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Bharat - The soul of Lord Rama

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Ayodhaya Kaand : Doha 324

Nandi-gaanv kari paran-kuteera | Keenha nivaasu dharam dhur dheera||

Jataa-joot sira munipat dhaari | Mahi khani kus saanthari sanvaari




Bharat, a staunch upholder of righteousness, erected a hut of leaves

at Nandigram and took up his abode their. With the hair tied

together in a knot at the top of his head and clad in hermit's

robes, he dug the earth low and spread thereon a kusa grass.


" In Ramayanam, I find none other than Bharata himself who stands

parallel to Lord Rama's personality " - Saint Thulasidas.


Bharat's character is very vast and full of depth.

Bharat's personality is a multi-faceted one. He is a personification

of several spiritual qualities.

1. Prema moorti - He is an epitome of love. When a person frees

himself totally from hatred towards others, he can experience true

form of love. Love should be free from domination.

2. Viveka moorti - Love is incomplete if it is not complemented by

appropriate understanding.

3. Tapo moorti - Inspite of getting the crown of Ayodhya, he lived

in extreme penance.

4. Tyaaga moorti - He renounced every luxury with ease.

5. Seva moorti - He took care of his duties with sincerity.

6. Japa moorti - His every breath contained the holy name of

Bhagwaan Ram.

7. Vairaagya moorti - His detachment was uncomparable.

8. Mauna moorti - His speech was very balanced. He only spoke when

there was a need.


An aspirant's faith can be guarded by the thoughts given by Sadguru.

We don't serve sadguru, but he takes care of us, this is his service

in true sense.

Sadguru's touch in following ways (touch may not be literal, but may

be through his eyes or in his heart) helps a lot in an aspirant's

spiritual progress.

1. If sadguru touches the feet of an aspirant, the conduct of the

aspirant changes for better and eventually becomes perfect.

2. If sadguru touches the eyes, the aspirant gains a unique vision.

3. If Sadguru touches the face, the aspirant's speech becomes

controlled. His silence conveys meanings and words convey silence.

4. If sadguru touches the stomach, the aspirant becomes able in

digesting any kind of situation in his life.


In Bapu's words, " Ideally, a person's childhood should be spent in

the care of maata (mother), middle life should be spent in the care

of a mahatma (a virtuous guide) and later life in the care of

paramaatma (God). "


Bharat's love is absolute at the feet of Lord Rama. Five features

distinguish this kind of love.

1. Continual love without any breaks.

2. Love that grows forever.

3. Love that cannot be conquered by anyone.

4. True love.

5. Love that is beyond boundaries, it is universal.

Bharat's devotion towards Lord Rama was not so openly visible, still

it had a lot of depth. If you are devoted towards a beloved, try to

hide it from the world. Love will grow more if it is guarded from

the world. Bharat jee's love towards Bhagwaan Ram was ultimate. He

never kept his choice, never did he ask for any favours (God's will

was his will) and never did he complain about anything.

Bharat's character can be looked at in three major parts.


First is the early life in Ayodhya. Childhood, marriage and later

the ceremonies after Dasarath's demise and the meetings with

Vashishttha jee etc.

Second is the role in Chitrakoot, where he goes to meet Lord Rama.

Third part of Bharat's character is his life in Nandigram. He stayed

in Nandigram like a sage, but at the same time took care of people

in Ayodhya. We can take inspiration from his life in Nandigram. We

cannot and should not copy him, but we can try to follow

his `vritti' or inclinations of life. Below mentioned are certain

features of his life, by which we can take inspiration and try to

follow his footsteps in the spiritual journey.


Bharat had `Jataa' or a cluster of grown hair on his head. - An

aspirant's `jataa' can be in the form of recognition of every given

situation as the grace of God.

Bharat's `muni pata' (dress of a sage) inspires us to live a life

free of hypocrisy.

Bharat used to sit in the pit dug in the ground. An aspirant should

try to make a vacuum with the help of Satsang and get rid of all the


Bharat jee used the bedding of `kusa' (a shrub). - By this, it can

be learnt that an aspirant should try to do every activity

meticulously (extreme care/perfection), as `kusa' denotes `kusalata'

or perfection.

In the chaupai- " Asan basan baasan brat nema | Karat katthin rishi

dharam saprema " , his life's other characters are also indicated,

they are as follows.

`Asan' (His food was only fruits)- Aspirants should gracefully

digest the fruits of their deeds (karma) without complaining. It may

be success or failure, accept it with happiness.

`Basan' (He wore clothes like a sage)- Aspirants' attire should be

such that it should neither pollute his own mind and neither the

mind of others around.

`Baasan' (He ate in wooden container)- Aspirants' conduct should be

such that he becomes a subject of everybody's affection. He should

be able to contain acclaim without being proud.

`Vrat' (He observed certain fasting)- Fasts should be kept with

devotion and not just as rituals. Aspirants should take a vow of

speaking truth, keeping silence (maun). Make a resolution that we

would distribute love and smile to everyone.

`Nema' (He followed the principle of divine love)- Bapu says, " My

sadaguru gave me 5 principles, I would like to share them here.

1. Always speak truth, but do not speak truth harshly.

2. Study Ramayana and Bhagwad Gita everyday.

3. Be very careful of ego or arrogance.

4. Never indulge in scorn or jealousy.

5. Try to observe silence (maun) and chant Harinaam as much as

possible. "

Bharat is a Saadhu. It means that he is a `Sanyasi' (a sage) as well

as a `Bhikshuk' (a monk). Salutations to Sri Bharat and try to take

inspiration with the help of these.

1. Niraalamb peetthah - Bharat jee's sole refuge was towards

the " paaduka " given by Lord Rama. His faith was entirely focussed

and he did not look anywhere else for any support. One should

cooperate with others, but should not depend on anyone else except

your subject of worship. A person should serve people according to

one's capacity without depending on others.

2. Sanyog deeksha – Bharat was in constant union with Lord Rama.

Unbroken alliance with the supreme auspicious element (shubh tatva)

is a form of deeksha (initiation ceremony). If an aspirant is miles

away, but he feels united with the master, it is an eternal alliance

that is free from the grief of separation. This kind of alliance

becomes successful when Sadaguru gets attached to the shishya.

3. Viyogo-padeshah – Bharat's devotion was unscathed by the

splendour of Ayodhya. Keeping unnecessary luxuries at bay can prove

to be an instrument of attaching oneself with the divine. Distance

from excessive materialistic goods can help an aspirant to keep his

mind stable and healthy and can further lead to spiritual


4. Deeksha santosh paavanam cha - Bharat jee never experienced any

kind of dearth in his life. If an aspirant truly allies himself with

the master, he experiences total contentment. He also feels that his

heart has been so purified that there is no scope of any kind of


5. Dwaadash aaditya avalokanamm - Bharat's life is illuminated with

the radiance of God's grace. An aspirant feels the God's glow in his

life provided his surrender is sincere.


In Bharat's character, there are four prominent features:


1. " Samarpanam " - He surrendered was well thought and not due to

unawareness or hatred towards the world.

2. " Smaranam " - He was totally immersed in the remembrance of

Bhagwaan Ram. His devotion was so perpetual that even Bhagwaan Ram

could not help himself from chanting Bharat jee's name.

3. " Sanrakshanam " - He was guarded by the `Paaduka' given by Bhagwaan

Ram in Chitrakoot. They took care of Bharat jee's wellbeing. `janu

juga jaamik prajaa praan key…'

4. " Su-aacharanam " - His conduct was so flawless that even great sage

like Vashishttha jee described it as the essence of religion.



At Lord Rama's Lotus feet

By - His grace Sri Morari Bapu.


Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


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