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Please do service for Bhagavan Krishna

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We , the devotees of Bhagavan Krishna have an important responsibility to spread

His glory to maximum number of people. Many, claim themselves as great devotees

of Krishna, but are unwilling to spend any time or money for serving the



Each devotee, must contribute His own way to the growth of Vaishnavism by taking

a pro-active approach. We must believe in ourselves that any service for Krishna

will have His grace. The ‘Bhaktavalsala’ will reward such servants of Him,

ten-fold of their efforts .


A dedicated ‘Panel’ of Brahmin priests having expertise in Vaishnava

Scriptures and Pujas to be formed . Necessary financial and moral assistance to

be provided to this Panel to spread Krishna’s philosophy to maximum number of

people. Could someone from this Group take the initiative for this?


Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad Geetha (Chapter 18, Sloka 66-68) :


sarva-dharman parityajya / mam ekam saranam vraja

aham tvam sarva-papebhyo / moksayisyami ma sucah


idante natapaskaya / nabhaktaya kadacana

na casusrusave vacyam / na ca mam yo 'bhyasuyati




ya imam paramam guhyam / mad-bhaktesv abhidhasyati

bhaktim mayi param krtva / mam evaisyaty asamsayah


(Completely abandoning all bodily and mental dharma, such as varna and asrama,

fully surrender to Me alone. I shall liberate you from all reactions to your

sins. Do not grieve.


You should never explain this essence of Gita-sastra to anyone whose senses are

uncontrolled, who is a non-devotee, who is devoid of a serving mood, or who is

envious of Me.


He who instructs this most confidential knowledge of Gita-sastra to My bhaktas

will attain para bhakti unto Me, and becoming free from all doubts, he will

finally attain Me.)




Krishna’s Dasi, Jayamma .






Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'



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