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Sri Krishna is readily available to you all !!!

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Hare Krishna ! Pranams to Bhagavan Sri Krishna and Bhaktas ,

There are so many religions in this world . The scriptures of most religions contain prophet's ( messenger's) description about God . In most cases , the messenger himself has not interacted directly with God ,but only through Angels .

The uniqueness of Hinduism is that , on 18th July 3228 BC the Supreme God in all His glory took birth at Mathura in India as Sri Krishna . He lived with His devotees up to 17th July 3102 BC and after completing the mission returned to His eternal abode Vaikuntam. Sri Krishna's teachings are compiled as Srimad Bhagavad Gita which is universally accepted as Song of God. No other spiritual book has this universal acceptance . Gita's logic or it's crystal clear historical evidence has not been convincingly challenged by anyone till now.

Although His original source had returned to Vaikuntam 5112 years back , Sri Krishna as *Paramatman* ( Supersoul) resides in the hearts of His Bhaktas .

Krishna's physical vision is being reported by Devotees even in recent times . Many devotees who have not seen Bhagavan, have experienced His presence through *nimithams* ( divine symptoms) . The reputed science of Vedic astrology ( Jyothisha) is founded on this truth .

To say that there is no Sri Krishna is like saying with your own tongue "I have no tongue" .

Bhagavan Krishna is very close to you, that is why you cannot see Him. Is it possible to see our own face without the aid of a mirror ? And will it be possible to see our image in a mirror if the mirror is completely covered with dust? Look after wiping away the dust particles and cleaning the mirror; then certainly you can see.

Searching for Sri Krishna outside ourselves is like trying to catch fish by emptying the ocean. Therefore, become introspective and look within.

Sri Krishna's Remembrance

By remembering Krishna constantly, just as a snake sheds its skin, we can free ourselves from all bonds and be reborn again. Even if you forget to eat, don't forget to think of Sri Krishna .

If there is a resting place nearby, the mere thought that the luggage which you are carrying can soon be unloaded lightens the burden. In the same way, when we think that Bhagavan is near, all our burdens will diminish.

A mother bird will be thinking of the young ones in the nest even when she is out looking for food. Similarly you have to keep your mind on Bhagavan Sri Krishna while engaged in all worldly actions.

The moment you remember your parents, relatives, friends or your favourite food, you see them in your mind's eye. You have to build a similar attachment to Bhagavan . That is the purpose of Nama-japa , Temple-worship and satsang.

Just as the colour of the ink disappears when a lot of water is added to it, by constant remembrance of Bhagavan , the individual mind dissolves in the universal mind.

A bitter gourd looses its bitterness if it is soaked in sugar for some time. Likewise, a negative mind will be purified if one thinks of Sri Krishna ceaselessly.

We lose our strength through worldly pleasures, but by constant remembrance of Bhagavan our mind becomes stronger.

If you keep pouring water into a bottle of ink, The colour slowly fades until finally you can't tell whether there was any ink in it . In the same way as the mind expands with the constant remembrance of Bhagavan, the sense of individuality will dissolve and finally disappear. The individual mind becomes , Sri Krishna's mind.

An express bus stops only at a limited number of places and reaches its destination without delays. Constant remembrance of Bhagavan Sri Krishna is like travelling on an express bus.

Please chant :

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya!!!

SriKrishnaDasa Rajeev

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