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Necessity of Acharas, Rituals and Vows .

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Hare Krishna ! Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and Bhaktas,

Acharas (observance of customs)

Vedic `Acharas' are necessary for a Bhakta's progress in Bhakti-yoga. Just as there is a way to act in front of a policemen, there is also a way to conduct oneself before a Rishi, Brahmana priest, or in a temple or holy place. Customs will instil a sense of humility and obedience in a Bhakta, which will be an asset in his or her devotional life. It is a fact that , for the benefit of His Bhaktas, the Vedic Acharas have been established by Bhagavan Sri Krishna Himself either directly or through Rishis.

`Acharas' should be observed as long as we live in the world. Even a person who has reached the non-dual state and is beyond purity and impurity or dos and don'ts, will not negate `Achara' even though nothing affects him. Ordinary people cannot ascend without `Achara'. Whether or not we observe `achara', Brahman has nothing to gain. But for us to grow, we need to observe `achara'. Nothing affects those who have reached there. Dharma (righteousness) will decay if achara is not honoured. Acharas will be useful for mental purity.


When everything is pervaded by Bhagavan Sri Krishna , which thing is not to be worshiped?"

Whatever you are engaged in, you should only be thinking of Bhagavan . This is the purpose of vedic rituals. Rituals will help foster good habits, and there will be order in life.

Vedic rituals and other ceremonies will help to cleanse and purify the mind. Through rituals and other religious observances, the mind, filled with all kinds of evil thoughts, will become good and virtuous. When that is gained, don't stop; proceed and transcend that as well . If you attach yourself to the good and virtuous, these again will become habits and consequently `vasanas'.

Question : Are rituals like formal worship of Sri Krishna necessary? Is it not enough if one does mental worship of Krishna ?

Answer : Will hunger be appeased if you merely think of food ? Don't you have to eat? In the beginning stages of spiritual life, puja and other ritualistic practices are necessary. They are one way to purify the wandering mind. The wandering nature of the mind can be controlled by keeping it engaged in the consistent remembrance of Bhagavan Sri Krishna . While cleaning the puja room and puja articles, picking the flowers and making a garland and while doing the puja, the mind will always be thinking of Bhagavan's worship. This one thought will replace the many disconnected thoughts of the mind and give a sense of quietude. A fixed place, time and materials for worship are needed at the beginning. Through constant practice, one will reach a stage where one can perform mental worship at all times and places, but this is very subtle and is possible only after the mind has become subtle through concentration and devotion. After this, one will be able to perform every action as a worship of Bhagavan .

Don't face south when you light the oil lamps. Also, when you light the wicks of a lamp, do it clockwise round the lamp, just as you do pradakshina (circumambulation) in the temple.

The performer (of the ritual) should become the offering. The attitude should be, `O Bhagavan, here, by offering this ingredient, I offer all my attachments to you. O Bhagavan, now by offering this ingredient, I offer all my aversions to you. I burn all these in this fire of knowledge. Take this and purify me. This is the right attitude.

We have to acquire the necessary prerequisites of purity and mental maturity before we can enter into the realm of the Supreme Truth, and that is what we gain through rituals. Once that maturity and purity is attained, we are ready to dive into the ocean of Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss), and then there is no more need for action or rituals. While engaged in any action, or while performing rituals, we should keep in mind that pleasing Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the ultimate goal.

The Vedic rituals, and the mantras which form a part of them, purify the atmosphere and benefit mankind. Of course they do much good, but they can't be compared to the immeasurable benefit humanity receives from a person who has attained Krishna realisation. No matter how important and valuable the rituals are, the practitioner should strive to go beyond them and to experience Sri Krishna within. That is the very purpose of religion: to realise that the supreme God Krishna is existing in our own heart.


The atmosphere will be more polluted on certain days such as the eleventh day of the lunar month and the day of the full moon. It is to escape from this pollution that vows are observed on these days. Importance should be given to *sadhana* (spiritual practices) on these particular days because on such days our mind can become more concentrated. For example the great *Ekadasi* fasting .

Just as there are planets outside, there are subtle planets surrounding each organ of our body, whose movements are similar to the movements of the planets going around the sun. More concentration can be gained when these subtle planets reach a certain state of vibration. Only fruit should be eaten on these particular days since they are less affected by the atmospheric pollution due to their having skin. The polluting effect will be greater on grains and vegetables. In addition, you should remain silent on these days. If you talk more, you breathe the polluted atmospheric air more. Mental control will increase when you lessen food and concentration will increase.

Bhagavan Sri Krishna says in Srimad Bhagavad Gita 18.65 , " Fix your mind on Me, become My Bhakta, offer devotional service to Me, bow down to Me, and you shall certainly reach Me. I promise you because you are My very dear friend."

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya !!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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