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Self-surrender for pure Bhakti !!!!

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Hare Krishna! Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and Bhaktas,

Two types of people live in this world ; Bhaktas and Atheists.

What is the basic difference between them ?

Bhaktas are God-blessed beings . They have been equipped with the knowledge of vedic dharma and they faithfully follow scriptural injunctions . While facing difficulties or sufferings in life, they hold on to Bhagavan as usual . Their firm confidence of having the company of Bhagavan , gives them mental strength. Noble qualities like , compassion, mercy and patience do enshrine together with bhakti in their heart .

Atheists too may possess such qualities . But their faithless and egoistic attitude, weakens their inner strength while encountering the troubled phases of life . Having foolishly denied themselves the soothing presence of Paramatman , Atheists most often abandon their good qualities and resort to evil means for escaping from difficulties. Blame game and cruel exploitation are their popular means. Remember the mass slaughtering of innocent civilians in the atheist dominated regions . Followers of anti-vedic religions too belong to this category, because of their readiness to backstab fellow religionists for selfish gains .

A true Bhakta is one who has genuine knowledge about God's philosophy and applies it in his day-to-day life . The supreme God ( Paramatman) incarnated in a human like form as Sri Krishna in this world and gifted Bhagavad-Gita. Anyone who seeks *SaranAgathi* ( self surrender) in Bhagavan Sri Krishna , automatically gains the divine wisdom to understand Gita . Bhagavan Himself bestows the necessary faculty . Sri Krishna dwells in their hears with selfless love and compassion . Such Bhaktas are ever willing to sacrifice everything to uphold vedic Dharma .

The story of King Mayooradwaja is a typical example. He was a great Krishna-bhakta. After winning the Mahabharatha war, king Yudhishtira decided *Ashwamedham* to establish his overall control. And his royal horse was unleashed. Having been aware of the invincible Pandava strength, other Kings did not dare to bind the royal horse . The horse reached the kingdom of the vedic scholar Mayooradhwaja . As king , it was his raja-dharma to protect his country's dignity . Therefore, Mayooradhwaja tied down the horse .

When heard about this , Arjuna decided to fight. However, Bhagavan Sri Krishna intervened. As instructed by Him, both Arjuna and Krishna disguised as Brahmanas and they reached Mayooradhwaja's palace.

They were offered a warm welcome by king Mayooradwaja himself . Sri Krishna told the king , " We have one sorrow to bring to your kind attention . When we reached the dense forest in your kingdom , a tiger caught my friend's son and ran away. We went after the tiger . However, by the time we reached him, half body of the child was in his mouth. We requested him to spare the child but…………" Krishna discontinued .

" Whatever it is , tell me frankly . I will end your sorrow " , the king said .

Krishna continued , " That tiger is ready to spare the child's life . But in return, that wild animal wants half body of the king Mayooradhawaja ".

Hearing this, the king without any hesitation ordered his servants to cut his body in to two halves and give away the right half to the tiger .

When the king was about to be cut with a big sword, tears rolled down from his left year . Seeing this , Sri Krishna stopped the servants and said, " No. The King should donate with pain and sorrow ".

Immediately came the King's reply, " O Brahmana ! The tears from my left eye was not due to any pain or sorrow . While my body's right part is being used for a noble cause like saving the life of a child , my left half felt sad for not making such a contribution ; and hence it's tears".

King Mayooradhwaja's words opened Arjuna's eyes . An immensely pleased Bhagavan Krishna , revealing His true identity , blessed the king . It was the king's sincere self surrender , that pleased Bhagavan .

When Bhakti becomes pure, qualities like selfless love, compassion and patience too manifest in the heart . Faith and Spirituality are not simple . When a person surrenders self to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and follows Bhagavad-Gita in his day-to-day life, he attains pure Bhakti-yoga . Such Bhaktas are vital for the well being of society .

Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Gita 11.55 , " Those who are free from enimity and who does all works without material attachment for Me, and to whom I am the supreme goal , are my Bhaktas . And they certainly attains Me, O Arjuna.)

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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