerable names and worshipping Your lotus feet . Nothing is impossible for one who has been blessed by You. Innumerable Bhaktas of Yourself have been liberated from their sorrows and worldly ties by Your mercy. Can I not be one such fortunate devotee of You ?"

The above teaches us that , a true Krishna-Bhakta has the freedom to inform Bhagavan about his personal problems . Such a person has personal obligations which are to be fulfilled by him . Since he is the servant of Bhagavan, he is under Bhagavan's protection.

An Atheist who has no faith in Bhagavan, is without divine protection . He is not guided by the Vedic injunctions ( literary form of Bhagavan) . The activities which he considers as fair , may not necessarily be complying with Bhagavan's directives . Two typical examples are Mr.Jawaharlal Nehru and Sri Sardar Patel ( India's first prime minister and Home minister respectively ) . Though Nehru was a gentleman , he was an Atheist , whose "non-vedic" enemy-appeasing policies like that of Kashmir issue have harmed India in the long run . On the other hand , the veda following Patelji performed his *Raja-dharma* in typical Sri Krishna style . Most notable is Patelji's bold action to unify Indian nation by merging numerous tiny kingdoms .


Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Gita , Chapter 9, Sloka 11-12 : " When I appear in My human-like form, foolish people with mundane intelligence disrespect Me, because they cannot know My nature as the Supreme God of the entire universe. The hopes of such foolish people for liberation, their fruitful actions and their culture of knowledge all go in vain. Thus, with their minds distracted, they adopt the deluded nature of Atheists and Asuras (Demons)".

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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